Chapter 32: frost goddess

The next morning, Ye Shaoyang got up at 7:00 as planned, and after washing up, he went to the study and turned on the computer.

His live broadcast announcement is "no live broadcast on weekends, see you on Monday", so the time on Sunday is completely free, just to get acquainted with the 6 most common mid-lane goddess heroes.

The first person to go to the national service is the Frost Goddess.

He is already very familiar with this hero, and the skill combo is very simple.

Press W to freeze the opponent, the Q skill reduces the opponent's defense, and the R skill's big move kills the opponent.

The key is can it be frozen?

The Frost Goddess' W skill "Frozen Three Feet" will be delayed after 0.5 seconds, and most experts know to avoid it when they see you release the skill. Therefore, the most crucial skill of this hero lies in anticipation.

You have to judge where the opponent will go next moment, and release the freezing skill in advance, so that the opponent can be frozen smoothly. If released in place, the opponent will definitely run away as long as he is not blind, this hero is also very suitable for ambush and crouching grass.

The range of the ultimate move is very wide. In addition to the devastating damage that can be caused by team battles, it can also quickly clear troops and block the opponent's position in narrow terrain such as wild areas and highlands.

Overall, Goddess Frost is a very suitable hero for "team battle control". She is not suitable for middle and jungle linkage, walking slowly like a snail, and has no displacement skills, so she can't keep up with the rhythm of the jungler.

However, an excellent mid laner must have comprehensive abilities and play with all kinds of heroes, so that they can adjust their heroes according to the team's lineup and not be too targeted by the opposing coach.

Ye Shaoyang practiced Frost Goddess for half a day in the training camp, and flame Goddess for half a day in the afternoon. In the evening, he was familiar with the operation of Thunder Goddess. He went to the man-machine to brush the proficiency of 6 goddess heroes to 100, and he could play qualifying.

The day passed quickly.

At 0:00 a.m. on Monday, the national server rankings were refreshed, and a system message popped up in the game—

[Congratulations, your hero [Illusionist] ranked first in the country with 12,000 combat power in last week's combat power settlement, and won the title of [First Illusionist in National Service]! 】

The illusionist national uniform is the second national uniform he has obtained.

It surpassed Brother Ayu, who was originally ranked first.

Ye Shaoyang turned off the computer contentedly and went back to the bedroom to sleep.

On Monday morning, he practiced hero practice for an hour as usual, and then opened the live room at 10 o'clock sharply. I haven't seen him for two days on the weekend, and the water friends in the live broadcast room have swiped to say hello to him, and of course a large number of them came to see the cat.

【Cat Cat Mo Mo Da, Xiao Bai is still as cute today! 】

[Anchor, let me tell you, it’s not right to disappear for two days in a row. Dedicated anchors should start live broadcasts every day, and if they disappear again, I’ll cancel! 】

[Little Bai, wait, I'll search for some swearing words first, I'll scold you later if you lose! 】

The water friends in the live broadcast room were very skinny. Ye Shaoyang glanced at the barrage and said with a smile: "Starting today, use the Goddess of Frost to go to the national uniform. It should take less than a week for this hero to get the national uniform."

【? ? ? 】

[Anchor you are floating, this time you are floating into the atmosphere! 】

[It takes less than a week to get the national uniform, is this bragging? 】

【I like this kind of arrogant anchor! 】

Ye Shaoyang explained: "I'm not talking nonsense, I've tested it in man-machine. As long as [Frost Goddess] plays well, the average score per game will be very high. There are many more heroes, so theoretically, it only takes about 4 days for the Frost Goddess to reach 12,000 combat power."

"The [Abyss Master] and [Illusionist] that I won the national standard before are all magic thorns. If you catch someone, you can only kill one or two at a time. But [Frost Goddess] is a team battle hero and can deal high damage , it's easier to get the five kills."

It's easier to get five kills.

Listen, is this what the **** people say?

Ye Shaoyang said: "I will start the ranking, and by the way, I will teach you how to play this hero."

The barrage area began to frantically refresh the screen.

[Who can play this novice hero, but also teach it? 】

[Isn't it just a set of WQR tricks, if you can't kill the opponent, you will kill yourself? 】

[Hahaha, you can either freeze someone and kill your opponent in one wave, or you can't freeze someone and kill yourself. Playing this hero feels like a lottery draw]

[Easier to get five kills? I haven't gotten a pentakill in the game for so long! 】

Since the name of Xiaobai's live broadcast room was changed to [Frost Goddess Chong National Service], and the player base of Frost Goddess is very large, almost all players who play in the middle lane will be this hero. More and more netizens clicked into his live broadcast room from the homepage of the whale platform. The online viewing volume of Xiaobai's live broadcast room exceeded the 500,000 mark.

It's morning, and most people are going to work and school at this time, not as many people as in the evening rush hour. To be able to reach 500,000 views at 10 a.m. is a very impressive achievement.

Moreover, many new netizens also clicked to follow, and the number of followers in Xiaobai's live broadcast room quickly exceeded 1.5 million. It is far worse than the top stream anchors, but this result can already be regarded as a small anchor in the second and third tiers.

Ye Shaoyang started a game and took the initiative to type on the team channel: "I play mid lane, thank you."

Although there are also foul-mouthed trolls in the King's Bureau, most of the teammates are relatively friendly. They will communicate and choose positions in the preparation stage, and are willing to take the initiative to give up positions.

Ye Shaoyang's [Frost Goddess] still has a 100% win rate. After he posted his record, other teammates consciously preselected another position without causing conflict.

The game starts soon.

Ye Shaoyang came to the middle and quickly cleared his troops. This time, it happened to be [Goddess of Flame] who was on the line with him. One side was fire and the other side was ice. The middle lane was simply "ice and fire".

The output of the flame goddess relies on continuous burning damage. If you step on her fire ring, you will be superimposed with a negative BUFF of "burning", which not only loses blood, but also loses blue.

This is also the key to making the Fire Goddess particularly annoying to play in groups - so that the opponents have no blue and can't release skills.

Therefore, when facing the flame goddess, you must pay attention to your positioning. If you are burned once, it will be a big loss if you lose blood and blue.

Ye Shaoyang's positioning skills are particularly clumsy, S-shaped positioning, you can catch me even if I lose.

This is also the obsessive-compulsive disorder caught by the world-class perverted junglers in the previous life.

- He won't stay in the same position for more than 0.5 seconds.

Almost every moment, he is moving, and the people who are in line with him will even be dazzled by him, so it is difficult to predict his movement.

On the contrary, Ye Shaoyang can predict the opponent's position.

He quickly discovered the player's skill release pattern.

After both parties reached level 6, Ye Shaoyang carefully observed, followed closely, stuck in front of a movement when she set the fire ring, and decisively put a freeze to control it.

As a result, the opponent's player inexplicably walked into the range of his "Frozen Three Feet" skill.


Kill the opponent directly in the middle.

And it is full of blood to kill the opponent alone!

The audience in the live broadcast room swiped and applauded.

[Every time I fight Vulcan, I am pressed and beaten, but the anchor actually killed Vulcan alone? ! 】

[It can only be said that the pre-judgment of the position is too awesome]

[How do I feel that all his skills are released at the same time? 】

Although Ye Shaoyang didn't watch the bullet screen, he could guess the doubts of netizens and explained: "The Frost Goddess's W skill has a delay of 0.5 seconds, while the Q and R skills are released immediately. Therefore, in actual operation, everyone can After predicting the opponent's position, press W for about 0.3 seconds, then press Q+R immediately, it will cause an instant combo of three skills that are released almost simultaneously, and the opponent will not be able to react."

Netizens: "…"

How does 0.3 seconds count?

Who can control the time so accurately when playing games?

The opponent's mid laner went home.

Ye Shaoyang said: "I just cleared the field of vision of the grass on the left side of the middle road, and the opposite jungler is not in this area. The goddess of flame was killed by me, and she will be resurrected after 5 seconds."

Ye Shaoyang controlled the Goddess of Frost, went around from the wild area on the left, and crouched in the grass on the side of the inner tower.

He said: "After the resurrection, the goddess of flames will pass by here, and we will ambush."

After a while, the newly resurrected goddess of flames, as expected, passed in front of the defense tower.

This is the inner tower, and there is an outer tower in front of it. The area between the outer defense tower and the inner defense tower belongs to the area of ​​your own power, which is usually a safer location. However, the flame goddess was walking forward silently, and suddenly, a light blue frozen circle appeared in front of her, and it was too late for her to brake—

Frozen three feet, cold attack, ice and snow!

It was another instant combo, and the goddess of flames was beaten again.

Flame Goddess player: "..."

Damn it! And let no one play!

[…This game is so difficult]

[Just resurrected and killed again, I am the goddess of flames, and my mentality is going to collapse]

[Damn, actually ran to the Neita grass to ambush, the anchor is too wretched]

Ye Shaoyang said with a smile: "My skills are now on cooldown, so I will first retreat under the tower to develop a low profile for a while. At 7 minutes and 05 seconds, the red buff on the opposite side will be refreshed. After the jungler collects the red buff, they will definitely come to catch me."

Ye Shaoyang explained while clearing the soldiers: "I will give the opposite side a false vision. After clearing the soldiers, I will go to the top of the road, pretending that I am going to support the top order, then the jungler will bypass the grass above the river and kill me."

After clearing his soldiers, he ran to hide in the grass in the distance, and said, "I'll lay an ambush here."

After a while, all the plots proceeded according to Ye Shaoyang's deduction—

After the opponent's jungler finished playing the red buff, he saw the mid laner Frost Goddess walking towards the top lane, as if she was going to the top lane for support. He immediately ran over and walked around the grass above, wanting to attack the mid laner.

However, the moment he lurked into the grass, what was waiting for him was a light blue ice ring that suddenly appeared under his feet.

—[Xiao Bai (Frost Goddess)] killed [If You Suuwu (Sneak Thief)]!

After Ye Shaoyang finished killing people, he returned to the middle road to continue clearing soldiers and making equipment.

In the 8-minute first wave of Xiaolong's teamfight, he hid in the grass in the distance to observe the opponent's movements. At the moment when the five people on the opposite side were halfway to fighting the dragon, Ye Shaoyang unexpectedly flashed over—

Blink, Freeze, Ultimate.

A series of operations flowed smoothly, and the W skill just froze the 3 on the opposite side.

The goose feather snow rustled, and the opponent's blood volume dropped like a flood.

Get three kills straight away!

Ye Shaoyang said while playing: "Goddess of Frost, the dragon group is very good at controlling the field. If they are crowded near the dragon pit, you can take advantage of the boss to use skills to knock them flying, and place an ice ring under their feet. ."

"This will freeze a lot of people!"


[The anchor is so annoying]

[If I were on the opposite side, I would like to crawl along the network cable and beat him to death! 】

This game was won without any accident, and Ye Shaoyang won the MVP.

The record was 10-0-8, the output of this game accounted for 38%, and the combat power increased by 500+ at one time!

[Why is my frost goddess always unable to freeze people Q_Q]

[After watching the anchor's teaching, I realized that this hero is so difficult! what i used to play! 】

【The same hero? No, it's a different hero! 】

Ye Shaoyang said: "The Goddess of Frost, as a team-fighting hero, is not easy. If you want to play her well, you need to analyze the situation, predict the opponent's position, and find the right time to play the team. Let's move on to the next game."

In the second round, Ye Shaoyang still chose the Goddess of Frost to go in the middle.

But the shooter and support on the opposite side of this game are very good at playing, and they should be playing black double row. In the mid-term, they started to join the group to push towers and **** resources in the wild area, which caused our side to fall into a headwind.

The opposite side was once pushed under the highland tower.

Ye Shaoyang and his teammates had to fight a "highland defense war".

[Prison Bureau, the pills this time? 】

[The opposite side pushed all the towers of the three roads, a big headwind, miserable! 】

[In this situation, if you want to play operations, you can't play, you can't get out at all, and you can't bring your troops out! 】

The so-called "prison bureau" means that all three of our towers were pushed down by the opponent, and the opponent repeatedly brought the troops to the tower on the high ground. Passive clearing.

And once the opponent wins the big dragon Boss, with the advantage of attack and defense bonus and the three-way Tyrannosaurus captain advancing together, as long as the high ground of any road is broken, it is easy to lose.

Ye Shaoyang was not in a hurry.

He had fought numerous "prison bureaus" in his previous life, and he had encountered all of the ten-minute pulling bureaus where he was trapped in the crystal.

All professional players have one thing in common—

If the crystal is not broken, anything is possible.

Surrender is impossible. As long as there is one person alive on our side, we must defend our homeland!

The other party began to lead the line frantically, and brought the soldiers to the highland tower many times.

Ye Shaoyang pressed the in-game message: "Steady, we can make a comeback!"

The teammates are also very powerful, no one is willing to admit defeat, and quickly clear the troops in a group.

The game dragged on to 40 minutes.

In a key highland team battle, Ye Shaoyang keenly caught a mistake on the opposite side.

The opponent's assistant wanted to go to the high ground and jumped directly under the tower. The top laner and the jungler followed. Because the intersection of the high ground was very narrow, the three of them just squeezed together. The mage and the shooter are standing behind, and the shooter is quickly hitting the tower.

Ye Shaoyang seized the opportunity and dropped a frozen circle from the side.

After 0.5 seconds, the three enemies at the narrow intersection were frozen in place by him. Almost at the same time, a large-scale blizzard fell, and the three melee and remote mages and shooters on the opposite side began to bleed together!

The range of his big move is biased towards the outside of the high ground, just covering the position of the mage and the shooter!

Doublekill, double kill!

TripleKill, triple kill!

Exciting system sound effects keep ringing in my ears.

The Frost Goddess made a wave of Dalian moves in an instant, won the five kills directly, and smashed the opposite side!

Just at this time, our base sent a wave of soldiers.

In the 40 minutes of the game, the resurrection time after death will be very long. Ye Shaoyang took his teammates and soldiers and pushed them all the way to the opponent's high ground, winning the game!

From being trapped in the base and unable to go out, to instantly destroying the opponent and turning defeat into victory...

All players who have experienced such a big headwind turnaround will feel excited!

There were a lot of flowers and applause in the live broadcast room, as well as many gifts from water friends.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the massive increase in combat power on the game settlement panel, and said with a smile, "The Frost Goddess is in a tailwind game and can keep ambush to interfere with her opponent; in a headwind game, you can also stick to the high ground and look for opportunities to turn defeat into victory."

His voice was calm: "I said that Goddess Frost will not take it for a week in China, do you believe it?"

He didn't talk big.

With his awareness and ability to predict, it really won't take a week.

Netizens in the live broadcast room thought to themselves: This new anchor seems to be getting stronger and stronger?

Could it be that they paid attention to a future giant by chance?