C35 Something's Happened

The next day, when Lan Xi woke up, Xiao Yunyi was no longer there.

As soon as she had finished washing up and had taken care of herself, he knocked on the door and told her to go down for breakfast. "Yes!" Lan Xi replied in a low voice. After packing her luggage and leaving them at the door, she opened it and went downstairs with Xiao Yunyi in tow.

After breakfast, the three of them drove back to the city.

Due to the unpleasantness from last night and the fact that she woke up too early this morning, Lan Xi had already started sleeping after getting on the car. She didn't pay any attention to anyone.

When Xiao Yunyi saw that she still had the same evasive attitude as yesterday, he became angry and refused to take the initiative to talk to her. Just like that, the two of them began to shiver.

Following Xiao Yunyi's instructions, Lu Zihao sent Lan Xi back to her villa before heading to work together with her.

After Lan Xi entered the villa, she returned to her own room. As Xiao Yunyi watched her leave his line of sight, the pressure around him became increasingly low.

Lu Zihao braced himself and told Xiao Yunyi that it was time to go to the company. Xiao Yunyi glared at him coldly, then told Qiao Lin to look after Lan Xi. If she was going anywhere, report to him in time.

Qiao Lin nodded her head in agreement. Then, she looked at Lu Zihao, wanting to get some information from him. However, Lu Zihao also seemed helpless in this situation.

He didn't know why the two of them became like this after a night. They were still fine yesterday.

A man in love, it's so strange.

Seeing that Xiao Yunyi had already left, Lu Zihao didn't bother to speak to Qiao Lin anymore. After saying goodbye to her, he hurriedly caught up with Xiao Yunyi.

Qiao Lin looked upstairs and felt that the reason for Lan Xi's unhappiness was related to Xiao Yunyi. However, since Xiao Yunyi was her boss, she couldn't say anything. She could only use other methods to comfort Lan Xi.

Qiao Lin went upstairs and knocked on Lan Xi's door. She gently asked her, "Miss Lan, you must be very tired from yesterday's fun and the ride you took today, right? Do you want to go out for a massage or do you want me to bring you a bottle of essential oil and put it in the bathroom?

"No need." Lan Xi refused. "Go ahead and busy yourself. If there's anything you need, I'll contact you. I want to be alone for a while."

Hearing Lan Xi's words, Qiao Lin had no reason to stay and could only go downstairs. However, she still kept a close eye on Lan Xi's situation.

Lan Xi was relieved to hear Qiao Lin leave.

Before she got to know Xiao Yunyi, she had never received so much attention. This was because the killer's identity could not be revealed. Even when she was on a mission, she would try her best not to let others find out about her true identity.

Moreover, everyone had been paying attention to her and Xiao Yunyi ever since they got to know each other. It wasn't just Qiao Lin, Old Man Xiao, and Mu Yaran. There might even be people she wasn't worthy of.

Even after leaving the organisation, Lan Xi was unable to change her habits in an instant. Although she was getting along well with Qiao Lin, she still wasn't used to it. Moreover, she knew that Qiao Lin was following Xiao Yunyi's orders and looking at her, which made her even more uncomfortable.

Lan Xi lay on the bed for a while, completely awake. She thought about how she hadn't contacted Chi Mo Han for a long time, and wondered how he was doing. Lan Xi treasured her little friend very much. Did she ever suffer Lin Shengkun's punishment for helping her escape?

Lan Xi opened her laptop and logged into her mailbox. She found that it was filled to the brim with messages from Chi Mo Han.

Ye Zichen skimmed through the messages in front of him. Basically, it was him asking him about the situation. Where is it now? Why didn't you contact him? Wait for these questions.

Looking at the latest email, he saw that Chi Mo Han had asked him to meet with him as soon as possible.

Had something happened in the organization, or did he have her brother's whereabouts?

Lan Xi hurriedly replied to him. After receiving the email, she also replied to him. After asking her about her situation, Chi Mo Han invited Lan Xi to meet him.

Lan Xi hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

Now, if she wanted to know about Lin Shengkun's situation, she could only ask Chi Mo Han. She did not want Xiao Yun Yi to be involved in this matter.

However, Lan Xi didn't know that the laptop in her room had already been monitored by Xiao Yunyi. When she first contacted Chi Mo Han, he received a notification from Xiao Yunyi.

Seeing the connection between Lan Xi and Chi Mo Han, Xiao Yunyi got very angry.

Seeing that they had already agreed to meet there, Xiao Yunyi let his men go find a place to sit and watch their movements.

Xiao Yunyi continued to watch the conversation between Chi Mohan and Lan Xi. He also stole Lan Xi's password. If Lan Xi and Chi Mohan were to call Lan Xi again, he would immediately know what they had said. However, what disappointed Xiao Yunyi was that they decided to stop chatting after meeting each other.

After waiting for a few minutes, Xiao Yunyi estimated that Lan Xi had already left. He called Jolin and asked what Lan Xi was doing.

Qiao Lin told him that Lan Xi had just left and wanted to go shopping. However, no one followed her. She had driven away in her own car.

Xiao Yunyi smiled coldly, he said that he was going shopping, but he was actually going on a date with Chi Mo Han.

When Qiao Lin asked if she needed someone to follow her, Xiao Yunyi rejected and said that he knew where she was.

After hanging up, Xiao Yunyi prepared to leave the company and go to the agreed place to arrest someone. But at this time, Lu Zihao came in with a stack of documents, telling him that there would be a meeting in a moment.

After thinking it over, Xiao Yunyi felt that nothing would happen, so he decided to look for her after the meeting.

When he arrived at the promised coffee shop, he found that Chi Mo Han had not come yet. Lan Xi randomly found a seat and sat down before ordering a cup of Blue Mountain Coffee.

It was only after drinking the coffee that she felt bitter. Perhaps it was because she often saw Xiao Yunyi drink Blue Mountain coffee, so she was also affected. After adding some sugar, the bitter taste was slightly alleviated.

At this moment, Chi Mo Han arrived.

Seeing Lan Xi's rosy face, he felt relieved. It seemed that Xiao Yunyi had not treated her unfairly and had instead taken good care of her. Her sacrifice was worth it. She no longer had to suffer in the interrogation room.

However, when Lan Xi looked at Chi Mo Han, she could not conceal the worry on her pale face.

The waiter brought him a cup of wine. Lan Xi asked worriedly, "Mo Han, I don't think your complexion is good. Did something happen?" Did something happen to the organization, or did you find out where my brother is? "

Chi Mo Han shook his head, took a sip of coffee, paused for a few seconds and said: "Yes, but not exactly. Because it's not only the organization, but even Lin Shengkun is in trouble. "