"Marquess Rebecca Howard! His Highness Garrett intends to break off his engagement with you!

The firm voice of Miss Charlotte echoed in the dance hall.

In addition to attracting attention, the performance dropped its volume as it entered the joints of the piece. The poor conductor looked pale, but I would like to give him credit for his professionalism and refusal to stop.

In an otome game, this is where the fancy music would be played. But that was from Miss Charlotte's perspective. The conductor was doing everything he could to avoid an awkward silence by selecting a soothing, soft song.

On the other hand, His Highness Garrett, whose name was used without permission, was horrified at the content and volume of the lines uttered by the beautiful rose-gold haired girl standing next to him.

He glanced around and realized that it was already too late, and let out a sigh as if he had given up.

“Baroness Silva. This is not the place to talk about such things.”

I snapped to attention as His Highness Garrett chided Miss Charlotte. --- He did not deny that he was breaking off the engagement.

My memories of my previous life have returned to me, so I have no intention of getting married.

If His Highness, Garrett, would like to be united with this unfortunate child, that's fine with me. Personally, I don't recommend it, but people have different tastes. I hope that he will be happy.

That said, there is no need for me to be the bad guy.

I can assume that His Highness Garrett was planning to follow the regular procedures and also has the affection of having spent time as a fiancée. It's natural for royalty to maintain their dignity, so I've decided to ask Miss Charlotte to take responsibility for enforcing the condemnation event without permission.