The most ridiculous thing was that Xie Wang had paid homage twice in the past two days. No one knew what he was thinking, but what were the thoughts of the guests who came to attend the two weddings?

In any case, Wei Iris had been led away by his mistress the entire way.

It was only when the ceremony was done and they were sent to the bridal chamber that Wei Iris finally broke away from the guards and had time to catch his breath.

Wei Iris hadn't eaten since last night. As soon as the nanny had left the room, she had lifted the top off her head and picked up the melon fruits on the table and started eating.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the melon fruit on the table had turned into a seed!

Wei Iris had eaten her fill, so the next step was to figure out how to escape.

As soon as Wei Iris reached the door, she saw several well-trained guards guarding it, even more closely than the prisoners on death row.

There were also guards at the windows!

Obviously, it was impossible for Wei Iris to escape from this room!

Wei Iris looked up at the roof, intending to climb up the beams and out the roof, but she ended up on the table, not a bit short of her height.

As time passed, the sky became darker and the noise outside became quieter.

It was almost time for the bridal chamber!

She couldn't die here!

Even though Wei Ri's impression of Xie Wang was quite accurate, those rumors alone were terrifying!

He was still blind from the disfigurement and his temper was very brutal. It was obvious that he would have to suffer from domestic violence after his marriage. Otherwise, why would the previous three consorts commit suicide? They would definitely be beaten to the point where they couldn't take it anymore.

Other than domestic violence, could this Xie Wang … Perverted?

The more Wei Ri thought about it, the more worried he became. He anxiously circled around the room.

Xie Wang was a martial general, so it was possible that she had killed him with a knife. Furthermore, she did not have a knife, so the sharpest thing on her body was the hairpin on her head.

Showing weakness and begging for mercy? Seeing Xie Wang being such a brutal person, this trick was useless against him.

Administration of poison? The thought of this word brought the chaos to its senses.

After which, it was quickly rejected. The other party was a military general, and had experienced countless battles in the battlefield. There were definitely many people who wanted to poison him, and he was probably immune to poisons.

"This... "Yes?" Just as Wei Iris was at a loss of what to do, she discovered two rare items. Although they weren't poisonous, they still gave her diarrhea when consumed at the same time.

That's right, that's right. If she didn't want to go to the bridal chamber and eat this, she would definitely run to the toilet.

Wasn't there an article in Coptic that taught girls how to defend themselves? One of them said that if a girl was sexually assaulted, she would pee, shit and shit.

Normal people wouldn't be able to stand it.

She did not believe that Xie Wang would force her into a forced marriage if she had a tummy!

Wei Iris grabbed the two items on the table and stuffed them into her mouth. These two items required a certain amount of food.

Yun Xie who was dressed in a fiery red wedding robe walked in, and saw that the table was in a mess, the fruits and skin piled up on top of the table.

The culprit, however, sat quietly on the bed as if nothing had happened.

The corner of Yun Xie's lips curled up. His princess consort had successively died, he was the bane of wives, the name of savagery was already known to everyone!

Half a month ago, he had led an army to return to the capital on orders, and the Emperor had bestowed upon him a fourth wangfei.

The background of these princesses ranged from the direct daughter of a third-grade official to the daughter of a seventh-grade official. Each of them had a lower status and family background than the other.

When he reached the fifth wangfei position, the Prime Minister's Estate actually sent him an illegitimate child.

Moreover, he'd long since investigated the treatment of this illegitimate child, and his life wasn't even comparable to a dog's. Since the day he was brought into the Prime Minister's Estate, he'd always been locked within Ma Peng's room, eating and sleeping with an animal!

Looking at the messy table, it was probably the most delicious and full meal she had ever had, right?

Otherwise, how could so many fruits, nuts, and a weak girl eat only a pile of skin and cores?

"Weng ~ ~" Wei Ri burped from eating too much!

The smile on Yun Xie's lips deepened, he quickly walked to the bed, and Wei Que burped two or three times, it was unknown if it was due to nervousness or not.

Yun Xie stretched out his long and slender hands as he prepared to peel off the bridal veil.

Wei Ri instinctively fell backwards. Through the bridal veil, he discovered that Xie Wang's hands were extremely beautiful. His fingers were long and slender, his joints distinct and jade-like!

"Hua la …" Wei Iris's eyes suddenly lit up. It turned out that Xie Wang had already taken off the bridal veil on her head.

Wei Ri looked up and froze.

The person in front of him had a head full of long hair that was as thick as ink and smooth. A jade belt was tied to the back of his head, and a few strands of hair that had drifted down were casually resting on his shoulders.

The orange-yellow candlelight shone on the silver mask of good texture, as if it had been coated with a layer of orange-yellow light.

A long, fiery red robe accentuated Ling Li's figure, which was even more perfect than a model!

"It's you?" Both of them spoke up at the same time.

Wei Ri's voice was laced with doubt!

And there was a trace of surprise in Yun Xie's tone!

"You are Xie Wang?" Wei Qi never thought that the person who took off her clothes and covered her body last night and untied her would be the person in front of her.

Wei Iris instantly understood why an assassin had appeared in the Prime Minister's Residence last night!

It turned out that Xie Wang was chasing after the assassin who assassinated the wangfei. No wonder his aura was so powerful and cold!

Furthermore, the Prime Minister's palace was two streets away from Xie Wang's!

"I didn't expect that the person who would become This King's 5th wangfei would be you?" Yun Xie's voice was very light, although his expression could not be seen, but it was completely different from the ruthless bloodlust of the outside world!

Of course, the imposing aura Yun Xie was emitting was not one that could be underestimated!

As soon as Yun Xie received the imperial edict, he had someone investigate the background of the fifth wangfei. He felt that her background was very pitiful, but he never thought that the person who cared for her was Wei Iris!

He had originally thought that Wei Iris was only a maid from the Prime Minister's Estate. He had wanted to find an opportunity to go to the Prime Minister's Estate and find this maid to help her redeem herself and help her get rid of her servant status. If she wanted, he could let her stay by his side.

This was not only to repay her, but because her eyes were so similar to an old friend of his, so clear and bright!

It was as if that old friend was standing right in front of him!

"I didn't expect it to be you either." Wei Ri's gaze moved up and down Yun Xie's body.

Even if what she heard didn't match, everyone was still talking about the change in his complexion. Naturally, there was a certain amount of logic to it.

Moreover, he just stood there quietly with an imposing aura that was not angry at all. However, this person's body also had a faint sense of alienation and warmth.

The two conflicting auras perfectly combined with the same person, causing Wei Ri to first feel that this person was definitely not an ordinary person!