Chi Mohan said and followed Lin Shengkun closely. Chi Mohan, who learned the truth of his family's destruction, has now lost his mind. He knew he should save Lanxi first, but now he placed all these hopes on Lu Zihao.

As he said, "he knows the position of Lan Xi in Xiao Yunyi's heart."

So Xiao Yunyi sent him here this time. He will take Lan Xi back.

Lin Shengkun has also been a killer for many years. Although his skill has retreated now, he still has a foundation, not to mention that they met his hand not long after they ran away. Let them get rid of Chi Mohan. Lin Shengkun took the opportunity to run away quickly.

Because Chi Mohan and Lin Shengkun left suddenly, they didn't notice that after they left, Lan Yang slowly climbed out from under the table, found the dungeon key in the drawer, and then took the key to the dungeon.

Lan Yang thinks this is a good opportunity. Chi Mohan is busy solving Lin Shengkun, and Xiao Yunyi is missing. He can take this opportunity to take Lan Xi away. When he and Lanxi left Qingcheng, no one could find them.

Lin Shengkun immediately returned to his room after he left Chi Mohan. His wife and children were here. They also heard the chaotic voice outside and hurriedly asked him what had happened.

As Lin Shengkun explained, he was busy taking his money out of the safe: "someone attacked me. They did it to me. Don't stay here. Hurry up and go."

The woman was stunned at first, and then reacted quickly and shouted to him——

"What do you mean? You mean you're going to die, aren't you? You're running away again?"

Lin Shengkun was busy packing up his money and had no time to take into account women's ideas. Seeing that she clung to her sleeve, he pushed her and pushed her aside. The child next to him saw his mother fall to the ground and immediately burst into tears.

Lin Shengkun was impatient with the child's crying. He picked up his bag and went out, but the woman grabbed his trouser legs on the ground: "Lin Shengkun, where are you going? Are you running away again? Do you want to leave us? I tell you, this is your child, I'm your wife, you have to take us together even if you want to go."

When the child saw his mother holding the thigh of the person in front of him, he also held out his hand like her. The man who was held turned back without hesitation, kicked them away and left without any emotion in his cold-blooded eyes.

The two were kicked by Lin Shengkun and fell to the ground. The woman got up regardless of her pain, held the child in her arms, hurriedly took some heavy gold bars that Lin Shengkun had no time to take away, and hurriedly left with her bag.

As soon as Lin Shengkun went out, he met Chen Ming and Lu Zihao, who were fighting with his men. Take out the gun, and Lin Shengkun starts to fight them directly. When Lin Shengkun appears, they all look at him.

Lin Shengkun only noticed the people in front, but didn't notice the people next to him. Just as he knows Chi Mohan very well, the latter also knows him very well. When he saw Lin Shengkun running away from his entanglement, he didn't run away in the direction of the gate, but returned to the villa. He knew he must have gone back to get his savings, so Chi Mohan had already ambushed next to the door of the villa and shot Lin Shengkun directly at him when he came out. But the gun was narrowly avoided by Lin Shengkun and only hit him on the shoulder.

Even if it was hit on the shoulder, the shot was enough to hinder Lin Shengkun's action. He struggled to lift the bag in his hand, covered his injured arm and ran forward, followed by Chi Mohan.

Chen Ming, Lu Zihao and others saw that Chi Mohan had taken the initiative to catch up with him, and Lin Shengkun was injured, so they didn't pay attention to him. Instead, several people brought by Chi Mohan saw Lin Shengkun escape and took the initiative to follow up.

Injury and weight-bearing made Lin Shengkun's speed slower and slower. Finally, he had to bite his teeth, throw down his overweight backpack and run forward easily. Unlike Lin Shengkun, Chi Mohan doesn't carry too much weight, has good physical strength, and has a cavity of anger to support him.

Soon Chi Mohan caught up with Lin Shengkun and held out his hand. He grabbed Lin Shengkun's collar.

Lin Shengkun quickly turned around and twisted Chi Mohan's arm. They moved from here to me. However, due to the fierce running and injury just now, Lin Shengkun was out of strength and tripped on the ground by Chi Mohan's legs. Seeing Lin Shengkun falling to the ground, Chi Mo was cold, but Lin Shengkun rolled on the spot and avoided.

Lin Shengkun got up and was about to run away, but the people who followed Chi Mohan came running behind him and surrounded him in a circle, leaving him nowhere to escape. Chi Mohan saw this and kicked Lin Shengkun again.

The latter shouted "ouch ouch" and covered his arm with a embarrassed look.

"Run, why don't you run? Boss Lin, aren't you very capable? Why are you so embarrassed now? Lie on the ground like a lost dog."

Chi Mohan stretched out his foot again and stepped on the wound on his shoulder.

Lin Shengkun was lying on the ground, with a cold sweat on his face and flashing eyes. He also knew that he was at the lower level now. If he wanted to live, he had to satisfy the people in front of him. There was no way. He had to play emotion cards——

"Mo Han, Mo Han, you see I can't do anything now. Just let me go. For the sake of all the years I've raised you, your skills and your position as the boss of the base, aren't they all given to you by me?"

Chi Mohan ignored Lin Shengkun's call and lingered on his wound. The people on the ground looked ferocious because of his actions. They couldn't help shouting and holding back a cold sweat. Lin Shengkun said again: "I trained the people you brought this time. You are the children I raised. How can you treat me like this? Don't forget who trained you to be like this?"

Lin Shengkun's tone was fierce, as if they were ungrateful people.

When Lin Shengkun said this, it aroused the deepest pain in everyone's heart. One of them couldn't help but speak directly: "it's really thanks to you that we become like this today. After all, you killed our family."

With that, he strode forward and broke Lin Shengkun's fingers one by one. The latter rolled on the ground with pain and resentment in his voice: "you little beasts!"