"Well, the party will start soon. Would you like to join us?"

Zhao Yixuan's voice is gentle and gentle. It seems that she has collected all the softness of the spring breeze. It's very pleasant to hear it when she slowly blows through the heart.

After being hit in the face continuously, she can still insist on it. Obviously, there is a deep meaning behind such persistence.

The fragmentary fragments appear in my mind. Ye qianxiao's lips are full of elegant smile, and her lazy eyes fall on this gentle Miss Zhao Yixuan. The sincerity and enthusiasm of the other party when they look at her are like friends who have been separated for many years. However, she is very regular and does not mean to be close to each other. No matter how tender and gentle she is, she can't bear it The undercurrent in her eyes.

Speaking of Zhao Yixuan, she was also born into a rich family, and was barely in the upper class. Like this usually do not have a lot of friendship, after meeting suddenly come to offer hospitality, night qianxiao can also guess the situation of seven or eight, nothing more than come to see a joke.

After all, there is no airtight wall in the world. It is estimated that Xu Mingzhi's repentance of marriage last night has been widely circulated.

"Don't you see that I have an appointment?"

Night qianxiao gently raised her eyebrows. Even though she looked like she was smiling, her eyes were mixed with a cold meaning, which implied how uninteresting Zhao Yixuan was.

Zhao Yixuan couldn't bear to be so dishonored for three times in a row. Even though she was in a good temper, Zhao Yixuan could not stand it. She frowned with a smile, and her tone was still polite and gentle. "If you have an appointment, if it's a friend, you can call it together. This is the first time for us to get together after graduation. If you don't go there, you can't say it? "

This words said, sounds like an invitation, but actually to night qianxiao dug a hole.

If ye qianxiao agrees to go, it's OK to say that, but if she refuses, it will be a blow to the face of all the students. If Zhao Yixuan makes a comment on ye qianxiao at the party intentionally or unintentionally, the reputation of yeqianxiao will never get better.

If qianxiao doesn't care about it at ordinary times, it doesn't matter anyway. She doesn't even have any contact in the future. She has no interest in making friends in such places. But it happened that she hadn't come to such a big city for a long time. Her hands itched and wanted to do something. Now that there was trouble, she couldn't ignore it.

Anyway, give me a face, don't you?

"So it is." Night qianxiao seems to be thinking about nodding, and then lightly asked, "where?"

With yeqianxiao's consent, Zhao Yixuan's smile suddenly softened down and slowly said two words, "Yuanzhu."

The so-called classmate party, on the one hand, can not do without the table, the other is inseparable from KTV. It seems that all the parties are the same mode, and they can not avoid the common customs this time.

Yuanzhu, on this street, is a famous hotel in the city. It imitates ancient buildings and has unique scenery. It is extremely luxurious. Of course, those who can go in don't take money seriously. What you spend money on is a status. In any case, wherever you go, there is money and no place to spend, just to earn face.

Ye qianxiao's University was spent on money. All the students in his class were well-known. Of course, local tyrants were indispensable. To be able to come to such a place, ye qianxiao didn't feel surprised.

Zhao Yixuan knows ye qianxiao's family background and knows that there is no lack of luxury places. She doesn't have any ostentatious meaning from the beginning to the end. She has a straight smile on her face. Occasionally, she recalls the past with yeqianxiao. However, she is more concerned about yeqianxiao's recent situation, such as her life in the army, why she came back suddenly, and even intentionally Unintentionally, he asked about Xu Mingzhi's affairs. He secretly wanted to inquire about the news, but there were a lot of them.

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