Chapter 301: Entering A Very Strange Dungeon!

Rody and Diana were standing still, saying nothing at all throughout this time. I turned to them, while Rody said with a wide smile of pride:

"Congratulations on gaining all these experienced players' guild masters. I will handle their requests to join the guild, and arrange everything with the others."

I knew he could be trusted to do so, and then Diana added:

"It went smoother than you were fearing, congratulations for that magnificent feat my princess. These groups have strong ties with many others here, and at other game worlds. gaining them would help us a lot in the upcoming trials."

I nodded to her, as I knew her words were true. Gaining this batch of groups was only the beginning, as next the news would spread into the world here and other worlds as well.

Players would know about this incoming attack, common players and groups, and they would also hear about my call for leading the defenses of the game against the invasion.

My place would only soar day after day, and my enemies' wronged steps would only strengthen my position here. I was sure many players would be afraid, and try to escape here, but much more would cluster around me, taking me as their beacon for hope and safety.

"Rody, I will leave you and the vices and elders to handle this transaction, so do it smoothly fast and any problem just inform me about it at once."

"Sure, I will go now and summon everyone."

"After you all finish, come to level forty dungeon," I said, before I turned and started to move towards the direction of the level forty dungeon. I already had its place marked in the map, and I had around one hour of walking to it.

The news I just gave the group of leader and vices of adventure groups just spread like fire among players, and in less than one hour, every player that had a position in any group or guild had already been notified by this incoming attack, the shameful act of the nobles, and the admiring stand of me against the invasion.

The words spread about me having the intention of repelling the attack, which made many players realize that I was planning to do so using them. at once many debates occurred at every single guild and group in the game, as those inside the noble guilds and groups had the hardest of these debates.

As I reached the level ten dungeon, I decided not to care about news that Rody, Rog, Aria, and others kept sending to me about the earthquake I caused by revealing the news to the masses like this. I knew these news were going to make a huge stir, but it wasn't my own problem to care about.

Nobles were the ones who were supposed to be nervous right now. I was sure they might try to find a solution with their players, but I doubted these players would be tricked easily once more.

At the least, part of their players would leave their guilds, migrate to the normal adventure groups, especially those who already joined my guild.

As for the adventure groups, they were also having many claims to either retreat from the game or stand with me and fight together.

These reactions were really logical for me, but currently I stood in front of this dungeon, summoned my demon, and then applied to the large team dungeon run of the hardest mode there, the nightmarish mode.

The large team dungeon option started to appear at dungeons above level thirty, to enable more players to fight together, so they could clear dungeons faster.

I selected the highest number of players I could carry along the run, which was five hundred players. I heard that at dungeons above level fifty, this number would be doubled, reaching an astonishing one thousand players.

In return for that, the dungeon area was really variable according to the number and severity of the dungeon. That meant this dungeon run was really the hardest and the largest possible run in this dungeon.

"Let's go," I ordered, as I entered the dungeon with my demon and my five hundred players. I left instructions for the two units I had outside to rearrange themselves in ten teams, each having fifty dark witch magicians, and ten mecha fighters, and lead two hundred player in a normal dungeon run.

My demon roared the moment we passed through the freakily looking gate of this dungeon, with a vampire mouth opened with two long fangs like teeth in their upper and lower jaws.

The moment I passed through this gate, the whole scene in front of me gave me a slight scare.

I never entered a dungeon and found such darkness there, so thick that I couldn't even see one meters ahead of me!

Even my demon pet, if not for the loud breaths of it I would never have felt its presence! It wasn't like night, it was like the funeral of all lights, where only darkness lived, and the sun itself died!!

"Stay put, don't move!"

I hurriedly gave the order to my players, as I suddenly heard some ruckus beside me. the voices of them weren't that apparent either, which made me more wary of this place.

Was this a level forty dungeon? It seemed I stepped into a level two hundred dungeon instead by mistake!

The next thing I did was to rise above my demon. I already had a stable memory about it, and I was so familiar with jumping over its shoulders. The moment I reached there, I used my spear at once, throwing it off to the air, and letting it rest calmly over my fingertips.

The moment I did so, the whole spear shone brightly, as this wasn't the first time facing such a dark place. The brightness of my spear pushed away the darkness for a bit, and suddenly I heard a sizzling sound coming from the front, just a few meters away from me.

"Hit that sizzling place with all your skills! that's not darkness, it's a foul aura!"

I recognized what was surrounding us, as the darkness of a very fiendish aura. The moment my sound fell, faster than the expansion light of my spear, my players hurriedly reacted, and everyone, literally everyone used their skills hard over the area where that strange sound appeared.

I didn't feel their attacks were this effective, and thus I didn't hesitate to step in, personally acting again.

"Penta auxiliary skill."

"Dragon head spear skill."

"Tempest of lightning skill!"

Fire, lightning and light were the three sacred things that could fight off any fiendish thing. The moment my spear was thrown off towards that source of a sizzling, the darkness stepped down for a noticeable distance as a reflex, while my spear, followed by the shadow of five dragon headed spears, fell with arcs of lightning surrounding them, massively and violently hitting that sizzling place.

The next moment I heard a roar, a very loud painful roar, while the darkness seeped away from that place, I saw the final shape of my enemy, clear as a sun in the middle of a clear summer day.

It was a vampire!

Its pale skin, red eyes, long fangs, and very slim face was very unique, and I instantly recognized it. The attack I used was enough to cause him a deep wound, but not enough to kill it.

I snapped my fingers, and the next moment the spears disappeared, reappeared above my fingers, and then I threw another attack towards the vampire.

My players gasped the moment they saw it, and finally some healers and magicians stepped in, using their light based skills over this monster, helping me in my attacks, and in less than two minutes we managed to kill it.

The moment it died, I received a system notification confirming what I saw with my own eyes, and at the same time I received a decent amount of Xp that made me nod in satisfaction.

This place couldn't be ventured without using mystic arts it seemed, so I didn't hesitate to spread my orders:

"Diana, you will act as the main attacker here, and I will support you with my spears."

Even my demon I feared entering blindly into such a place. this dungeon was so hard to clear it seemed, and I started to truly taste the fierceness of this training game.

So whoever helped in making this game as the training program of the empire indeed aimed towards deepening the importance of the mystic arts. That seemed quite obvious to me, but I felt great curiosity towards the true identity of this person.

Was it the witch? There was no other person in my mind to have such machination except for her.

I cleared out my thoughts, and started focusing on the landscape in front of us. After the killing of that vampire, the darkness retreated for twenty meters, before it halted.

So we have one monster every twenty meters, that was something hard to deal with.