As the frightened man took his last breath, the dream world collapsed.

The small room began to twist and morphed into a black vortex. Yu Le was caught off guard, and was sucked into the abyss in the blink of an eye.

In this chaos, he finally saw the complete memory of the original owner.

After the appearance of the secondary personality, the original Yu Le was constantly walking on thin ice, anxious that he would come out and commit something unforgivable. He was afraid that one day he would hurt Zhu Luo.  One day, as if he had a premonition, he had a dream filled with events far in the future. In the dream, Zhu Luo was together with a man named Huo Annong, and in order to steal the body, the vice-captain was conniving together with others to ruin their lives. The future Zhu Luo didn’t understand his actions, asking why he would do such a thing with disappointment filled in his eyes.

After that, the vice-captain started to take control of his body for longer and longer periods of time. In order to stop him, Manman fought to her death. Zhu Luo was also affected and almost lost his life to his own hands.

When he woke up from the dream, he was sweating profusely. Thinking of his sister who had died to stop him as well as Zhu Luo’s disappointed eyes and bloodied face, he felt cold over.

This had to be stopped, but what could he do?

The best way, was of course, to make himself disappear before anything could happen.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Following the dream, he found an underground doctor that the vice-captain would come to for vicious drugs. The man in a white coat took out a bottle of unlabeled white pills and looked at him critically, “These pills have very serious side effects and may even cause insanity in their late stages, turning you into a complete lunatic.”

The young man raised the corners of his mouth gently, “Doctor, thank you for listening to my troubles these days. You are the only one I could say this to.” He held a wry smile as he asked, “But the thing about multiple personalities is so strange, don’t you think I’m already crazy?”

The doctor looked at him silently, not refuting his words.

Taking the pills home, he took them regularly according to the doctor’s instructions. From that time on, he rarely went to visit Zhu Luo.

Originally, he had planned to take things slowly.

He began to make arrangements for his funeral bit by bit, and because of a fear that his sudden disappearance would worry Zhu Luo, he started to spread rumours that he was going to study abroad, thinking that he would tell Zhu Luo when the time was right.

The only regret he had was being unable to apologise to Manman.

Unlike the vice-captain, Yu Beiman had a very pure personality. She had no thought, hatred or love for Zhu Luo. She was like a blank piece of paper, a child who was curious about everything.

Manman often said to him, “You don’t have any hobbies besides Zhu Luo, I don’t want that! I want to eat all the delicacies in the world! See all the handsome guys I can! If Yu Bao could give birth to my child, then my life would be perfect!”

At that time, he could only shamelessly beg for forgiveness, “I’m sorry, because of my decision, you’ll also disappear.”

However, the innocent girl still smiled happily, “It’s okay. There are still many, many people in this world who love Yu Bao. Even if I’m gone, he won’t be lonely…but you are different. You are my brother. Even if it’s a bit troublesome, I still hope you can be free.”


“Yes, free!” Yu Beiman occasionally said some mature words, not at all in line with her character, “Loving someone should be more than just one-sidedly giving. It’s painful to live like that. If the current dynamic between Zhu Luo and you is all he can offer, then you might as well just disappear!”

“Yes, Manman, you’re right.” As if he had found liberation, he showed a relaxed smile, “Thank you.”

Things were going smoothly, but one night, something unexpected happened.

The vice-captain was not willing to die quietly like this, and began to counterattack. In a hurry to suppress him, the original Yu Le grabbed all the remaining pills and drank them all in one go.

This method of injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging oneself by eight hundred naturally resulted in very serious consequences—all of the three personalities quickly weakened.

Seeing this, Yu Le finally understood why the vice-captain was so weak in his dreams, even going dormant and refusing to come out, it was because he needed time to recover.

With his weakened strength, his ability to control the body would naturally be less secure, but at the same time, it was a one in a lifetime opportunity to devour the original personality. Knowing that such a chance would never present itself to him again, a chance to rid himself completely of that sanctimonious main personality, his desperation flowed out in droves, covering the already precarious main personality.

He almost disappeared.

But at this time, Yu Beiman came out.

She was the weakest and purest of the three personalities. She didn’t understand why the main personality was so miserable, nor why the vice-captain was so paranoid. She just wanted to chase stars and spend time chatting with her friends.

But now, seeing that they couldn’t live in peace, she gave up on her simple dream for the original Yu Le.

At this dangerous moment, she stepped forward and blocked the blow for him, letting herself be swallowed instead.

The original owner survived thanks to her desperation, but the situation was no better than before. The vice-captain was growing stronger after having consumed Yu Beiman. It was only a matter of time before he lost control of his body, and it was with this knowledge that the original owner made a crazy move.

Spending the last of his power to exhaust the vice-captain one more time, the original Yu Le was on the verge of disappearing when he found a sacrifice to take his place—Yu Le had appeared.

The weak vice-captain had just faced the other two personalities and chose to temporarily avoid fighting Yu Le.

As Yu Le took over the body, the remnants of the fight within their subconscious had scrambled their memories so that he was left incomplete.

All of his questions were finally cleared up.

The protagonist had long since disappeared, so the emotions he felt remaining inside him should be from the vice-captain. Thinking of those painful and heavy emotions calling for desire and destruction from time to time…the vice-captain actually had the same desires for Zhu Luo as the main personality. It was no wonder he wanted to destroy him, having such a harsh love that would never be returned.

Holding a love that would lead only to hate, the resentment that filled him would probably never recover.

But no matter the vice-captain’s mental journey, it had nothing to do with him now. After all, the vice-captain was weak enough that at the end of this dream, he died full of resentment, and turned into nothing more than a wisp of memories.

So boring.

It was like watching a silent black and white movie. Feeling tired, Yu Le stopped standing by in the audience and woke up.

Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was Yu Youzhi staring at his face.

This scene reminded him of the moment he woke from a fever not long ago. It was also a gentle night and the grey eyes of the other reflected the dim light outside the window and narrowed slightly at him.

“Are you finally awake?”

Wanting to respond, he opened his mouth, and found that his throat was dry and uncomfortable, leaving him with a hoarse voice, “…Do I have a fever?”

He made it through his question and covered his throat, coughing softly.

“A fever? I don’t think so.” The man sitting next to him said so, but still stretched out his hands to test the temperature for him. Finding that the temperature was indeed normal, he pulled back, “Would you like some water?”

Yu Le continued to cough quietly, the pumping movement made his rough throat even more uncomfortable. Not wanting to speak again, he could only frown and nod.

The water was delivered to his hand quickly. The glass was comfortably warm, it seemed that Yu Youzhi had prepared it according to his past experiences, and Yu Le drank heavily. The man standing by the bed looked at him calmly until the water reached the bottom.

After finishing the first cup, he continued to finish a second.

“Do you want more?” Yu Youzhi took the glass back and asked.

After the third glass bottomed out, Yu Le finally began to feel better and the dry discomfort in his throat was faintly suppressed. Only then did he look up at the man next to him and cast a questioning look. Of course he had noticed that although Yu Youzhi was caring for him well, his attitude was consistently cold.

“Well…” The other party seemed to be hesitant and hummed as he deliberated over how to ask. Those light grey eyes of his stared at him unblinkingly, as if they didn’t want to miss any expression he made, “so…Yu Le? Should I still call you Yu Le? Who are you now?”

“Cough! Cough! Cough!” This question successfully threw Yu Le into a coughing fit. His throat felt as if it was being torn apart and filled with smoke. Taking a deep breath, he blinked his deep eyes tiredly, “I am your father. Satisfied?”

A smile brightening his face, Yu Youzhi’s face was active again, “Yu Le! Congratulations on waking up! You know, I was really worried about you, if you hadn’t moved soon, I would have wondered if you were waiting for my kiss to cure you. You really are an angelic beauty when you’re asleep!”

“Uh…” Yu Le felt that these words hurt his ears, but he was slightly embarrassed as he didn’t know how to respond. But there was something very concerning about what Yu Youzhi said, “Did I sleep for a long time?”

“Yes!” Yu Youzhi nodded and stretched out a finger, “You’ve been sleeping for a whole week.”

“How long?”

“A week!”

Lying on the bed, he couldn’t hide his confusion. Looking at Yu Youzhi, he had a bad premonition and asked, “Has anyone contacted me this week?”

“Yeah, that gossipy colleague from work had made many calls and the foreman seems to have visited once as well, roaring that if you didn’t go back to work soon, you would be fired immediately.” Yu Youzhi calmly recounted what happened in the past few days, “It was getting to be really annoying, so I explained it to him, saying that you were busy fighting against the sub personality in your body and were now in a coma. When the foreman heard this, he actually told me I was lying, and that if you didn’t come up with a better reason to take time off and chase stars, you don’t need to come in to work anymore.”


“But that foreman of yours is really good at swearing, that one time he managed to swear continuously for seventeen minutes, scolding you so many times. Saying things like how you were superficial, irresponsible, and a liar. Hahaha, the navy should really hire him to be a troll, they’d be getting a bargain, paying for one and getting the quality of ten!”

Yu Le covered his face, Yu Youzhi couldn’t have handled this any worse if he had tried.

Yu Youzhi looked at him, trying to endure his curiosity but failed and asked, “What happened with the secondary personality?”

He spread his hands to his sides as he answered, “Dead.” Thinking this may not be enough of an explanation, he added, “He wasn’t able to beat me and has completely disappeared.”

“Well…Yu Le, you are indeed very powerful!”

Yu Le raised his eyebrows, this attempt at flattery was a bit too disgusting.

Not in the mood to joke with Yu Youzhi any longer, he looked at Yu Youzhi pleadingly, “I need time to mourn my job that you lost me. Leave me alone for a bit and then I should probably tell Zhu Luo what happened today.”

The man sighed, feeling wrongly accused, “Fine, I’ll have Brother Song arrange a place for you two.”

Sorry for the late chapter everyone, I caught a bug and haven’t been feeling all that great. I hope you enjoy it anyways though!