Qin Ming knew the method, the two warriors went in with tokens in their hands, and after a while the two warriors came out again.

"What's going on?" Logically speaking, only one warrior should come out with two tokens, but why only one warrior came out.

"Leader, I have tried various methods, but the light door with two tokens will bounce me away, and I can't get out." The warrior said with a bitter face.

Hearing this, Qin Ming was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that he had taken it for granted, there was no way for a warrior to get out of it with two tokens.

In this way, one token and one martial artist cannot be falsified.

"Then what should we do?" Xia Fang asked with an ugly face.

Originally, I thought I could go directly to the second floor, but I didn't expect that there was no flaw in the light gate.

Now we can only find enough tokens to let everyone go up.

Or just go up three people?

No, absolutely not only three people going up.

Twenty-two of them, the number is small enough, only three people go up, how to deal with the poisonous demon.

Not to mention dealing with the poisonous demon, it is estimated that as long as they are discovered by the poisonous demon, they will not even have a chance to escape.

"It seems that we can only find other tokens." Xia Fang sighed.

Qin Ming nodded, "That's the only way."

"Or kill some poisonous demons, I don't know if they have tokens in their hands."

Qin Ming has been wondering why the magic-seeking talisman on his body does not respond at all. He did not expect that the use of the magic-seeking talisman is restricted here.

In other words, most of the sigils are restricted here, not only the magic-seeking sigils cannot be used, but most other sigils cannot be used here.

As a result, if they want to find the poisonous demon here, they can only rely on luck.

"This is the only way." Xia Fang nodded.

Qin Ming and Xia Fang led everyone away from the Light Gate, and began to explore the tower again. Xia Fang also frowned.

They met three poisonous demons at the light gate, so it is normal for poisonous demon warriors to appear here.

The number of poisonous demons who came into the Illusory Secret Realm is more than the warriors of the Cloud City Alliance and the Demon Hunters Association combined.

In addition, the poisonous demon forces came here in advance, I don't know if it is possible for them to search the entire first floor of the tower.

In this way, apart from killing the poison demon, there is no second way to find it.

I only hope that there are still tokens here, and that all the poisonous demons have not found them.

"There are a lot of poisonous demons, and the tokens on the first floor of the tower are limited. It is impossible for them all to go up. It is very likely that there are many poisonous demons left on this floor." Qin Ming analyzed the information and said in a deep voice.