Chapter 1438 Where's The Real Culprit?

Name:Affinity: Chaos Author:Springs_Halo
Chapter 1438 Where's The Real Culprit?

"How do we get him?" Grey asked the man.

"I can bring him out, but it'll take a while." The man replied.

"Alright." Grey walked over to the man and for precautionary measures, placed the fusion orb alongside an array on both his brains and cores.

He didn't want to take any chances with someone as powerful as the man. This was a person who created a method of controlling someone without them even being able to remember what happened during that period of time, the chances that he can easily bypass just the fusion orb was really high.

When Grey got close to the man, there were signs of hesitation from him, but he didn't argue and let Grey do what he wanted.

"If I take you back, Aries will want you dead. I'm going back to tell her the culprit will arrive shortly." Grey said.

Grey didn't think he would meet two special people in such a short time, and unlike the previous people that had followed him, he was the one who recruited these ones. To a certain extent, it could be said that he was slowly building an army of freaks to fight against the Gnomes and the rest of his enemies.

Being able to control someone and know what is happening wherever they are is amazing.

"Get him to come meet us somewhere close, I'll be hiding around to take him out." Grey said and vanished, he didn't take the man with him.


Back in the town.

Klaus and the others were still in the building, the man they fought here was also there with them.

"Why is he taking so long?" Reynolds asked.

"He'll be fine." The man said. Excavate this intelligence, retracing it to n0v*lbin★

Klaus glared at the man, it was clear he still didn't have a good impression of the man. Even though the man helped them apprehend whoever was causing all this, it was not enough for him to forgive him for what he did to Reynolds. If he didn't act quickly by freezing him, and had Grey delayed, then Reynolds might've been dead.

He isn't sure there's anything the man could do that will make him forgive him for that.

The man saw Klaus' gaze but didn't think much of it. He wasn't too interested in Klaus and the others, if not for Grey, he wouldn't even be here in the first place.

They were about to speak when Grey suddenly appeared.

"Where is he?" Aries asked hurriedly.


"Who's the culprit?" Aries asked when Grey stepped out.

"Another Elder from your Faction." Grey replied, seeing the skepticism in the face of Aries, he said, "This one knows what he's doing."

"And the person you went after?" Aries asked.

"Not troublesome, he's cool." Grey replied.


"He's only a pawn. There's no point killing him."

"But he's the one the link is connected to."

"It's not that serious. Don't worry."

"Why are you covering for him?"

"He's of use to me. He will not cause any more problems here."

When Aries heard this, she didn't speak anymore.

"Make sure he doesn't cause any problems here."

"Don't worry." Grey smiled, he recalled something and said, "Oh, and he'll be leaving this place soon, so you don't have to worry about him. There are others you should be concerned about though."

Aries didn't like the fact that Grey was seemingly recruiting these evil people, but she didn't hassle over it since there was no point in doing that.

They all left for the location Grey said the culprit would be and after some minutes of water, Klaus asked, "Where are they?"

"Don't be in a haste, they'll be here soon."

Just as Grey finished his statement, two figures appeared.

"What's the meaning of this?"