Xuankun still lived in the room, but as soon as he entered the room, the whole person was warm. He looked at the room and saw that the room was clean and tidy, and the temperature was very pleasant. He thought that the dragon was burning.

He was so comfortable that he threw himself into bed. Fortunately, he didn't have to endure the cold tonight.

"Benedict," a slight noise came from the door. He sat down in a hurry and asked, "who is it?"

"Brother Xuan, it's me, willow leaf." The people outside the door showed their identity.

Xuankun jumped down from the bed, stabilized his mind and opened the door.

Liu ye'er, with a tray in his hand and a small burden on his back, is smiling at him with a few Xu Hongxia on his cheeks.

"Come in, it's windy outside." Xuankun quickly and warmly greets.

The willow leaf moves gently, the wind swings willow willow like to walk in, the tray put on the table.

"Brother Xuan, this is your cloak. I'm here to send it back. Thank you very much for being naive." Willow leaf handed him the small package.

"You're welcome. Come on, please sit down." Xuankun rubbed his hands and didn't know how to entertain the guests. He was so familiar with the guests that he couldn't be more familiar with.

"Brother Xuan, here is a pot of hot tea and some dishes of snacks." Liu Ye Er said shyly.

"How is the princess?" Seeing that she was somewhat restrained, xuankun took the initiative to find another topic.

"The Lord is with you in person." Liu ye'er smiles, hoping that their worries are unnecessary. At present, the prince is really gentle and considerate to her young lady, which can be regarded as keeping the clouds open and seeing the moon bright.

"The Lord will take the princess back to his house soon." Xuankun nodded and poured the tea for Liu ye'er.

"Not necessarily! Just now my master was still saying that he wanted to calm down and raise the baby in Liuyuan. " Liu Ye Er said.

"No?" Xuankun's eyes widened. He thought that after this incident, the relationship between the prince and the princess would go further! But listening to Liu ye'er's words, the princess clearly made another plan.

He didn't understand. What's good about Liu Yuan? It's not necessary to say that it's remote. It's like Prince Ann's house, which is echoing all the time. It's just that the princess has to work. He has to run here a few more times. But all this is not a problem, that is, I don't know what the girl liuyeer thinks.

"In fact, the princess is still worried about the safety of her children. If such news is spread out, she is afraid that the prince Ann's house will not stop. As you know, each of our women masters has a lot to learn from. " Liu Ye Er explained to him patiently.

"So the princess has a good reason to worry about it." Xuankun also nodded.

"But then I can't see you." It's a kind of low voice.

This is very obvious, Liu Ye Er's face is red, but his heart is very sweet. She had wanted to tell the princess what she wanted to do for a while. In fact, she also knew that the princess and Xiangye had already seen her mind. But now she is not easy to speak, the princess is pregnant, she must be taken care of by a proper person. If she had gone, she would have been a bit worried if she had changed to someone else.

"Even if the princess Liu lives here, she doesn't care." Liu Ye Er is biting his lower lip. Here are all his closest people. The Lord will take good care of him. Xuankun is the most trusted person of Wang Ye. Is he afraid that he will not have a chance to meet?

"Where is the best way to move back to Lord an's residence?" Xuankun murmured that although it had been decorated for a long time, it was not a star and a half worse than that.

"We also know that Prince Ann's house is good, but after going back, there are a lot of people talking about it. Now the princess can't be angry." The willow leaves sighed.

Wen Ruo is no longer here, but even Ying'er and Li Yunxin are very mean. It's hard to guarantee that they won't argue after they go back. Their master is much more powerful, but she never takes the initiative to be difficult for others. After being pregnant, you can't make a lot of noise, and you can't fight like you used to. Isn't that a lot of loss?

Xuankun also sighed: "how long has the Lord not gone to the back house, that is, if the princess doesn't go back, the family has already complained."

Murong Yifei's back house is in vain. When his side imperial concubine and his wife can see him, they are not even as good as Liu Xinmei in Liuyuan. When he returned to the palace, he was busier than in the imperial court. All day long, he either discussed important matters with Dongfang Zixuan or disappeared with Xiao Yin. Even Ying'er and Li Yunxin are young women. After a long time, they will inevitably complain. However, they only dare to lose their temper and shake their face in front of their servants. No one has the courage to learn from Liu Xinmei, so they simply leave. After all, this false name is enough for them to boast about all their lives.

"Do you think God is confused? What I like about Wang Ye is that he has left his mind behind. The master of our family has to quarrel with him from time to time, but I think he seems very nervous about our master! " Liu ye'er owes all this to Providence.

Xuankun white face, hastened to stop her: "this can't be nonsense, if the God is not happy, we get together less days are still in the future!"Willow leaf son suddenly red face, lightly spat: "who wants to gather with you?"

Between the eye waves, xuankun was stunned. This girl is not like her master at all. She has no domineering spirit all over her body. She is very gentle and gentle. Even if she is angry, she can't hide her beauty.

"Hehe, thanks to Jiang Bo's considerate service, if this room is not taken care of again, I will be frozen to death if I live here in the future." Xuankun changed the topic with a smile.

"Jiangbo?" Liu Ye Er looks at him doubtfully, does this have anything to do with that old man?

"Why, isn't Jiangbo the housekeeper here? I must have seen that the Lord often came to think of my situation. " Xuankun has been reading about Uncle Jiang's kindness.

"Well, the old housekeeper has only the Lord in his heart. What does it matter if you freeze to death and starve to death?" Liu ye'er doesn't want to do good deeds without leaving a name.

Xuankun's eyes lit up, and his warm feeling came out. He couldn't help holding the catkin of willow leaf: "so, it's all your credit?"

The little girl lowered her head and did not admit it or deny it. Her hands were slightly moist, but she was not willing to take it out.

Such a simple action, but let two people are very satisfied, time seems to be all of a sudden static, this moment in their heart eyes only have each other's existence. They are the most common mortals, do not expect earth shaking love, as long as can be flat light of each other is enough.

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