Xiao Yunyi tensed up and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He clenched his hands into fists and placed them by his side as he spoke in an incredibly hoarse voice, "Speak."

Lan Xi looked into Xiao Yunyi's eyes and lost all her courage.

She rubbed the sheets restlessly, feeling uneasy. Lan Xi didn't know if she should take this step forward, but if she didn't say it now, she feared she wouldn't have another chance in the future.

So be it.

With a harrumph, Lan Xi closed her eyes and shouted, "I like you!"

The world went silent. Lan Xi's eyes were tightly shut. She waited for a few seconds, but there was no response from the people in front of her.

Could he have left?

She muttered to herself, then slowly opened her eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Lan Xi was greeted with Xiao Yunyi's smiling eyes. The smile seemed to have a charm to it as it sucked her in.

This was the first time Lan Xi had seen Xiao Yunyi smile like this. It wasn't a scary, cold smile, not a polite, fake smile, nor a fake smile. It was a smile that came from the bottom of Xiao Yunyi's heart.

In the days to come, Lan Xi had always remembered Xiao Yunyi's smile. No matter how hard it was, the thought filled her heart with strength.

"What did you say?" Xiao Yunyi moved closer to her, his voice filled with an unprecedented gentleness. "Look at me. Say it again."

Lan Xi also laughed and held his face. "Xiao Yunyi, I like you …" "I like you, I like you, I like you …"

The smile on Xiao Yunyi's lips grew wider and wider. He was caught off guard as he hugged Lan Xi and kissed her deeply.

This time, Lan Xi didn't struggle. Instead, she kissed him back earnestly, as if she wanted to show off all of her passion.

Their lips were intertwined as they made a sound that would make one blush to the point of making one's heart beat faster. However, the two who were immersed in love didn't notice it at all. They only tightly embraced the person in front of them, as if they were trying to embed them within their own bodies.

After a long time, the room became quiet once more.

Xiao Yunyi sat on the bed and hugged Lan Xi. Lan Xi's face was no longer as pale as it was before. Instead, it was a faint blush.

Just as Lan Xi opened her mouth to speak, she heard a knock on the door. The door opened and Doctor Sun, his assistant, and Lu Zihao entered one after another.

Seeing Xiao Yunyi and Lan Xi's current appearances, the three of them felt a little awkward.

Lan Xi's face became even redder. She immediately sat up from Xiao Yunyi's lap and pushed him away. Xiao Yunyi was pushed back by Lan Xi and couldn't help turning his head to glare at her.

Xiao Yunyi turned his head away after seeing Lan Xi fawning over him with a smile.

The others who were watching the exchange felt like they had received a ton of food from the two. Lu Zihao rolled his eyes helplessly, but Xiao Yunyi only gave him a cold glare.

"Cough, cough …" Unnaturally coughing twice, Lu Zihao turned to Doctor Sun, "Doctor Sun, Miss Lan is already awake. Hurry up and give her a check up."

"Hmm? "Yes, yes. Miss Lan, let me check on you. Are you still not feeling well?"

As Doctor Sun spoke, he walked to the bedside and took out the stethoscope from his white coat to carefully examine Lan Xi.

"It's almost back to normal, but my body is still feeling weak." Doctor Sun put away the apparatus and touched Lan Xi's forehead, asking her, "Your body temperature is also normal. How do you feel now?"

Lan Xi had already laid back down on the bed. The excitement from before had faded, and now waves of exhaustion were surging up. "I feel very tired. I don't have much strength left in my body. My head is still aching and my chest is very stuffy. I really want to vomit."

The assistant recorded Lan Xi's symptoms and then passed them to Dr. Sun, who said, "This is a normal occurrence. There are still some toxins in your body that the machine cannot expel. The poison left in your body will definitely have some effect on you, but you don't have to worry too much. Just drink more water.

Lan Xi remembered what she had said to Xiao Yunyi and couldn't help but laugh. She subconsciously looked at Xiao Yunyi and discovered that he had a faint smile in his eyes. She turned her head back, embarrassed.

Without watching the interaction between the two, Dr. Sun continued to instruct, "Since you're already awake, you shouldn't lie on the bed. You can take a stroll underground, or take a breath of fresh air by the window, which will help you recover. By the way, didn't you say your chest was stuffy? Breathing more fresh air can relieve this symptom. "

Looking at Xiao Yunyi, Doctor Sun then said, "I've already contacted the hospital that you told me to contact previously and can stay here anytime. You can tell me when you've chosen. If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first. "

Xiao Yunyi nodded. "Sorry for the trouble. Go and do what you need to do." Then he looked at Lu Zihao, "What else do you want?" "If you have nothing to do, then leave."

Lu Zihao was speechless. What happened to his boss today? Why was he so anxious to clear the place?

But when he thought of what he wanted to say, Lu Zihao's expression became serious again.

"I suddenly remembered to ask Miss Lan about something."

Lan Xi looked at Lu Zihao doubtfully. "Is it related to my poisoning?"

Lu Zihao nodded his head, "The inspection reports indicate that the food you ate last night was poisonous. However, the problem is that you ate with the boss and Miss Mu, and both of them were fine. Only you were poisoned." So, I'd like to ask, did you eat anything different from what they did yesterday? "

Xiao Yunyi stealthily glared at Lu Zihao when he mentioned Mu Ya Ran.

Lu Zihao could only turn his head away and pretend that he didn't see it, but inwardly, he was silently cursing Xiao Yunyi for being so childish …

Hearing Lu Zihao's words, Lan Xi began to get serious, and tried to recall what she had eaten last night. But she ate nothing but dinner.

She told him her conclusion.

Lu Zihao continued, "So what did you eat at the table last night? Could it be that you ate something that the other two didn't?"

Hearing Lu Zihao's question, Lan Xi slowly thought to herself, "That's right, a bowl of soup."

"Soup?" the other two asked.

Lan Xi slowly recalled, "Rice, vegetables, and ribs. I ate most of the dishes on the table last night and even drank a bowl of soup. The bowl of soup was at my side, and I didn't know who had it, but no one seemed to have touched it. When I was angry, I drank it all up. "

"What soup?"

"Why are you angry?"

Two voices sounded at the same time.

Lan Xi looked at them awkwardly. "It should be fish soup. I don't really remember, but it was delicious. I drank two bowls. As for why I'm angry? " Lan Xi looked at Xiao Yunyi as she spoke. "That's because you were flirting with another woman at the dining table."