I really can't listen to it any more. I interrupted him angrily, "are you telling me about the animal world? I think it's much easier to tame a lion than to get along with him. I hope you can tell me business. I'm not interested in hearing about him

Qin Zhenfei smile, "you are husband and wife, do not get along well, this how line?"

I lowered my head and pinched my fingers, completely speechless.

"Well, I'll let Xu come in and talk to you about business."

Soon Xu Dekai came in and opened a document with a straight face, "general manager Qin acquired a clothing company in front of him. You will go to the position of general manager tomorrow. You must manage the company well, and make the company come back from the dead and make profits within two months."

As soon as I heard that, I frowned and dared to give a mess to me, which restrained me and made me have no extra energy to do other things.

"If you have any difficulties, you should report to Mr. Qin directly. Be more serious and don't treat it as a joke."

"I believe she can do it. I have no doubt about her ability from the beginning." Qin Zhenfei looks at Xu Dekai and smiles meaningfully.

Xu Dekai put the information on the coffee table in front of me. "You can take it back and understand it clearly. In addition, you are not allowed to go to Yin Jianhua's company again. I only remind you once not to make trouble for yourself."

I bit my lip, picked up the document, looked up and asked, "well, if I finish the job, can I give back 5% of my dad's shares?"

Xu Dekai snorted, "how much profit can such a small company make? You dare to ask for 5% of the shares. "

Qin Zhenfei laughed and shook his head. "No, after all, the arrangement of shares is written in the contract, and can't be changed casually. But if you can make the company come back from the dead and make profits, I will help your father's company."

"How to help?" I asked with a frown.

"The biggest difficulty of his company is that he can't open channels. After you finish, I can provide him with a very good channel, which is very helpful to his company."

I thought quickly and nodded, "well, I hope you don't break your promise when it's done."

Qin Zhenfei nodded without hesitation, and his smile was especially friendly.

But I remind myself that he is a very good disguise, emotional intelligence is very high role, if I am again confused by his surface phenomenon, it will be really stupid.

After I went back, I spent half an hour figuring out the situation of this clothing company.

Jianyu clothing company, a small and medium-sized enterprise, was acquired by Qin's family half a month ago. Now it is on the verge of bankruptcy and is heavily in debt.

The staff is miscellaneous, the commercial structure is chaotic, and the products are unsalable.

Such a broken company, other businessmen would not look at it. The Qin family bought it for me to "practice", because they didn't care about the money, just to suppress me.

For my father's company, even if it was a star in the sky, I had to try to build a ladder to take it off.

The next morning, I drove for half an hour and walked into Jianyu's general manager's office.

Vice president Zhu Tianming was the former general manager. After getting rid of the mess, ordinary people naturally took money to leave and didn't want to get into trouble again.

However, the uncle, who is more than 50 years old, chose to stay with the company, showing a strong attitude of "living together with the company".

I respect his moral character, but this uncle is very conceited. He always thinks that his set of ideas is right, and he can't listen to other people's opinions.

After I looked at the company's products, I found that the company was largely destroyed by the uncle's arrogance.

The production of those clothes is very old-fashioned, some began to copy the hot luxury brands, the results made a four different.

I had a meeting with Uncle Zhu, which made it clear to the point that I am the general manager now and I will listen to everything in the future.

Although he did not want to, he still gave in to my authority, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and nodded with a solemn and stirring face.

Now that I have something to do, it's better to be busy every day, otherwise I'll think about those messy things when I'm free.

I can also stay outside for a while by working, and Xu Ma can't find any reason to say that I am.

Go back to wash gargle and lie down to sleep. There is no need to think about anything. Qin Tian seldom comes back. I can hardly see him.

When I came back to Qin's house that night, I was tired and sleepy. I took a bath and fell asleep.

At night, vaguely heard the harsh engine sound, I knew that Qin Tian that guy just came back.

He is a little strange. He never brings women back, but he always sleeps outside. Can't his familiar environment bring a sense of security?

Or in a strange bed, will there be a special pleasure?

In the morning, I went to the garage to pick up the car. I was silly when I got to the car.

The door of the driver's seat was dented into two pits, and the body was scratched to varying degrees.

Use your toes to figure out who did it.Physiological period is very irritable, I completely go to the head.

I rushed up to the third floor without waiting for my planned flight kick to open the bedroom door, and I gave a deafening roar to the people in bed. I was scared out of temper by the big dog that suddenly appeared in the corridor.

The guy glared at me with a fierce look, bared his teeth and barked a warning. If I dare to disturb its owner, he will be rude to me.

I stood still, squinted at it, snorted, tried to get around it, but it immediately jumped in and blocked my way, and barked again.

This sound is more ferocious than before, and my heart beats faster.

I frowned at it and whispered, "get out of my way. It's none of your business."

There was another low bark, and my cold sweat came out.

"Tom." Qin Tianchong's voice suddenly rang out, and Tom immediately turned around and ran over.

Qin Tian stood in front of the bedroom door in his pajamas and looked at me coldly with his hands in his pockets. His eyes were as fierce as Tom's.

However, this special what monster, even wear pajamas are so handsome, some messy hair is added to a lazy temptation.

Oh no, I'm here to question him!

I held my arms and raised my neck to add a little bit of energy to myself.

I glared at him and yelled, "what do you mean, what do you want to do with my car like that?"

He shook his neck, frowned slightly and asked, "whose broken car is that in my garage?"

"Even if you can't park your garage, you don't have to mess up my car like that. You're a big man with such a small mind."

He said scornfully, pulling at the corners of his mouth, "is that your car? A broken car can't stand a collision. How dare you blame someone else? "


"If you dare to park your broken car in my garage, you will wait to claim it at the recycling station." Qin Tian glared at me and turned back to my bedroom.