Chapter 1294

It's not a thing to leave the pirates aside, so the veterans took the lead to bring back the pirates, and they could also invite some helpers to go there.



"Liu Wanyan!"

While they were talking, there was a sudden burst of discussion.

They looked at each other, and before they realized it, they heard a warning voice behind them -

"stand still!"

The Dongguo dialect with an accent could not speak clearly, but all the people present could hear it clearly.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes are looking towards the sound source, and at the same time, they hold up their guns.

Soon, they saw three people. Two foreign strong men were standing behind. Liu Wanyan, dressed in military uniform, was pushed to the front with her hands tied. The other party seemed to have the posture of taking Liu Wanyan as a target.

However, compared with the tension of Liu Wanyan being arrested, a doubt also appears in her mind.

There were only ten pirates they had seen in their previous ambush.

Here, there are nine pirates captured alive and dead. If a person catches Liu Wanyan, they will not be surprised, but --

Where are the two pirates?!

In memory, these two people have never met!

"What do you want?"

Knowing that the other side knows the eastern language, Peng Ya doesn't spend much time to find ye qianxiao to do translation, but asks directly to the two pirates opposite.

"Let them all go!" Holding the pistol against Liu Wanyan's temple, the pirates who can speak the Eastern Language stare at them fiercely. Seeing that they have no action, they immediately raise their voice and say, "hurry up!"

Penya frowned.

Thousands of calculations, also did not expect that there will be soldiers caught here.

Liu Wanyan, who is threatened, is staring at Peng ya. She can't speak, but she can hint at Peng ya.

Her eyes moved from side to side, apparently in denial.

Even if it's sacrifice, they can't succeed!

Penya understood, and the others at the scene, more or less understood, but all the people present did not relax their vigilance, let alone give up her intention.

How can you give up your comrades in arms?!

"Report, target exposure."

In penya's headset, there is Yi Jili's calm voice.

With her eyes flashing, Peng Ya's hanging heart gradually falls. Then she raises her eyes and sees two pirates hiding behind Liu Wanyan.

Raising her hand and pretending to cough, penya lowered her voice and said, "two people."

It means that yikeli and yeqianxiao operate together, and if they catch the opportunity, they will act with the two pirates.

"Report!" Hesitated for a moment, easy grain grain or straightforward said, "night qianxiao is not in!"

At this time, it is related to the safety of comrades in arms, and there is no need to hide it.


Penya's face froze.


Separate operation

or --

not around here?!

Penya didn't know, and yikeli didn't have time to explain.

"Let them go, do you hear me?"

Seeing that they didn't act, the pirate suddenly cried out, and his anxiety and nervousness were exposed in his words.

As we all know, the longer this kind of hostage taking is delayed, the worse it will be for the pirates.

Who can predict whether there will be an accident?

"Don't get excited," Panya watched them cautiously, trying to slow down her voice. "Put down your weapons. We don't kill prisoners. All the rest of your troops have been wiped out by us. Even if you take people to escape now, as long as you are still in the eastern territory, there will be no possibility of escaping. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!