"Jenna, you're here." My dad stood up and said with a smile, "I thought I'd call you again later, and you'd come and cut it quickly Cut the cake. "

I pursed my lips, too guilty to speak. I was even more surprised that Liu Qingqing was here.

"Jena, no matter how busy you are at work, you should not forget uncle Yin's birthday." Liu Qingqing got up and came over and took my hand. "Uncle Yin made a lot of your favorite food today. If you didn't come, uncle Yin didn't move his chopsticks, so he was waiting for you."

I slowly looked up at her smiling eyes, some sour heart.

"I'll go hot and talk to you." My dad patted me on the back and went into the kitchen.

I sat down on the sofa. Jibo poured me a drink and said with a smile, "today is uncle Yin's birthday. Don't drink tea, drink some drinks to celebrate."

I took the cup and couldn't say a word.

It's like they're my dad's children, and I'm an outsider.

How can I forget such an important day today? I am so damned!

Soon, the food was brought back to the table. We sat around eating and chatting, and then cut the cake.

In the candlelight, my father had his 55th birthday.

Liu Qingqing wanted our family to talk, so he said he went back first.

My dad asked me to send her out of the house. From his eyes, I saw that he wanted us to be as good as ever.

I nodded and silently sent Liu Qingqing out of the door.

Her Audi has been taken away, and now it's a mini dash. The gap is really big.

"I bought it myself. Really, I won't lie to you." Liu Qingqing patted the car body and explained with a smile.

I looked straight at her and said sincerely, "thank you for coming to celebrate my dad's birthday tonight."

Liu Qingqing shook his head, sighed and looked into the distance. "Through this matter, I have seen myself thoroughly. Before, I didn't know how to love a real friend. I did a lot of stupid things. Now I understand."

I subconsciously pinched a palm, nose suddenly some sour.

"I'm really sorry before. I just did a lot of things myself and didn't care about your feelings, especially last time." Liu Qingqing turned to look at me with more sadness in his eyes.

"Forget it, don't say it." I lowered my head, a little at a loss.

"I really don't want to lose your friend. Liu Qingqing is an asshole woman. I only have interests and money in my eyes, but I really care about you." Liu Qingqing took a deep breath and his breath became a little shaky.

I closed my eyes and tried to cover up the inner tumbling, powerless said, "let's just let it be. There is still a long way to go."

"Jenna." Liu Qingqing suddenly hugged me from the back and stuck his chin on my shoulder. His hot breath blew in my ears. My whole heart was shaking violently.

"Please forgive me She was breathing with a big mouth, and her voice was choking

I gently pushed her away, back to her and said, "drive carefully, this point road condition is not very good."

"Don't get me wrong that day. It's nothing." She said anxiously.

I suddenly looked back at her, raised my eyebrows and asked, "which day?"

"That's the day I came to see you Qin Tianhe And then I wasn't with him, believe me. "

"You mean you didn't go to bed?" I sneered.

Liu Qingqing was stunned for a moment, and her expression became somewhat broken. She probably didn't expect me to be so straightforward.