Chapter 321: Rescuing the Distressed Mystic Art Society Emergency Quest

They wouldn't rush to aid the nobles, as the fall of them in the game might cause internal war, something that would widen the gains of these invaders if they decided to expand their campaign and invade the empire as well.

As such, their paths were all blocked, and hopefully this last plan would be the straw that would break their side into shattered forces. I didn't care anymore about the empire or Respon or his stupid silly arrogant harem.

All I cared about was this game, especially after my kingdom was moved into here.

I reached the dungeon front, where I found all my top players waiting, with curious looks over their faces. An hour and half had already passed since me leaving the meeting, and I knew the guardian would start the plot any second now.

"Won't you tell us what you are scheming this hard, princess?" Rog asked, as he laughed shortly at me. I just smiled and said nothing, except glancing at my demon and asking:

"Have you managed to adapt?"

"Sure," Rody replied, "but we lost one hundred and fifty players each dungeon run," he added, while shaking his head.

For me these were good stats, as with me present there, the loss would range between fifty and seventy players. it was roughly double my numbers, which would allow me the chance to go and meet with my mentors without worrying over delaying our clearing the dungeons here.

I just waited patiently for the guardian to start the plan. Suddenly, after twenty minutes or something, a system notification kicked in, shocking everyone.

"System prompt: An emergency quest has been issued by the game; Rescuing the Distressed Mystic Art Society. Quest details: some external forces have already sneak attacked the mystic art society, making it in a state of war, and needed help.

Quest objectives: every single player and NPC with mystic art would accept the quest FORCIBLY, and a grand teleportation will occur in half an hour.

Normal players can apply to join any player or NPC with mystic art team the following day, being able to join the armies formed by them.

The players and NPCs will be transported to the nearest sacred land to the mystic art society, and they are tasked with joining together to kill demons, completely clear the sacred land from demons, and rush to rescue the mystic art society.

Quest rewards: unknown!"

The sudden quest that was enforced on all players and NPCs currently in the game shocked everyone around me. Diana once heard about the news from Aria turned to glance at me with questioning eyes and much doubt.

However, there was no time for me to explain anything, as I hurriedly turned to Aria and instructed:

"Spread the word fast, everyone asks to join my team. This is the moment that everyone is needed. Also spread the news, those with astonishing contribution will be rewarded by mystic art medallions at the end by me."

Aria wasn't the only one looking at me with such amazement and shock, as every single one in the higher up ring of my guild was looking at me in such a way.

"Is this the plan you were scheming all along?" Diana suddenly murmured, before chuckling as she added, "I really, really like it!"

I just giggled and said nothing. As she predicted, this was my plan, and it was targeted towards the main weakness of our force and our whole resistance.

We lacked mystic arts, and the only common and easy way to obtain these was through the now locked and hidden mystic art society.

So, the only other way around for me to get my hands on these medallions was through the mystic art sacred lands. However the number of players there weren't enough, especially when many nobles wouldn't go there on their own right now.

So, the only thing we had to do was to force their hand to go there, and once they reached there, things would continue to unfold according to the rest phases of my plan!

This wasn't a sacred art society rescue plan, as we don't know the whereabouts of the mystic art society so far. This was a plan to hunt down medallions, using the simple fact that presented itself once the mystic art society vanished off existence.

We all were now considered expelled from mystic art society, meaning that any single death on the hand of any mystic art player would result in losing the medallion of the player, and also losing the mystic art itself.

As for the NPC part, it was the sudden addition of Lady Nada, to solve the current growing problem of the noble NPCs escaping our punishment of prison. After this quest is fulfilled, all the nobles here would lose their mystic arts, either players of NPCs, and we would gain an enormous amount of medallions, enough to arm armies, we all hoped that!

"Hurry up and spread the news already, we have less than one hour to move."

My words made them all jolted awake from their shock, and started to relay my words everywhere.

My words caused enough stir to be called chaos! Endless players expressed their willingness to join my call, and much more expressed their rage, cursing me and the game for such treacherous plans, accusing us of unfair play, changing the rules constantly, making the game unbearable.

Of course I aimed to make the game unfair and unbearable for certain people, and I was glad to read such scared and distressed comments.

As for normal noble players, I asked Rody and others to task those who would remain behind to keep hunting them.

After all we were going to a combined sacred land, formed by the coalition of all sacred lands together. Even if the nobles were on back foot now regarding numbers and preparations here, out there they already had their territories, and war would be long, and victory would come hard and with paying great cost.