The jade pendant was put in Mo City by her, but it was put in a place that no one could think of and could not find. She would not hand over the jade pendant until the moment of life and death. That's her amulet, and if it was handed over, it was also handed over to Yunxie. As long as Yunxie still held her in the heart, what else could she not give?

"I wish Shu understood." The Prime Minister of Wei stroked his beard. After all, Wei Guanshu was a woman of the generation. The jade pendant with dragon and tiger patterns could not play any role in her hands.

Although the jade pendant with dragon and tiger patterns can open the mysterious treasures left by the Yanlong royal family of the previous dynasty, if there is no hidden family to interpret the secrets on the jade pendant, this jade pendant can only be a common one. At the moment when the Yanlong family was destroyed, the hidden family had disappeared. Over the years, he had sent a large number of people to look for it, and nothing was found.

Wei Guanshu knows that his grandfather has always been a very ambitious person. He would not have completed his plan if he had not been tempted by the dragon and tiger jade pendant. After all, the emperor is also the one who was introduced into the chess game. If he was careless, he would have lost all over the board, which would have brought subversive disaster to the whole Wei family.

Wei Guanshu goes back to her boudoir, but she tosses and turns and cannot sleep.

"What's the matter, miss?" Liu er's face was worried.

Wei Guanshu stood up and held liu'er's hand: "liu'er now I can believe only you."

Liu ER was shocked. Every time the master said this, it meant that the master wanted her to do something risky.

"Why do you scare liu'er, miss? We are not good." Liu er said timidly.

"Liu'er, you should remember that your honor and disgrace are tied to me, not Wei Fu." Wei Guanshu looks at liu'er coldly.

Liu'er knelt on the ground trembling with fear. She said with a bite of her teeth: "miss liu'er will go up the mountain and down the sea of fire. Liu'er will do the same."

Wei Guanshu nodded her head with satisfaction. She said softly, "you are my man. Naturally, I will protect you. I will not let you do such things as losing your life. You just need to help me hide a letter in my grandfather's study."

Liu'er's face showed embarrassment.

"Liu'er, I know my grandfather is interested in you. If you want to put you away, you don't seem to know your destiny. If you follow my grandfather, you will not live for three days. If you follow me, you will have endless wealth."

Liu'er's mind turned quickly. The young lady said that it was right. The children of prime minister Wei, apart from the dead Wei Miaogo, were all brave. If she was carried, her aunt would surely have no good fruit to eat.

Liu'er takes the letter that Wei Guanshu hands her with trembling. Wei Guanshu's mouth makes a smile. She taps liu'er lightly on the shoulder: "this is my good servant girl."

In the dark night, a dark shadow sneaks into Weifu silently. The whole Weifu is sleeping in a dream. No one has ever found anything unusual.

Empress's asthma seems to be getting better slowly, but she didn't say that she would let iris Wei and princess Xi'a go out of the palace. It's no surprise that Princess Xi'a is not surprised by the result. She even puts on a good show.

Wei iris just shakes her head secretly. Wei Guanshu is a smart person, but when smart people are confused, she should not choose Princess Xi'a as her teammate.

If it wasn't for the West Asian princess to show the clue, maybe she would really go into the plan of Wei Guanshu.

These days, it's a pleasant life for Wei iris. The empress is no longer called in every day. When she is free, she goes to the six princesses to sit down. The six princesses are more and more lively. She always likes to hold Wei iris's sleeves and chatter with her.

"Sister Huang, the fifth brother just sent someone to say that he would come here for lunch." Princess six blinked at iris Wei.

Wei iris smiles helplessly. Princess six is really a little ghost. She not only makes friends with the water, but also flatters Yunxie.

"When I was a child, I met five brothers. He also gave me a peach." Although the six princesses are laughing, they are sad.

At that time, she was only six years old, and the fifth brother had grown into a handsome young man. She ran excitedly to the lonely and handsome young man standing under the peach tree.

The teenager disdained and threw the peaches at her feet. Later mammy told her that it was her fifth brother. Only then did she know her lowliness. She could only eat the peaches that the emperor had left on the ground.

At lunch time, Yunxie arrived. He also brought some boxes of delicate food, including pigeons, roast geese, foie gras rolls, crispy chicken, and some tasty snacks.

Six Princess gracefully and gracefully went astray to the cloud. Her bright eyes flickered slightly. In her eyes, five elder brothers were still so beautiful. The mask on her face not only didn't break the beauty, but added some mystery.

For the first time, six princesses ate such delicate things. It's hard to avoid eating more.

"Princess or eat less greasy, not conducive to the healing of the wound." Wei can't help persuading.

"Your sister-in-law is right." When talking, Yunxie has put those kinds of meat in front of weiiris.

"You eat more," he said in a soft voice

"Five brothers are eccentric." Six princesses smile way.

Wei irises only thought her cheeks were crimson, but Yunxie pretended to see nothing, and still piled meat in front of her.

Princess six is a very discerning person. She wants to go out for a walk under the pretext of eating too much, leaving the space for Wei iris and Yunxie.

Cloud evil comes forward to embrace Wei iris, deeply sniffing the fragrance of her bun.

"What to do?" Wei iris struggles to hold him, but her small arms and legs are just like beating stones with eggs compared with his copper walls and iron walls.

"Don't move. Let me hold you for a moment." Yunxie quietly hugs Wei iris. He only feels that the years are so quiet and good. Only by hugging the people in his arms can he feel the warmth for a moment.

"Six princesses say you have seen it before. Why do you see six princesses so alienated?" Weiiris joked.

Yunxie's eyes trembled, and he said in a low voice, "apart from you, my king is alienated from everyone."

Wei iris turns her eyes and says in her heart, why can't you alienate her like this?

"Six princess said you once gave her a peach? How did you give it to her? " Wei has even thought of a young man with a high and cold appearance passing peaches to a weak little girl.

"That's a long time. I don't remember it." There is a trace of indifference in the voice of Yunxie.