"How could the Supreme be dead? How could the Supreme be dead?" Qin Ming had too many doubts in his heart.

When he saw the Supreme World before, he had a lot of doubts buried in his heart. He always felt that the Supreme World he saw was just the tip of the iceberg.

This time I went to the headquarters of Xuandan Pavilion, I saw the world, and I also had contact with the geniuses of the supreme world, but the doubts in my heart not only did not disappear, but more and more.

"It was rumored that he was killed by the Poison Demon Supreme, but who knows the specific truth?" Yin Hensong shook his head and said, "But the Supreme Power has not appeared for countless years, and this is the truth!"

"Could it be that all the powerful beasts in the Supreme World have gone to the Supreme Realm?" Qin Ming asked again. At the beginning, he was very puzzled. In the headquarters of Xuandan Pavilion, perhaps he hasn't seen a strong person in the Divine Beast Realm yet.

In the entire Supreme World, there is only one headquarters of Xuandan Pavilion. Xuandan Pavilion is one of the most powerful forces in the Supreme World. Except for the Supreme Family, few forces can compare with him.

It is quite normal that there are experts in the Holy Beast Realm in the headquarters of Xuandan Pavilion.

But outside the headquarters of the Xuandan Pavilion, there are very few strong beasts in the realm of beasts. Only some top forces in powerful cities can have warriors in the realm of beasts.

Moreover, the status of warriors in the realm of beasts is very high, and it is easy to become the lord of an ordinary city.

"Most of them went to the Supreme Realm." Yin Hensong nodded and said.

"Why don't they stay in the Supreme World?" Qin Ming asked.

Yin Hensong said directly, "The energy here should not be enough for them to survive. You should have discovered that as your martial arts realm improves, you need to absorb more and more energy."

"When your martial arts realm reaches the beast realm, the speed of absorption will not be the same order of magnitude as now. There are not enough black stones, and there is not enough energy in the air. Let alone the martial arts realm continues to break through, it is impossible to maintain it."

Qin Ming was horrified that a strong man in the realm of beasts needed to absorb such a huge amount of energy.

It's no wonder that the strength of the strong beast realm is comparable to that of the warrior realm of the holy beast realm.

Now that his martial arts realm has reached the realm of holy beasts, he naturally knows that warriors in the realm of holy beasts will continuously absorb energy, which is much more than when he was only in the realm of true dragons before.

The lower the strength of a warrior, the less energy he absorbs.

He was in Lingyun Pool, because of Kuai Luba, the room became a Jedi.

At that time, not only can the body not absorb the energy in the air, but the energy in the body will flow out. If there is no black stone to supplement, the martial arts realm will even be reduced.

If a strong person in the realm of beasts lives in the supreme world and does not have enough energy, it will be fine for a short time. He can absorb the energy in the air and the energy in the black stone at the same time, and barely maintain it.

But it took a long time, just looking for enough black stones probably took up most of the time of the strong beast realm.

You must know that for the strong in the beast realm, the third-grade black stones are absorbed too slowly, and at least the sixth-grade black stones are needed, and the sixth-grade black stones are not common in the supreme world.

That is to say, after the realm of martial arts breaks through to the realm of beasts, one cannot stay in the supreme world for a long time, and must leave the supreme world and go to the supreme world.

Only there is enough energy to support the strong beasts.