Fortunately, they did not raise any objections before. If there was any dissatisfaction at that time, it is estimated that they have become a corpse now.

"En!" Mozu nodded, looked at the poisonous demons, and said with a light smile, "I am very satisfied with your performance."

"I know that many of you have a problem with me."

A middle-aged dragon-level poisonous demon stood up, patted his chest and said, "Mozu, who dares to have an opinion on you, I, Moyuan, will be the first to say no."

"Yes, anyone who is not loyal to you, the Demon Ancestor, is disloyal to the poisonous demon forces. I have already prepared my knife." A poisonous demon with a knife stood up and gestured twice with the sharp long knife in his hand, excitedly looked at Mo Zu.

Seeing the loyalty of the two, the other poisonous demons were not far behind.

"Ancestor Mo, let us complete this arduous task. This is to look down on us. Which task dispatches the most powerful warriors is naturally the most important task for the poisonous demon forces. I am deeply honored to accept this task."

"That's right, for the supreme demon god, for the poisonous demon forces, for the demon ancestor, I am willing to go through fire and water, no matter what."

"From the first day I became a warrior in the Dragon Realm, I vowed to do a spectacular deed. Thank you Demon Ancestor for giving me this opportunity."

"Since the existence of the Demon Ancestor, the power of poisonous demons has been flourishing, and it has never been stronger. Although there seem to be many Dragon Realm fighters in the Tianlong World, they are actually vulnerable. Under the leadership of the Demon Ancestor, we will soon be able to occupy Tianlong. world."


The flattering of the poisonous demons is getting more and more outrageous, and they almost blow the demon ancestor into the sky.

Each of the poisonous demons wished to show their hearts to the ancestors to prove their loyalty.

Seeing the funny performance of the poisonous demons, Mozu sneered in his heart, these people are cheap bones, he treated them well before, ordered them to do something, and even gave them benefits.

And now, as long as he didn't promise any benefits at all, just because of fear, he could drive them to complete a mission that must die.

From beginning to end, they are only loyal to the Supreme Demon God and themselves.

In the eyes of these people, his demon ancestor is just a leader who can be changed at any time.

So even though he was in control of the entire poisonous demon force on the surface, in fact, no matter what the order is, he needs to convince them first and let them know that he is working for the poisonous demon force.

But now it's different, no reason is needed, as long as the order is forced, if you don't agree, you will die.

Of course, Mozu also knows that although fear can drive people, it is far from interests and beliefs to make people more active.

"The mission I gave you this time is to destroy the entire Heavenly Dragon World."

"Although the task is very simple, it is just to spread some facts, but in fact this news is extremely lethal to the world of Tianlong."

"As long as most of the warriors in the Tianlong world know that because there are too many warriors in the dragon realm, the Tianlong world can't afford it, and it will collapse soon. I believe they will divert most of their attention from us."

"When warriors are facing great terror, unless the Cloud City Alliance can come up with a solution, the Cloud City Alliance has no way to command them."

"No one is not afraid of death. Although Dragon Realm fighters are powerful, if they don't have enough resources, they can't even keep the strength of Dragon Realm."

"You said, if they know that the resources of Tianlong World will soon be exhausted, what do they want to do most?"