After not knowing how long, Xiao Yunyi looked at Lan Xi, who had completely lost consciousness, and Lan Yang came back after quickly grooming. However, under the sign of Xiao Yunyi, Dr. Sun stopped him outside the door on the pretext that there could not be too many people in the room.

He wrapped up the last wound and wiped his sweat. Dr. Sun looked at Lan Xi's mummy and felt a little distressed. The girl was really in trouble.

Seeing Dr. Sun put down the scissors and gauze without saying a word, he just looked at Lan Xi sighing. Xiao Yunyi's heart couldn't help pulling up. Isn't it

"What about Lanxi?"

Xiao Yunyi still couldn't hold his breath and asked.

"Alas." Dr. Sun sighed, looked at Lan Xi and frowned, "Now I have treated and bandaged the wound on him. However, because he has been in a cold and gloomy environment for a long time, the wound is inflamed and causes fever. It seems that she hasn't eaten for a long time. Although I supplemented her with glucose, she is still very short of water in her body. You must take good care of her in the next time until tomorrow morning. I'm afraid of her condition If it's serious, it's easy to turn into pneumonia. "

Xiao Yunyi has never seen Dr. Sun look so serious. Although he was nervous when Lan Xi was poisoned last time, he relaxed later, but now

"OK." Xiao Yunyi nodded, his eyes full of serious look, and he could see his anxiety after careful exploration. "I'll take good care of her. You can stay with me tonight. It's convenient for you if there's any situation."

Dr. Sun nodded and hesitated. Xiao Yunyi saw his dilemma and asked, "if you have anything, just say it directly. Don't hesitate."

"In fact, it's better for her to live with me. It's also convenient for me to monitor her at any time." Dr. Sun said cautiously. Looking at Xiao Yunyi's sinking face, he immediately added, "er... Even if she lives here, it's all right. Don't delay the treatment. Just take care of her carefully."

Xiao Yunyi nodded with satisfaction and let Dr. Sun out. With the door closed, the room became quiet, leaving Xiao Yunyi and Lan Xi.

Looking at Lan Xi lying in bed wrapped in bandages, Xiao Yunyi wanted to reach out and hold her, but he was afraid that he would wake her up. He had to take it back in frustration and sit by the bed and look at her. Although he was very distressed, he still had some feelings he didn't know.

Lanxi just left herself and soon made herself like this. Xiao Yunyi was angry that she was too impulsive and didn't know how to protect herself. He also felt that Chi Mohan was useless. He couldn't even protect a woman. He was even more angry that Lanyang was useless and let Lanxi take risks.

Qi comes and goes. Xiao Yunyi also complains about himself. If he hadn't watched Lan Xi, Lan Xi wouldn't have gone.

If he hadn't engaged himself, he wouldn't have gone. If he hadn't been able to fight the old man, he wouldn't have been brought back so late.

After shaking his head, Xiao Yunyi asked himself to throw this emotion out of his mind. Looking at the man lying in bed, he said fiercely: "it's all your own fault. If you don't go, you won't be like this. I said I'll help you find Lanyang back. Why do you have to take risks by yourself? Why do you have to go?"

Facing the unknown Lanxi, Xiao Yunyi still spoke the question from the bottom of her heart. There was some reluctance, some sadness, some resentment and disappointment in her tone.

Watching Lan Xi suddenly twitch, Xiao Yunyi seemed to be awakened.

Glancing over Lan Xi's cracked lips, he picked up the cotton stick that the doctors put aside when they left, covered it with water and wiped it slowly. This action was so gentle in the eyes of the peeping people outside the door, which complicated his mood.

Lan Yang knew his behavior was wrong, but he wanted to look at it like this, even for a while. Looking at Lan Xi reassured him. But he didn't expect to see Xiao Yunyi do that. He thought Xiao Yunyi had no feelings for Lan Xi. After all, Chi Mohan told him that Xiao Yunyi was engaged to another woman. In that case, why did he come to provoke Lan Xi.

Although Lan Yang said a word with Xiao Yunyi, in Chi Mohan's description and what he saw now, he felt that Xiao Yunyi was a scum man who deceived Lan Xi's feelings. After thinking about it, Lan Yang gently pushed the door in.

Even though Lan Yang's action was very light, it still attracted Xiao Yunyi's attention. He frowned and looked at Lan Yang. For fear of disturbing Lan Xi, he didn't say loudly, "what are you doing?"

Lan Yang saw the meaning of his mouth, but ignored him. He glanced at Lan Xi, who was very unstable even in his sleep. The pain in Lan Yang's eyes flashed away. He didn't know how serious Lan Xi's situation was.

A faint fear rose in his heart. If Chi Mohan woke him up in time, maybe Lan Xi would die because of his recklessness.

Lowering his head, Lan Yang felt guilty. Xiao Yunyi looked at Lan Xi in a daze and didn't say anything after he came in. He got up, pushed him and asked, "what are you doing in here?"

Suddenly raised his head and looked at Xiao Yunyi. Lan Yang's eyes were unwilling: "you have no right to ask me why. What's your relationship with her."

Lan Yang spoke very strongly, as if he wanted to vent his anger on Xiao Yunyi.

But he miscalculated. Xiao Yunyi is not the one who can bear strangers to vent on himself, even if he is Lan Xi's brother.

Lan Yang's voice was colder, and Xiao Yunyi's voice was colder than him: "I'm not qualified. Ha ha, although you are Lan Xi's brother, her injuries are all because of you. As such a big man, you still need her sister's protection. You're really a waste." Xiao Yunyi mocked mercilessly.

"You!" Lan Yang blushed angrily, pointed to Xiao Yunyi and said loudly, "what are you? Didn't you hurt her too? The injury in my heart is more difficult to cure than my body."

"How much do you know about our affairs? You are not qualified to evaluate."

Like being stabbed by Lan Yang, Xiao Yunyi quickly explained that there was no wave in his eyes.

"Yes, I'm not qualified, but as the only relative of Lanxi, I'm qualified to take her away. Mr. Xiao, I'll disturb you these days. When my sister's injury is cured, we'll go immediately. We'll never give you any trouble."

"You don't count this matter. When Lan Xi wakes up, let her make her own decision. Moreover, you can't go here if you want to." Xiao Yunyi threatened.

The two looked at each other and did not give in to each other.