"Night qianxiao is right," the girl said to her with a sweet smile, and then took a book to hand over, and said, "Fengfan asked me to bring you a notebook."

The girl stood by the bench with white coat on her body and her smile was clean.

Night qianxiao looks at some familiar.

It's the health worker here.

Some of the team members were injured in training, and they were all accompanied by the team leader to the infirmary.

During this period of time, night qianxiao accompanied people to the infirmary several times, and had some impression on the health workers inside.

Naturally, as the team leader's sail sealing, the number of students under his command is the most, and the number of times they come is also quite a lot.

"Thank you."

Did not think much, night qianxiao put down the mobile phone, immediately raised his hand to pick up the book she handed over.

The girl stood by for a moment.

Tilted his head to see he company commander Feng, after a while, and looked at night qianxiao's wound, wring eyebrows do not know what to think.

Fortunately, she did not stand for long, and left with a smile in two minutes.

He is young and energetic, smart and lively.

In a state of boredom, night qianxiao secretly evaluated, but soon thought that he was not far from her age, he could not help being embarrassed.

"What notes?"

For her to pick a fine stone from the flesh, I saw her look down carefully, inexplicably some uncomfortable.

Slightly low head, night qianxiao did not go to see him, light way, "class."

Thinking of the man who saved her on the cliff, he company commander Feng squinted and asked, "his?"

"Well," the night qianxiao felt something wrong again, and then added, "help copy."

"He copied it for you?"

Stop the action in his hand, he company commander Feng raises his eyes and stares at night qianxiao. Obviously, he is very unhappy.


Night qianxiao turns over the notebook in her hand.

Suddenly, eye color a dark, he company commander Feng voice a cool, mixed with anger, "night thousand Xiao, you don't have a hand?"


Night thousand Xiao partial head, quite speechless sweep to him.

Slightly frown, on the line of sight of Feng of company commander Feng of upper he, Leng Leng unexpectedly.

What's crazy?

Half ring, night thousand Xiao thought, light voice way, "I am lazy."

There is a shortcut there. If you don't go there, it's a fool.

Since Feng fan can copy it for her, she has no reason not to accept it.

However --

after a moment's meditation, commander Feng of he company seems to be stained with a layer of frost, and his words are firm and resolute, "it's not allowed in the future."

“……” Night qianxiao mouth micro smoke, "this is my freedom."

Cool to see her, he company commander Feng did not give in, "lazy in class, I can report to your instructor."

"He company commander Feng!" Night qianxiao gnaws her teeth.

"Say it

"Will you die if you don't get involved in my business?"

Night qianxiao tightly grasp the notebook, no matter how good his temper has to be tossed away by him.

There's something wrong with this guy!


He company commander Feng will soon come down.

However, night thousand Xiao just pick eyebrow, hear the person of body side low voice gentle way, "can't see you, I will die."

A low tone, a soft voice.

The heart is moving.

Night qianxiao pursed her lips.

I can't say a word.

Scold him?

Stop him?

Disgusting him?

Turn him down again?

It's no use!

He is like brown sugar, no matter how cruel and ruthless he is, he can entangle him again.

I can't get rid of it.

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