Chapter 1789 - 1789: Cannot Attend the Wedding

Chapter 1789: Cannot Attend the Wedding

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The animals in the room hid at the corners of their cages in fear. Even the pigeon could not stand it anymore. Qiao Mei had been studying the animals for two days but there was no reaction from them at all. She could not even communicate with the pigeon anymore. What was the problem?

Could it be that the method of communication was wrong? Or maybe the animals did not want to communicate with her, or that these chickens, ducks and geese were not smart enough to communicate. However, that did not make sense. She could not even communicate with the fat pigeon in the cage anymore.

Just as Qiao Mei was feeling stuck, Xu Kang suddenly rushed in with a cat in her arms. She said excitedly to Qiao Mei, “Mei Mei! Look at this cat! It’s so fat and good-looking! Play with it! It’s definitely easier to do your research with it than the ducks and chickens!”

Research? What research? Qiao Mei looked at Xu Kang in confusion.

“Why are you looking at me! Take it! Don’t tell me you don’t like cats,” Xu Kang asked.

“No, I like cats very much. Whose cat is this? M/hy does it look so much like Grandpa Li e s big cat?” Qiao Mei asked curiously.

“Oh, let me tell you! It’s that big cat from their family! But it’s that cat’s baby! Some time ago, their cat went missing and when it came back, it was pregnant and then gave birth to many kittens. These past two days, they have been giving the kittens away one by one. I used a fruit basket to exchange for one. Haven’t you been doing research on animals recently? Sister Feng and I want to help you, so we found a kitten for you,” Xu Kang said.

In some places, it was customary that pregnant women and people who were divorced were not allowed to attend a wedding. Otherwise, it would potentially bring bad luck to the newlyweds.That would be really inauspicious!

“If you’re not going, then I won’t go either. I’ll just send them the monetary gift,” Xu Lan said.

“Leave it to me. I’ll put together the monetary gifts from our four families and get Sister Xu to send it over,” Qiao Mei said.

Xu Lan touched Qiao Mei’s stomach and said, “How have you been recently? Do you feel any discomfort? I heard from Xu Kang that you haven’t been eating much recently. Is the baby being naughty again?”

“No, it’s just that the changes in the weather and temperature affects my appetite. I’m doing very well! Besides, don’t we still have medicinal wine at home? Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” Qiao Mei said as she patted Xu Lan’s hand.

Just as the two of them were chatting, Xia Wen suddenly barged in. He looked at Qiao Mei and Xu Lan with a solemn expression, not knowing what to say. He had not wanted Xu Lan to know about this.

“Why are you so reckless? Your younger brother is not at home now. Don’t you know how to knock first before you enter Qiao Mei’s house? What if you give her a scare and she has a fall!” Xu Lan scolded.

“I’m sorry. I was too anxious and forgot all about acting properly,” Xia Wen said with his head lowered.

“Eldest Brother didn’t do it on purpose. Mother, don’t blame him..” Qiao Mei looked at Xia Wen and asked, “Eldest Brother, why are you in such a hurry?”