Xiao Yunyi ignored Cheng Yue, who was leaving, and drank the wine in the cup. The spicy feeling went straight to his stomach and burned his throat and heart. Put the cup heavily on the table, and Xiao Yunyi was very distressed holding her head.

This is not the first person to tell him that he has released Lanxi, but he just doesn't want to listen to them. It's easy for them to say, but how can they feel the panic in their hearts.

Xiao Yunyi was afraid that Lan Xi would disappear from her world after she left, so she would grasp her in such a clumsy and hurt way.

Because I am too afraid of losing, I will try my best to grasp it. Xiao Yunyi's idea is sick in others' eyes, but in his own eyes, this is the only way.

He can feel Lanxi more and more silent and decadent day by day, but he is also trying to change this situation. He wants to be good to her.

Lan Yang's words suddenly flashed in his mind, "do you think being good to her is being good to her? Why don't you ask her if she is willing to accept it?"

His head hurts. Xiao Yunyi doesn't want to ask, but doesn't dare to ask. He's afraid that the answer will disappoint him. He's afraid that he will hurt Lan Xi again after he gets out of control.

What shall I do? Leaning back on the sofa, Xiao Yunyi was also at a loss. Alcohol catalyzed the mood in his heart. He didn't know how to change the current situation and enter Lanxi's heart.

The uneasiness expanded in his heart. What Xiao Yunyi was most afraid of now was Lan Xi's loss of love for himself. He was afraid that Lan Yang's words would come true. Although in today's affair, Lan Xi also answered his words, he could feel that the answer was not too much.

Xiao Yunyi drank one cup after another. Xiao Yunyi wanted to paralyze himself with alcohol.

Suddenly, the door was opened, and a burst of aroma floated over. Xiao Yunyi looked at the door.

Lu Zihao and Chen Ming were supposed to stand guard for Xiao Yunyi while playing with mobile phones, but who could have thought that mu Yaran would suddenly appear here and make a fuss to go in and find Xiao Yunyi. They don't know how she knew Xiao Yunyi was here.

"Brother Xiao is in there. I want to go in and see him." Mu Yaran pushed them away and they were about to go in, but they blocked him. "Sorry, Miss mu, the boss is drinking in there and doesn't want others to disturb him."

"Can you see clearly that I'm someone else? I'm his fiancee. What's wrong with me looking for him. I still say..." she narrowed her eyes slightly, and mu Yaran looked at the two people who blocked her. "There are others in addition to brother Xiao."

"Of course not." Lu Zihao and Chen Ming stood firmly in front of the door with their faces unchanged. "It's just the boss himself, but he doesn't want to be disturbed. Please go back, Miss mu. Your friend is still waiting for you."

Mu Yaran was embarrassed to be stopped at the door by the two people. Thanks to some cover up when she came out today, otherwise she would be ashamed to be recognized. Their obstruction made her angry, but what worried her most was whether there was anyone in Xiao Yunyi's box.

Mu Yaran appeared because the people she sent to follow Chen Yao said she met Xiao Yunyi, and they talked for a while, and then Chen Yao disappeared.

Then she received a phone call. It was the little gangster she was looking for and asked them to find an opportunity to teach Chen Yao a lesson. However, after they failed once, the woman was on guard. Before she found the opportunity, she was warned the second time. According to their description and what she saw, mu Yaran guessed that Chen Ming threatened them.

What mu Yaran doesn't understand about this association is that Xiao Yunyi fell in love with that woman, came here to have a private meeting with her, and asked her own hands to help her solve the problem.

As for what Lu Zihao said, there was only Xiao Yunyi. She wouldn't believe a word. How could it be? If there were only Xiao Yunyi, where would that woman go?

Mu Yaran was worried and wronged for Xiao Yunyi's new love, but on the other hand, she was not without a trace of joy. Lan Xi seems to disappear from Xiao Yunyi soon. He says he loves her. Now he still finds another woman, and more than once.

The woman who had known her had been to Xiao Yunyi's villa, and she was mad with jealousy. She also had the Shaw's mediums to enter. What's the two identity that Xiao Yunyi can't easily get from her own ability?

Lu Zihao and Chen Ming didn't know what she was thinking, but looking at the people in front of them, their eyes changed several times, and they still firmly blocked the door. Muyaran also saw their attitude and turned away angrily. At the moment of turning around, they didn't notice her strange smile.

Unexpectedly, mu Yaran left so easily. They were relieved, but they were in trouble not long ago. They were surrounded by a group of women who came out of nowhere.

While asking some messy words, he filled them with wine. They stopped them several times and were taken down by them. Unknowingly, they were pulled away. Mu Yaran took this opportunity to open the door of Xiao Yunyi's box.

"Brother Xiao, what a coincidence, you are here too." Mu Yaran's surprised voice sounded in Xiao Yunyi's ear.

A trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes. Xiao Yunyi asked coldly, "how are you here and how did you come in?"

Hurt by Xiao Yunyi's tone, muyaran said wrongfully, "of course I came in, and there was no one at the door."

As for Xiao Yunyi's question about why she appeared here, she automatically ignored it.

No one... Chewed these words. Xiao Yunyi's brain corroded by alcohol didn't think about why Lu Zihao wasn't there. Instead, he said angrily to Mu Yaran, "get out."

"What are you talking about?" the man opposite was a little stunned, as if he didn't expect him to say so.

"Get out. You're not welcome here."

Xiao Yunyi repeated impatiently, then picked up the glass and drank her own wine, as if she didn't exist.

Mu Yaran was embarrassed by Xiao Yunyi's attitude, but it was only for a moment. When I came in just now, the joy of watching Xiao Yunyi alone in the box has now been replaced by anger. Where Xiao Yunyi can't see, mu Yaran's expression is sinister, and there is a touch of calculation in his eyes staring at Xiao Yunyi.

Glancing at the wine on the table, mu Yaran curled her lips and smiled, "brother Xiao, I'll drink with you. I'll make you happy. After drinking, we can still..."

The latter words were swallowed by mu Yaran with the wine.