Chapter 61: Team training (below)

In the training camp mode, you can set your own data, and in the 5V5 team battle, you can adjust the economic difference and level difference between the two sides before the start. The downwind game can see the stability of a team, and the headwind game can see the team's ability to withstand pressure.

Ye Shaoyang has also done this kind of anti-stress training in his previous life, and is no stranger to the forced headwind situation.

However, when coach Lin said that the economy was poor in 2000, did he mean the individual or the team?

Ye Shaoyang was unfamiliar with Tianhuan's rules, and was embarrassed to ask the coach openly, so he looked at Chi Shuo and asked in a low voice, "Is the personal economic difference of 2000, or the team difference of 2000?"

Chi Shuo replied in a low voice, "Tianhuan's training is not as diabolical as the 10,000 difference in the starting economy."

If each person is 2,000 in economic difference, then the team adds up to a 10,000 economic gap.

Everyone on the other side will go out with a large piece of equipment, and it will just blow you up.

Ye Shaoyang breathed a sigh of relief: "The team's 2000 economy is poor, so that's okay. Against the wind, you can fight."

The team economy is poor by 2000, and each person on the opposite side leads a small piece of equipment. For example, if you go out to buy a blue necklace in the middle, Ye Shaoyang can only buy one, and Xie Xiaotian can buy two; our shooter goes out to buy a knife with attack, and the opposite shooter can buy two knives.

Don't look at the gap, but what professional players are best at is snowballing. One more piece of equipment than you at the start means that he can clear troops one step faster than you, clear the jungle one step faster, and get to 6 first than you. The class will learn big tricks.

With big moves and no big moves, the difference in combat power is huge.

The 5 people on the opposite side are all one big move ahead of us, and there is basically no way to fight in a group. Therefore, the first little dragon must give way, and the little dragon will increase the gold coins of the whole group. In this way, the economic gap between the two sides will be further widened.

Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang's double-flying combination is very good in the downwind game, and Nakano quickly grabs people and quickly breaks down a certain road on the opposite side. However, this pair will be very embarrassed in the headwind game - the output is not enough, they can't catch dead people, they are easy to be counter-killed in a group, and once they both crash, they will turn a small headwind into a big headwind!

Coach Lin did this because he wanted to see how Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang's double-flying combination would deal with the headwind.

The second game started with the lineup of both sides unchanged.

Yan Bin once again brought the 2 teams together to fight against the blue, and Chi Shuo let it go. Everyone on the opposite side is one piece of equipment ahead of us, and they can't beat it at all. Chi Shuo quickly brushed off the red BUFF. In the end, the opposing jungler started with 3 BUFFs, and Chi Shuo only got 1, which would cause Chi Shuo's level to lag behind the opponent's jungler.

4 minutes into the game, the first wave of small dragons.

Qu Jiang tried to look at the field of vision, and was almost caught to death. Chi Shuo pressed "retreat" and continued to let go. The first little dragon was directly surrendered to the opposite side.

In the 5 minutes of the game, the economy of both sides opened to 3000.

There is no way, the start is forced against the wind. If they bite the bullet and fight Xiaolong, if they can't beat them and send a few heads to the opponent, the whole situation will collapse. At this time, they must stabilize and wait for all members to be level 6 before looking for opportunities. .

Ye Shaoyang was in the middle lane. Although he was behind Xie Xiaotian in equipment and level, he did not miss any reinforcements.

Xie Xiaotian put a bunch of fire rings on the ground, trying to suppress Ye Shaoyang's movement, but he found that Ye Shaoyang could always move quickly, dodging the fire rings, and then use a normal attack to close the soldier's last drop of blood.

Xie Xiaotian quickly made two wands, and the jungler also had a good output equipment. The shooter equipment was also ahead of Cheng Xing. Captain Yan Bin said decisively: "We are pushing in a group!"

The strongest part of the Fire Goddess system is team battles. They are now all ahead of the opponent by one piece of equipment, and their level is one level higher. At this time, 5V5 teamwork can further expand the advantage.

The first wave of team battles was about to start, Ye Shaoyang asked, "Are you fighting?"

Chi Shuo said, "Xiaoxing is here to clear the troops, and Shaoyang is going to lead the way."

Ye Shaoyang nodded: "Understood!"

fight? Can't beat it. Everyone on the opposite side has one more piece of equipment, and Tianhuan's 2nd team is not a rookie. If they can still be defeated in the case of a comprehensive lead in equipment, then they can also be disbanded in place.

Yan Bin is the assistant and the commander is very calm.

Seeing that the middle line was approaching, he jumped up to force the formation and stunned Qin Yizhu and Qu Jiang who were standing in the front row with his shield. Qu Jiang immediately released the control, but it was too late...

Xie Xiaotian's hands were fast, and in a blink of an eye, the front, back, left, and right were covered with raging fire. The jungler was laying traps everywhere. Fu Yue, the shooter of Team 2, hid in the distance and threw cannonballs into the crowd.

For a while, Qu Jiang, Qin Yizhu, and Cheng Xing lost their blood!

Cheng Xing quickly cleared the line in the middle, but the top pick of Team 2 was [Sword Will], a warrior with a strong ability to cut the back row. Star was hacked to death!

Immediately after, he turned back to chase Qin Yizhu and Qu Jiang.

The equipped top laner's output ability is also terrible. What's more, Qu Jiang and Qin Yizhu had a hard time escaping due to the fire and traps all over the ground, and both fell under the soldiers' slaughtering knives.

But as they beat, they found a problem.

Xie Xiaotian said, "Where is the mid laner!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Shaoyang told him the answer with his actions—

Ye Shaoyang ran to the top lane to lead the line, Chi Shuo ran to the bottom lane to lead the line, and after quickly clearing the line, the two disappeared in the wild area. Yan Bin noticed something was wrong and immediately shouted, "Retreat!"

But he was still a step too late.

Because Snowbird and Feitian Mage are both flying heroes, they are faster than walking heroes. After the two cleared the upper and lower lanes, they turned around from the wild area and appeared behind them!

At this time, everyone in Team 2 had their big moves already CD, and Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo took off at the same time in a tacit understanding.

—[Midlan No. 7] killed [Midlan No. 17]!

—[Jungle No. 8] killed [Jungle No. 18]!

The two messages popped up almost at the same time.

Chi Shuo controlled a snowball in the air, freezing the opposite jungler and mid lane at the same time. Ye Shaoyang concentrated his firepower and threw the ball of light on the goddess of flames. Chi Shuo all attacked the trap hunter. The two killed the opposing midfielder in one breath, and followed closely.

Yan Bin: "…"

Pool team, you are going too far!

Teammates sacrifice to the sky, is the mana boundless?

After a wave of battles in the middle, the teammates were dead, and the skills on the opposite side were almost done. They suddenly appeared, and they went around unexpectedly and killed the two crispy skins on the opposite side?

This is also no way.

When the equipment is backward, the frontal 5v5 can't be beat at all. The sacrifice of the teammates has brought the opportunity for the Shuangfei combination. The opponent has finished all the big moves in the team battle just now, and Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang will be able to retreat after killing people.

Half of the HP of the tower in the middle has been worn out. The first wave of the regiment, it seems that the 2nd team took advantage of the head, but... you also need to see whose head!

Team 1 is dead top laner, shooter and support, jungler and mid lane are fine!

That is to say, the two bosses of team 1 were unscathed in this wave of team battles, and they even got kills, and even ate two waves of troops from the top lane and the bottom lane.

In the case of economic disadvantage, there is only one way to win -

Concentrate the team's economy on the mid laner and jungler, and place hope on the double-flying combination.

Qin Yizhu, the top orderer, started to let the economy go, and he let Ye Shaoyang eat it in a wave just now. Even the shooters in the bottom road began to give up some of their economy. Chi Shuo went to the jungle area below to finish the buff, and by the way, he ate the little crabs in the river channel of the bottom road.

Gradually, Yan Bin found that the team economy, the red team is still 3000 higher than the blue team.

But compared to the personal economy, the mid laners and junglers of the blue side have gradually risen, and they are not far behind the red side!

What if Qin Yizhu, the top orderer, was so poor? When playing in a group, he rushes over to open a control. Auxiliary Qu Jiang is so poor that he only has one auxiliary outfit, it doesn't matter, anyway, the tool man can solve the control and add a shield to finish the job.

As for the shooter Cheng Xing…

Output at will.

Nakano's dual cores are developing very well, and the team's resources are supporting them both. However, Yan Bin found that Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang were difficult to catch to death. Chi Shuo's spirit bird could fly. If you grab him, he will fly over the wall. Ye Shaoyang's sense of smell is also very keen, as long as there is a slight disturbance in the middle, he will run away.

12 minutes into the game, the outer tower in the middle still could not be pushed down.

Chi Shuo's strategy is very clear - he and Ye Shaoyang rely on their flexible advantages to lead the line, ensuring that the upper and lower roads will not collapse so quickly, and the remaining three must defend the middle tower even if they die.

The rhythm continues to drag back. Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang continued to eat the upper and lower lanes, and they were quickly fattened. Then, Yan Bin discovered that Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang had made three sets of equipment.

Chi Shuo pressed the prompt: "Initiate an attack."

After being suppressed for more than ten minutes from the beginning, the blue team finally found an opportunity to start a counterattack!

Forced to open the small dragon group, Qin Yizhu jumped directly into the team with a "black dragon roar" and then put on an attitude of "OK, I can die", hit as many times as he could.

Cheng Xing will output at a distance, and whoever hits it counts.

Qu Jiang quickly pressed "Holy Blessing", adding a shield of 20% HP to Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo, and immune control for 2 seconds. Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo entered immediately—

The handsome Spirit Clan guy with snow-white wings and the Human Clan Mage in holy mage robes descended from the sky together. Chi Shuo's air froze and hit the three people in the back row. Immediately following the air dive, he won three kills in one wave!

This wave of team battles is still 3 for 3, and the head ratio has not changed.

But the blue team lost the top laner, the shooter and the support, the red team lost the core of the three positional battles of the jungler, the mid laner and the shooter, and finally lost Xiaolong, it was a blood loss!

Lin Feng has been watching the game from the referee's perspective.

Gradually, he found that the backward economy actually caught up.

From the 12-minute wave of teamfights, the blue team's economy was on par with the red team, and then there was a go-ahead!

Next, enter the rhythm of the previous game. Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang roamed the whole map, quickly pushed towers, countered the wild, overtaken the opponent by 4,000 in economy, and then ended the game by destroying the opponent in a wave of Dalong Group!

The five members of the red team lowered their heads collectively, as if embarrassed to face this result.

It's like, the two sides are swimming together. The blue team starts by asking them to swim 50 meters first, but in the end, the blue team counterattacks and won the victory. Is there any other reason besides their own dishes?

Yan Bin: "666."

Xie Xiaotian: "You guys are too 6!"

Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang looked at each other and smiled.

Coach Lin stood up and motioned for everyone to take off the headphones.

Everyone took off their earphones and looked at him, and listened to the coach's analysis: "The blue team handled this game very well. In the case of economic disadvantage, everyone can't take care of everyone. Teammates must make sacrifices. The turning point."

He looked at Qin Yizhu, Cheng Xing and the others: "Although Lao Qin and Xiao Xing died a lot in this round, it was the most correct choice at that time to give up all the economy to Team Chi and Shaoyang - Shuangfei The combination, as long as you can guarantee the development and seize the opportunity, you can destroy the opponent in one wave, which is the key to turning defeat into victory."

Everyone listened to the coach's analysis and nodded frequently.

Coach Lin went on to say: "Team 2 is still not decisive enough. When the team finds that the middle and jungle combination is not there, they should retreat immediately, and they can't be turned around by them. Also, after the first wave of team fights, you should be aware of it. When it comes to the problem, we can't let Team Chi and Shaoyang continue to develop, and five people gather together to kill them so that their growth rhythm can be interrupted."

Yan Bin said ashamedly, "I hesitated."

Coach Lin smiled slightly: "It's okay, let's go to the next game and see if there are any problems."

Just as everyone was about to get ready, they heard Coach Lin say, "In this game, the blue team gave up 3,000 economy at the beginning, and then let go of the three outer towers on the top, middle, and bottom lanes to fight a big headwind."

Ye Shaoyang: "???"

Coach this is too much!

Not only will it make 3000 more economical, but it will also directly let go of the three outer towers. How can this be fought?

Facts have also proved that such a big headwind is really difficult for a fairy to turn around.

As soon as the outer tower is lost, the wild area can't get through at all. Yan Bin also learned the skills to deal with the Shuangfei combination. 5 people came around from the wild area and grabbed Ye Shaoyang in a group...

Ye Shaoyang saw the five people on the opposite side, and immediately ran away: "I can't afford it, slip away."

The five people opposite said: "Don't run!"

The assistant flashed a shield and knocked Ye Shaoyang stunned. The top laner moved in the third stage and moved over to cut Ye Shaoyang into blood. Xie Xiaotian put a ring of fire at Ye Shaoyang's feet—

[Midlan No. 17] killed [Midlan No. 7]!

Xie Xiaotian was so excited that he seemed to have won the finals: "I killed Brother Yang, hahaha!"

Ye Shaoyang: "..."

You guys, is this a boss fight?

5 people in a group to kill me?

All kinds of big moves are handed over to a crispy mage, not so much!

Ye Shaoyang was chased and killed all the way by five teenagers. It was the first time that he enjoyed such a supreme VIP treatment. Chi Shuo couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene. In the training game in the team, the teenagers of the second team were all chasing Chi Shuo. run.

Now he started to run after Ye Shaoyang.

Tianhuan had one more boss, and Chi Shuo's pressure suddenly eased.

Although the third game was lost, it was a fun game.

Ye Shaoyang took his hands off the keyboard and said with a smile, "You guys, it's too much!"

Xie Xiaotian said excitedly: "I killed Brother Yang and I want to take a screenshot!"

Coach Lin glanced at Ye Shaoyang with mixed feelings. Although he was chased and killed by five little guys several times, Shaoyang's expression was still very relaxed, with a smile on his face, as if it didn't matter whether he won or lost, and his mentality was very good.

His mental quality doesn't look like a rookie at all.

Coach Lin looked at the data after the game thoughtfully. The tailwind is steady and steady. There is also a way to turn a defeat into a victory in a headwind.

As for the big headwind in the final game...

Tianhuan's 5 people are not fools. Unless they hang up collectively for 2 minutes, how can they be pushed down 3 outer towers at the beginning? Such a big headwind is impossible in the game.

He deliberately set a big headwind to let Team 2 win, but just didn't want the little guys on Team 2 to be beaten too much.

In three scrims, both teams 1 and 2 gained, which is the best result.

Coach Lin thought with relief that Tian Huan's mid-field dual-core play could finally reproduce the game. He believes that next season, the dual-core linkage between Shaoyang and Chi Shuo will definitely bring a lot of surprises to the professional league.


The author has something to say:

5 young boys chased Ye Shaoyang to fight.

Ye Shaoyang: "?"