When he reminded, the man just gave a calm "um" and told him not to worry about it.

Fu Anran: "Yeah, that is to say, he didn't believe in Jiang Hai!"

She even scolded Luo Sinian for being an idiot, and only she herself was the real idiot.

Bai Chuxiao gritted her teeth, and hammered a hole heavily on the leather seat: "I knew it!"

Before, she felt that there must be something between Luo Sinian and Jiang Chengyu who was hiding something from her, but now it was finally confirmed that the anger in her heart was rising.

"I really don't understand...why hide this kind of thing from me? What's the benefit? I can't carry it on my shoulders or my hands, why hide it from me?"

Bai Chuxiao Balabala beeped a lot of her dissatisfaction, Fu Jiamu listened quietly, and finally said: "Maybe I don't want you to worry about it."

After all, Fu Jiamu also remembered what Bai Chuxiao had experienced before.

Bai Chuxiao roared: "I don't have to worry about it now!"

Since he and Luo Sinian had made a plan, then the news of RC's current retreat must have been released on purpose, or it must have been intentional. In fact, there must be no danger at all.

Fortunately, she has been thinking hard for so long, thinking about how to use the strength of the Bai family and the Wen family to help him, Jiang Chengyu is really a bastard!

Fu Anran hastily followed suit: "That's right! Luo Sinian is already stupid so let's not talk about it. How can President Jiang Da be like this? It's really outrageous!"

She didn't know if Fu Jiamu did it on purpose or what. When girls are angry, they can't find reasons for the wrong party and can't be considerate of the wrong party. Otherwise, it's no different from adding fuel to the fire!

Bai Chuxiao vented a word or two, furious, Fu Jiamu took out a mobile phone: "Do you want to report him well?"

"Report a fart!"

Bai Chuxiao snorted and refused: "I'm very angry this time, and I don't want to hear his name at all."

Fu Jiamu nodded, and put the phone in his pocket very naturally, without hesitation at all, Fu Anran suddenly began to doubt again, did he have a plan with President Jiang Da? Could it be that she wanted to hide Chen Cang and really turn her sister into a sister-in-law?

"Where are we going?"

"Country F, my territory."

Fu Jiamu leaned back on the seat: "Jiang Hai wants to exempt RC from sanctions, and my influence abroad can be used just right."

Bai Chuxiao: "I remember that Jiang Hai should also start from abroad."

"Yeah." Fu Jiamu smiled, "So this time we are going to demolish his house."

Fu Anran is no longer angry.

She prayed deeply for Jiang Hai, now that he is being flanked back and forth, it is best for him to die quickly.

When people were eating melons at the beginning, they didn't expect this show to last for so long.

Not only did RC's domestic business suffer setbacks, but it also started to collapse overseas. Not to be outdone, the Bai family and Wen family were involved, and several forces fought vigorously. For a while, even the air in S City was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

It was another day that ended in chaos. Jiang Chengyu returned home exhausted. As soon as he stepped into the living room, his footsteps stopped.

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

The living room was brightly lit, Bai Linye was sitting on the sofa, Jiang Yingxue was leaning on his shoulder, sleeping very unsteadily, her eyes were closed tightly, without blinking.

When Bai Linye saw Jiang Chengyu, his eyes were filled with anticipation first, and then the light in his eyes went out.

He flattened his mouth and choked up, "Where's Mommy?"

Jiang Chengyu remained silent, walked gently to his side, squatted down, and looked deeply: "She's fine."

"You lied." Bai Linye choked up, his voice squeezed out between his teeth, "If she's fine, why didn't she come back?"

He hadn't seen Mommy for days.

"Was it taken away by Jiang Hai's people?" Bai Linye opened his eyes wide, trying not to let tears fall from his pupils: "Don't deny it to me, I saw the news, you fought him very hard recently."

Jiang Chengyu pursed his lips slightly and shook his head: "No, your mommy is on vacation abroad now."

"Your grandma will go there tomorrow too. I'll send you to go there with her tomorrow, okay?"

Bai Linye: "Then you're here alone, aren't you?"

Jiang Chengyu didn't expect to hear such words from Bai Linye's mouth, he was taken aback, Bai Linye was a little annoyed, pursed his lips, turned his head to the side, and didn't speak.

After Bai Chuxiao didn't go home, Jiang Chengyu's condition deteriorated a lot with the naked eye. At the moment they looked at each other just now, Bai Linye saw that the whites of his once clear eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and there was even a green stubble on his chin. .

He watched the news on TV, saying that Fu's International and Maritime International have joined forces to deal a ruthless blow to RC Group. RC is now retreating steadily, and finally it has reached the point where the building is about to collapse.

He is still too young to be of any help, but he always feels that Jiang Chengyu cannot be left alone at a time like this.

Bai Linye knew that when Bai Chuxiao disappeared, Jiang Chengyu must be no less sad than him, but he still had to maintain a company, so he probably didn't even have time to be sad.

Unlike him and Jiang Yingxue.

Sending them abroad at this time must be to avoid the limelight. Jiang Hai, he knows, is the one who caused a lot of trouble to their family. He is unscrupulous and black-hearted like repeatedly used waste oil. How insidious is it? insidious.

Jiang Chengyu patted his head with a gentle expression: "I'm fine, and your mommy is fine, really, I'll send you to play there for two days tomorrow, and come back after the country is resolved."

Bai Linye pursed his lips. Emotionally, he wanted to stay here, but in reality, he and Jiang Yingxue were nothing more than burdens. If they were here, Jiang Chengyu would have to send someone to protect them.

If you can grow up quickly, why can't you grow up quickly?

Bai Linye suppressed the bitterness in his heart and nodded: "Then you have to take care of yourself, I'll wait for you to pick us up."

Jiang Chengyu raised the corners of his lips: "Don't worry, it will be soon."

the next day.

Jiang Yingxue was taken to the airport in a daze, and when she heard that she was going abroad, she immediately regained her spirits, tearfully holding on to the electric poles by the side of the road and refusing to leave.


Before she finished howling, Bai Linye rushed up and stuffed a piece of bread into her mouth: "Bah, bah, what's life and death, just go and play with grandma!"

Zhu Wan nodded: "Yes, yes, your mommy is also abroad, let's go on vacation and be back in a few days, okay?"

"Woo hoo (deceived)!"

With the bun stuffed in her mouth, Jiang Yingxue gave Bai Linye a hard look. She was not an idiot, and his dark circles appeared. It was obvious that he hadn't slept all night.