Peace in the world.

Safety in dust, not in dust.

People's life starts from birth, there are thousands of choices, different choices, different achievements of life.

Xia an Chen was destined to be extraordinary from birth. He was the successor of Xia family and the national teacher of Dongling state.

From being sensible, Xia an Chen knew that he was different from ordinary mortals. Later, he gradually grew up, learned Xia family's skills, and even more saw the power of immortals.

People always have their own desires. Since childhood, Xia an Chen has no worries about food and clothing. He has no lack of rights, status, even appearance and ability.

As a result, he became the only pursuit in his life.

And in order to achieve their own goal, Xia an Chen by any means, at all costs.

At that time, Xia an Chen only had himself in his eyes, only Cheng Xian, and could no longer tolerate anyone else and anything.

Lin Qinglan, however, became the only exception in his life.

She grew up in Xia family when she was young. From her birth, she was destined to be his wife -

"an Chen, this is Qinglan. You and her eight characters coincide, which is the destiny. In the future, she will become your wife and spend the whole life with you."

When Xia an Chen was just sensible, his father took a timid little girl and brought her to his face, holding the hands of the two children tightly together.

They, should have been childhood sweethearts, have no guess.

But Xia an Chen was very proud and aloof since he was young, and could not tolerate any weak in his eyes.

The weak should be oppressed and eliminated. The world belongs to the strong forever.

All he has to do is become the strongest king.

Xia an Chen's eyes never had Lin Qinglan's existence, even her name, her appearance, he never cared.

It was as if there had never been such a person in the whole guoshifu.

If it was not for that demon pill, Xia an Chen's eyes might never have the shadow of Lin Qinglan.

That day, he got the demon pill from Xia Beibei's hand. Although Xia Anshen knew the danger of swallowing the demon pill, he did not hesitate to swallow the demon pill. In order to fly, he had already neglected his own life.

But in the end, Xia Anshen underestimated the power of the demon pill.

When he was on the verge of life and death, his consciousness was vague, but his feeling was very clear. At the moment he woke up, he actually felt the strong evil spirit from Lin Qinglan.

The demon Dan chooses the Lord.

That demon Dan actually chose Lin Qinglan.

Why her?

Is there any secret in her?

At that moment, Xia an Chen put Lin Qinglan in his heart for the first time.

From that day on, Xia an Chen began to pay close attention to and observe Lin Qinglan's every move, so when her first Demon power broke out and showed half demon's original shape, he could arrive at the first time, and with his own spiritual power, blocked her evil spirit, so that those evil spirits could not spread out.

It was the first intimate contact between the two people. At that time, Xia Anchen held Lin Qinglan, and she was frozen --

"Qinglan, don't be afraid."

"Even if you are a demon, you are also my Xia an Chen's woman, I will not give up on you, I will try to help you!"

Sweet gentle words blurt out, Xia an Chen just don't have a purpose to use her, and the silly woman in her arms, actually believe his words.

When the two were together for the first time, that night, Lin Qinglan was very painful, not only because it was the first time or the first time in her life, but also because Xia Anshen absorbed a lot of her Demon power.

But that night, she had been biting her teeth and smiling at him occasionally when she looked at each other.

Until the early morning, Lin Qinglan finally fell asleep, and Xia Anshen could not sleep. The woman lying beside her was full of her own traces.

She is also the first woman in Xia an Chen's life.

In the past few years, Xia an Chen only wanted to be promoted. He didn't have any thoughts and feelings about men and women and children's private affairs.

After this night, Lin Qinglan broke into his life unexpectedly.

For Xia an Chen's words, Lin Qinglan has always believed in it, and for Xia an Chen's command, Lin Qinglan will definitely finish it as soon as possible.

In front of him, she never knew how to refuse.

Xia an Chen never knew there were such stupid people in the world.

Her only mission in life seemed to be to please him.

Most of the time, Lin Qinglan will stare at Xia an Chen after he goes to sleep, and then laughs on her own. At that time, her smile is especially happy and sweet.

But Xia an Chen knew all this, but pretended that she couldn't feel it at all

Until Xia an Chen knew Liang Qingqing's secret, he planned to marry Liang Qingqing.On that day, after two people were warm, Xia an Chen put on clothes gently and said coldly: "I want to marry Princess Changle in the door."

He was just telling her about it, not asking her for advice.


at that time, Lin Qinglan quietly answered, and her tone was still as gentle as ever: "as long as you like Anshen."

As long as it's something you like.

You think so.

Even if the pain, I will smile to accept.


On the day of Princess Changle's entrance, the whole of Kyoto was filled with jubilation, and the national master's office was full of excitement.

On that day, all the Royal relatives and nobles of Dongling kingdom came to congratulate them, and the guests and lords of the mansion were very happy.

Lin Qinglan has been standing quietly in the backyard, looking at the new house, feeling the festive atmosphere in the whole courtyard. Unconsciously, she shed tears.

Her heart, really good pain.

But what to do? She loves that man more than herself.

She would rather have wronged herself a thousand times than wronged that person a little.

On a happy day, there were women in black who burst into tears, which made those palace people feel very inexplicable. Later, when they knew Lin Qinglan's identity, the maids from the palace often sneered at her --

but she was the bed and companion of the master. Do you really think you can marry him?

What a delusion!

Those rumors finally spread to the ears of Xia an Chen.

Xia an Chen was angry with his servants for the first time in the national master's office. Finally, all the people in the national master's office all agreed to call Lin Qinglan "madam"

"Madame," he gave her.

"You have done so much for me, and you deserve it."

Xia an Chen is always so indifferent, as if nothing in the world can melt his heart.

He can say everything as if it were an equivalent exchange of interests.

But he knew better than anyone that he and she were never equal.


Since Liang Qingqing came into the house, Xia an Chen often stayed overnight with Liang Qingqing. Naturally, his purpose was to make his cultivation grow faster. However, when his husband and wife shared the same room, Xia an Chen always frowned, just as Liang Qingqing had always been cold faced.

He and she are husband and wife, but there is no half of the feelings.

It turns out that people who have no feelings, even if they are, will not have any feelings, and even feel dull.

At that time, Xia an Chen suddenly realized that he seemed different to Lin Qinglan.



It's just because she's so stupid, she's too obedient to herself, and she's pitiful.

Just pity her.

Xia an Chen is not willing to admit that he likes Lin Qinglan, he is not willing to admit that he likes Lin Qinglan, a demon.

Looking at her lonely face in the dark, she began to feel more and more comfortable in the dark.

Until he got a pair of strange jade pendants by mistake. When he got that pair of jade pendants, his first thought was to give it to Lin Qinglan.

Human heart can never deceive itself.

At that moment, Xia an Chen finally understood that Lin Qinglan had been thoroughly integrated into his life.

Originally, his life only for an idea to live - to become immortal!

Now, there is another thing in his life, called love.

Seven passions and six desires are superfluous. Those who cultivate immortals should be pure.

Xia an Chen wants to cut off the emotion that shouldn't exist, but at this time, an accident happens -

people from dazhongmen go to Dongling state to look for the "demon Queen".

Xia Anchen knows that the person they are looking for is Lin Qinglan. If she is caught by them, she will surely die.

In his whole life, he has been for himself, for his own cultivation, he can sacrifice and use anyone.

This time, when she met the crisis of life and death, he made the most important choice in his life for her and others for the first time

Five hundred years of agreement.

An answer he would never say.

He told her that he would tell her the answer five hundred years later, and she believed it.

Even for 500 years.

She is the stupidest person in the world.

But she, the most stupid person, met his most selfish person -

Xia Anchen suddenly remembered her father's saying that her fate with Lin Qinglan was predestined.


This fate, in the end or can not go to the end.

Xia an Chen will not tell her that he loved her.He preferred that he would always be the selfish Xia an Chen in her heart.

That's what they should end up with , the fastest update of the webnovel!