Chapter 299: Telling Them the Truth

"So nothing suspicious occurred?" I stressed over this point again. "Nothing suspicious here but you," Aria jokes, replying on my question as she added, "What's wrong? why all these weird questions?"

"Sigh," I softly sighed with a tired tone, as it seemed either their leaders didn't know, or they did and they decided to just ditch them. "I have some secret info coming from the empire," I simply said, while holding the rest of the details inside my mind.

"And?" Alfonzo said, before he added, "I have my own channels in the capital, and even inside the nobles. Nothing happened in the last days there, is there something I don't know of?" his tone seemed quite paranoid and doubtful to his own resources, and he had all the right to feel that way.

"In fact these resources lied to you, hid the info I had acquired lately by chance," I replied, without revealing anything.

"Can you just speak one complete sentence and tell us what you know in it?" Aria seemed slightly irritated by my way of speech, and honestly I would be also irritated by my conservative secretive way, but I had to do that.

In fact I didn't intend to reveal anything for them, not now, at least I had to lay down the foundation of my offer to them, using their own superiors first, and making them tarnish the relation between the two of them before I could make my move.

"I just want to ask something first from you," I started my offer quest with them by these words, "I want you to contact your superiors, the top ones, and ask them about any special orders for you in the upcoming period."

My words made them all exchange their glances, silently but their eyes carried a lot of doubt and untrust. "I hope you can trust me on this, as I won't exaggerate if I said that your life itself depends entirely on it," I had to add this as I wanted them to really contact their superiors.

This would be a great milestone in making them join my guild, hitting the first and fairest nail in cutting the relation between them and their superiors. They were already following the orders coming from above, but here, in this game world, they had undisputed authority that no one could stand against easily.

"We will do that, and will return to you in ten minutes," Aria said with a very serious face, as she was the only one amongst them that knew exactly how I was thinking, and realized my own words weren't without weight or significance. "Don't move until we come back," Alfonzo said, as his eyes revealed how angry he was right now.

"Take your time," I simply and casually replied, like I wasn't the one who instigated them to do this. I stayed in my place where everyone went in a separate direction, each stayed a couple of hundreds of meters away from me, and started contacting their superiors.

I had two ends in this plan, either their higher ups decided to ignore them and kept the news, or they told them everything. My problem wasn't in the higher ups not knowing anything related to this matter, as I was pretty sure something so devastating like this, spreading in the army and noble ranks, couldn't be hidden from the eyes and ears of these old and very large organizations.

My only problem was if one or more of them knew everything from their superiors, that would hit my plan in the core, making my mission to absorb them fail. At least I had a reason right now to try and pouch them, but if this reason was gone, I would only gain a thank you reply, with some appreciation and promises for future cooperation.

I nervously stood my place, as these handful groups were just the beginning of my grand plan later on to annex every single group away from the nobles.

If I succeeded here, then I wouldn't only gain hundreds of thousands of elite and well trained and organized players, but I would also gain these leaders and vices support, making me ask them for help in pouching more equal or smaller groups under my banner.

Too much was on the stakes here, and that made me very, very nervous. They took half an hour before they all returned, one by one, with puzzled looks over their faces.

Luckily, and thanks to heaven, no one came with a grim face, none! That was such great news in itself!!

"Well?" I asked, when they all gathered around me once again, "does anyone tell you anything?" I asked.

"No," Aria glanced at everyone's puzzled expression as she shook her head, "the strange thing was the response from the group great leader and elders, as they all sent me asking for why I was asking them this question, and they started to interrogate me," she added.

I just glanced at her, and she hurriedly clarified, "don't worry, didn't bring your name at all."

I glanced at everyone, and they just nodded, confirming they didn't bring my name as an excuse to their superiors. That reaction from their heads up was expected, and luckily no one was kind enough to share the grave news to them, or even warn them.

"What's going on then?" Alfonzo aggressively asked, "the moment I spoke with my sources, they all hung up in my face, and never returned my calls again," he angrily said, expressing how angry he was by taking out one level five trash sword and throwing it away in an angry move.

"Calm down, I will explain everything now," I smiled, for the first time since meeting them today, and this smile made their glances weirder. "There is a great calamity coming upon us, and this will be enough to destroy the whole game that we already know, along with anyone inside it."

My words made their expressions freeze, as they glanced at me with shocked faces, while Aria asked:

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you hear about the peace treaty I just signed with my enemies?" I suddenly shifted the topic to the beginning of everything that happened today.

"What truce?" Alfonzo asked with more shocked expression, while Aria sighed as she said:

"I have heard about it earlier, but didn't get the chance to share the news with you."

I looked at them as I said:

"I have received a truce offer from these bunch of nobles here in exchange for many handsome rewards."

"What rewards?" the two Cleos asked at the same time, making me smile at their reaction. 'Girls!' I muttered inwardly, while I replied:

"Many things, including mystic art medallions in hundreds."

I didn't tell everything, only highlighted the most spicy one to them. as I expected, their eyes shone with greed, as they started to think about anyway to make a trade with me regarding these medallions.

If their desire for strength was much above their loyalty to their groups, I wouldn't hesitate to wave the card of medallions directly in their faces, but I was sure if I did so, I wouldn't gain anything in return.

"They asked me for a one year truce, here and at every other game world," I said, attracting their attention once again to the main topic.

"What's wrong with that?" Tomy, the silent leader of the white radiant adventure group asked.

"What's wrong?" Alfonzo was the one to bark at him, "these are nobles, the most stingy and bloodsuckers I ever knew in my whole life! they wouldn't do anything so kind and generous like this without a good reason, a very great benefit to them," the then turned to me as he asked, "what's the catch here? Why were they this generous with you?"

"They weren't hungry for any gains, they were so nervous to avoid death," I simply replied, throwing my first bomb into their faces.

"What?!" Alfonzo didn't see this coming, nor anyone else here. "What do you mean by death?" Aria asked, as she managed to link the dots as she hurriedly added, "Did our superiors also know about this calamity? Know that it might lead to our deaths?"

I knew it was time to hit the hot iron hard, so I calmly replied, with some regretting tone:

"Unfortunately yes, even I, their enemy, far away from them, without any backing knew everything."

They exchanged silent glances, with shocked faces as Mark said:

"Are you sure? What is this grave news then?"

"It's related to a massive attack coming towards here, and the result is the total destruction of the whole game, including its worlds," I finally said it, and my words were so shocking to them as they stayed a while silent, with pale faces.

"Are you sure about it? Who told you this?" Aria asked.

"I'm pretty sure, and I learnt the news from one of the newly transferred mecha units under me. he told me that the army already knows about this."

"The army?" Aria muttered, as she then turned to look towards Mark, as the others did. "I will contact her then," he sighed, helplessly, while he went some distance away from them, as he started to contact one person he knew.