Chapter 556 - 556: Are You in a Relationship?

Chapter 556 - 556: Are You in a Relationship?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Ningning... ”

Lin Ci looked at her hesitantly.

Lu Ning turned around in confusion. “Huh?”

Lin Ci leaned over softly. “Are you in a relationship?”

Lu Ning was shocked. “Hah?!”

She looked at her strangely. “What are you even thinking?”

Lin Ci looked at her and said logically, “Your emotions have been unstable recently. You really look like you’re in a relationship.” Lu Ning:

“Have my emotions really been that unstable recently?”

Lin Ci nodded. “Yes.’

Lu Ning:

“Sister Ning, Sister Ning, the song that Little Ci played, was that—?!”

The class monitor ran over excitedly and asked.

Because there were classmates around him who did not know what was going on, he did not say it expressly.

Lu Ning and Lin Ci understood and nodded.

The class monitor immediately hopped up and down excitedly. “That’s totally awesome! I’ll see you at the rehearsal hall at noon.”

Then, he skipped back to his desk.

They were busy going to the rehearsal hall to rehearse.

Along the way, they encountered many people eyeballing them suspiciously, which left them at a loss.

It was not until someone in the rehearsal hall received the news that they knew there was such a post on the forums.

They immediately told Lu Ning about it.

Lu Ning was stunned and looked at the post in a daze.

It was obvious that the photos were of her and Huo Jinyan. Judging from the angle, these photos had been secretly taken without the two of them knowing.

Actually, they all looked quite normal. It was just that some angles looked very intimate and close, even though they did not overstep their boundaries.

However, this was already enough to make one’s blood boil.

It was taboo for teachers and students to have such a relationship. Such a topic stirred the gossipy hearts of people and made them pay more attention to it, so they wanted to know about this matter even more.

“Sister Ning, don’t be upset. It’s all these people’s fault for writing nonsense.

I’ll get back at them now.”

“Yes, yes! Let’s go and scold him now!”

Initially, the group was jumping up and down happily when they heard Lu Bai t s song because this song was too suitable for their play!

However, the atmosphere was extremely oppressive now, and there was no joy in it at all.

Everyone looked at Lu Ning worriedly.

Lu Ning turned off her phone screen and looked at them. “It’s fine. Let’s rehearse first.’

Lin Ci looked at her, then glanced at the hesitating crowd. She gave them a look. “Right, rehearsal first..”