Chapter 1157

Seeing that she had made up her mind, penya thought about it, but she didn't have to force her to go.

"Well, regular training, just like before, you start."

Patting her hands, Peng Ya takes back her mind and says to Chen Yuning and Chao Yili.


About nine o'clock.

Yeqianxiao, who finished the test, soon came back.

At seven o'clock, she was asked a lot of miscellaneous things. Yeqianxiao's patience was not bad. She answered honestly, but the serious and tense atmosphere made her eager to leave.

After two hours, she finally got out of the hospital.

Naturally, without delay, he came back.

Went to the kitchen class along two steamed bread, night qianxiao along a mountain road, slowly running.

Even Yi Granul and Chen Yuning dare not relax at all, let alone her who has lagged behind a lot.

Twelve o'clock.

Yeqianxiao ran for three hours and returned to the canteen of the base.

It just happened to run into Yi grain and them.

"Qianxiao, it's time to return to the team."

Far away, I saw Yi grain waving to her, laughing and joking.

After a pause, night qianxiao smiles and immediately goes to get the plate. After the meal is filled, he goes directly to yikeli and Chen Yuning.

Yi granule never tears his face with others. He smiles on his face and talks with yeqianxiao casually to ensure that the atmosphere on the table will not be rigid.

As for Chen Yuning, from time to time with a few words, but also did not show much hostility to night qianxiao.

She will compete with yeqianxiao and try every means to surpass yeqianxiao in training, but this does not take her to target her everywhere in life.

Although, she was really upset about yeqianxiao.

"Beep beep beep."

ten minutes for dinner.

Just after, the whistle at the door rang.

The officers who were eating were also used to eating their meals without even looking up.

On the playground, three people ran over in an orderly way and arranged in order.

"So far, your warm-up is over."

Standing in front of them, penya looked serious and revealed a kind of speechless majesty. "You have not been able to survive until now, and you have not even the qualification to enter. Starting from this afternoon, I will take real training methods. If any of you want to shrink back, be afraid, and can't endure, you can give up now. I will send someone to take you to sea training. "

After that, Peng Ya asked in a deep voice, "we will not leave cowards in the naval land war! Are you ready? "

"It's done!"

The three people answered with one voice.

Penya stares at them, glancing over each face.

As expected, she did not see the slightest timidity, on the contrary, saw a face full of fighting spirit.

To her dismay, yeqianxiao changed her previous calmness and laziness. She saw the fighting spirit from the night qianxiao's eyes, that kind of determination to become stronger.

Back to the line of sight, pengya since is not nonsense, began to arrange new training for them.

And -

as she said, the previous training was just a warm-up.

The amount of training, double, double, double.

They mainly train in three aspects: physical quality training, psychological quality training and shooting ability training.

Among them, various projects are used to improve these three abilities.

All three have their weaknesses.

Chen Yu Ning, weak psychological quality, shooting ability in general.

Easy grain grain, physical quality is weak, psychological quality is strong.

The other two are almost perfect.

In the previous period, they were testing their strengths and weaknesses, and then adjusting their weaknesses according to different projects.

These three items need a certain time.

At the thought of this, penya was a little worried.

After a while, she will need to ask for leave, and then it will be accepted by others.

It's not herself. She's not at ease.

In the afternoon, in addition to basic physical training, there are basic shooting training.

There are many physical training projects, and the basic shooting training is divided into two aspects: theoretical learning and practical shooting. The purpose of the training is to make snipers accurately hit targets at 800 meters distance under bad weather conditions.

Among them, theoretical learning includes the knowledge of tactics, ballistics, shooting technology, ammunition technology and equipment.

The actual shooting is carried out on the target, as long as it can kill the target in 800 meters.

Theoretical study, arranged by penya to the evening, requires them to be fully controlled within a month, so that they can start the next stage of practice.

What's worse——All day's training and study make their 11 o'clock sleep on time in vain. They can go back to their dormitories until 1 a.m.

It has been reduced from six and a half hours to four and a half hours now.

It's much crueler than training recruits.

As a result, even Yi granule and Chen Yuning, who are super capable, almost become a pool of mud when they go to bed at night.

Not to mention yeqianxiao.

If you don't have enough perseverance, you can't persist in this kind of hellish days.


Two days later.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, tired to the night qianxiao, just took a sniper gun, he aimed directly in the lying position.

It's too tired. If you can lie down, you won't stand or even kneel.

Without waiting for Peng Ya's order, Chen Yuning and Yi Geli look at each other, and they all lie down together. They are really tired.

Pengya didn't care about them. She said, "for an hour, lie down and aim, but you've all noticed. Tie up your clothes and trousers, and don't let the little things get in."


The three suddenly understood something.

When she looked up, she saw a transparent belt in her hand, which was a whole bag -

sleeping trough.

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