Looking at the eagerness in front of the people's eyes, he pretended to be reserved for a while, and then nodded cleanly.

"Coincidentally, I have the same purpose as you," he said.

Hearing this, there was no accident in the man's eyes.

Since the man in front of him painstakingly joined the ranks of the victims and quietly became their leader, his plan must be not small.

"Happy cooperation," he said softly. "I hope we're all right about each other."

In the next time, the two people followed the dull sound of the wet match, which quickly decided the next goal.

Seeing the covered moon gradually showing its head, the man did not continue to stay.

"Hope to hear some good news tomorrow." Said the man.

When he said this, he didn't deliberately lower his voice, but in a quiet space, the voice can always be transmitted to a farther place.

He heard the whisper coming from the side, the smile on his face remained unchanged, just looking at the person in front of him.

He wants to get one last reassurance before he leaves!

"You are too careful."

In the face of each other like helpless like complaining expression, he is still stubborn.

Slightly invisible confrontation for a moment, then the man blinked his eyes, a little color.

"There will be good news tomorrow, and I will do what I say."

Hearing the promise of the person in front of him again, the man quietly breathed a sigh of relief and did not stay.

Under his deliberate acceleration, he quickly returned to the place where he had fallen from the city wall, and also saw the big basket with the light of the moon.

His face became complicated and he resisted, but he couldn't refuse.

Slowly taking a breath, he held his breath and tugged at the rope.

Soon, the soft rope quickly tightened and stretched, and slowly rose with the basket below and the people in the basket until they reached the highest point of the wall.

"Please," the man whispered, smiling.

"Go back quickly, don't let others find out," the other side kept breathing deeply, slowly pressed down the pain of his arms, and didn't open his mouth.

In the face of his attitude, the man shrugged helplessly and said nothing more.

When he returned to the prime minister's house, the moon had unconsciously crossed the middle line of the sky and slowly slid down.

But even though it was dark, he opened the door and saw the Butler standing with his back to him in the flickering candlelight.

That person quietly closed the door, this just relaxed completely in the nearly closed space.

"Live up to expectations!" In the face of each other's expectant eyes, he said with pride.

The old servant clenched his fingers and slowly released them. Between the blinks of his eyes, there was a touch of moisture that kept flashing.

"I read you right!" He approached, raised his hand, patted the man on the shoulder and said with emotion, "you are a qualified successor."

The man thought he would be encouraged, but he didn't expect to get such a promise.

Suddenly, his eyes widened. His eyes were even more dazzling than the flickering candlelight.

"You mean I No... " As if the previous grinding turned into nothing, he stammered and couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

"Yes," the old servant looked at him with softer eyes, nodded gently, and confirmed his guess, "that's what you think."

"When the prime minister's house has passed this crisis, you will be the housekeeper of the house."

Although he didn't worry about what the other party might misunderstand, the old servant repeated it again with assurance.

The room was quiet for a long time, until the burning candle broke out a little spark, then it came back with a slight crack.

"I won't let you down!" Nodded hard, the man promised, "I will do everything well, and finally welcome the master from there!"

Looking at the firmness in the other's eyes, the old servant's eyes were a little red. For a moment, he was speechless.

Time flashed by and the next day arrived as promised.

The gloomy weather did not stop the victims from fighting for their own status.

Early in the morning, the capital is still sleeping, and they have been in the same situation one after another. At present, it seems that everyone must have the green and black logo.

With the passage of time, their stomach began to come out one after another of the grunts, voice superposition, sounds very spectacular.

Someone covered his stomach and rubbed against the leader and asked, "what did the man say yesterday? Will they continue to serve porridge in the future? "

When asking questions, his eyes couldn't help floating to the side, and his hand covering his stomach also exerted more force.

On the ground not far away, the debris left by yesterday's conflict is still there, but the rice scattered nearby has already been picked up by the victims and stuffed into their stomachs.

But his expectation didn't make him get a satisfactory answer. He could only see the person shaking his head firmly in front of him.He couldn't help whining, and his eyelids drooped. He didn't have to do anything else, just half dead.

"Why?" He could not help asking.

The person who was sitting suddenly stood up straight and looked down at him with a very indifferent tone.

"Just because they're kind-hearted doesn't mean they have to," he said, looking at each other sharply. "Do you understand?"

Under the oppressive gaze of the leader, the man could not help shrinking and nodding subconsciously.

Slowly turning his eyes to the side, the leader yelled, "even if they are forced to give up porridge, we must not be dissatisfied with them."

"It's said that shengmien, doumieu, I don't want us to become insatiable and ungrateful people!"

"Although we are victims now, it doesn't mean we have always been! In any case, we must not lose our backbone and conscience! "

In the case of everyone listening quietly, his voice can easily cover the whole group of disaster victims, and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Do you understand?" He asked.

"I see!" The victims answered with one voice.

Now they seem to be the sparks in the process of making a fire. Although they are fragile, they have gradually become a prairie fire!

However, conscience belongs to conscience, and gratitude belongs to gratitude. Without reclaiming their own land, the victims can only rely on the kindness of others.

But perhaps because of yesterday's trouble, they waited for most of the day, but they didn't wait for anything.

The fragrance of the city wafts out in bursts, and the laughter is condensed into needles, which are hard to get into the ears of the victims.

The purr of the stomach is getting louder and louder, and there is acid in the throat. In the face of all this, adults can barely bear it, but the children who have just had a good two days are all crying with hunger.