Hearing the irony in Zhou ruo'an's words, the man's lips wriggled, but he found that he had nothing to say.

He clenched his teeth as if he had heard nothing.

"This is what you want," he said, handing over the bloody package.

Zhou ruo'an's eyes quickly across a touch of disgust, quickly back two steps, palm in front of his nose constantly incite.

"You take it and follow me," Zhou said. "Don't let me see him again."

With that, Zhou ruo'an took down the dagger cleanly, found a direction at will, and went straight ahead.

She didn't worry about whether the people behind her would catch up, or whether they would unite and give herself a heavy blow behind her.

Because she is confident, even in the face of those people united, still can easily win the other side.

What's more, Zhou ruo'an pulled out a smile from the corner of his mouth. He didn't hide his satire and disapproval of those people.

Zhou ruo'an didn't feel that after this series of stimulation, they could still have the courage to unite against themselves.

Moreover, if they really had the courage to make the last fight, they would not be ordered by the rebel leader and the so-called leader in such a dense forest.

As long as they want, they can leave behind the rebel leader, or even the captain who makes them suffer humiliation.

The development of things did not break away from Zhou ruo'an's conjecture, and those people did not have the courage to resist.

The captain weighed the weight in his hand, bit his teeth and turned to catch up.

The rest stood for a while, looking at each other, but couldn't make a decision for a long time.

"What shall we do?" Someone asked, but it was a bitter smile.

After a long time, when the captain's figure was about to disappear in front of them, someone finally made up his mind.

"I decided to catch up," he said in a low voice, looking at the brothers who fought side by side with him. "I don't know what will happen to me after I follow, and I don't know whether I can still save my life, but I don't want to wander in the forest like a savage."

Finish saying, his line of sight a little from the side of the person's body over, eyes with his own did not notice the expectation.

"I'll go too!" "I'll go too!"

Their voices rang out one after another, arousing a forest of birds.

"Let's bury his body quickly." The first person who opened his mouth looked at the brother lying next to him. There was a touch of pain in his eyes. "It's not good to leave him here and endure the birds and animals in the forest."

Speaking of this matter, those people's expression also became heavy down, forced to nod, with his waist knife in this soft soil excavation.

A gust of wind blowing, those people throw the knife in their hands to the side, and work together to move the man's body into the earth pit they dug out.

"We've decided to go back," someone said. "If you can still hear me, bless us for our lives. If not, we'll be with you soon."

"We have been fighting together for such a long time, but we didn't expect to die in the hands of our loyal Lord. This is also a ridiculous thing."

"But it doesn't matter. The man who appeared inexplicably has avenged you, and we have decided to follow her."

"Because we don't know whether the road ahead is good or bad, and we can't take you with us. We can only bury you here for a while, hoping to welcome you back in the future."

Those people speak their own words, or thick or sharp voice mixed together, but only let people feel extremely sad.

Soon, the familiar face in front of him was slowly buried in the soil, and nothing was left at last.

They finally looked at the land where their brother was sleeping, and then turned away without looking back.

As for the body of the rebel leader, after all the people left, his body was quickly swallowed by the animals passing by, and only a skeleton was left, which was bought in the bloody land.

Zhou ruo'an confidently led the way ahead, but after a day and a night, she had not remembered how she came here.

Once again, after passing a familiar stone, Zhou ruo'an stood in the same place without expression, looking up at the sky.

The people who followed him didn't know what he thought in his heart. They just thought that this action had other meanings. They unconsciously held their breath for fear that they would disturb each other.

After a long time of silence, Zhou ruo'an turned around heavily and looked at the people behind him. He pretended not to be satisfied and asked, "do any of you know the way?"

Those people Leng for a while, look at each other, then nodded without hesitation.Zhou ruo'an narrowed his eyes and said, "in that case, you can lead the way."

The men were quiet for a while before someone ventured forward and asked softly, "where are you going to take us?"

Zhou ruo'an looked at him, and there was no fluctuation in his tone.

"Of course, I'll take you to the city you've been thinking about for a long time to let the people know your sins," Zhou said. "I'll also show you what kind of harm you've brought to the city where you live and work in peace and contentment."

Although he had already guessed Zhou ruo'an's identity, when he heard this sentence clearly, those people's eyes could not help flashing for a while, and their hearts were rustling.

Looking at their expressions, Zhou ruo'an sneered and said sarcastically, "since you know you are guilty and afraid, you must also know what you have done. Since you had the courage, why do you have to look like this now? It's just a joke."

The man gave a wry smile and murmured in a low voice, "I have understood my sin and want to make up for it. No matter what kind of punishment those people have set for me, I will definitely abide by it one by one and never complain."

That person sonorous and powerful mouth says, the face is quiet, the eyes are more sincere.

Zhou ruo'an gave him a deep look and didn't turn his head.

"There's no need to talk so well now," she said. "I don't want to hear your confessions. I just want to see what you finally do. After all, it's easier said than done."

The man's expression remained unchanged, nodded firmly, and whispered, "I see."

With that, he squinted and looked around, then walked straight in one direction.