Ma Ma Ma returned to her residence with the help of willow, and when the door closed, her legs and feet recovered. Ha ha, joking, it is OK to walk on this body for 120 miles.

Just thinking of the censure of Lian Bian princess, she was still surprised. Did she really find out what? Fortunately, the girl of willow leaf had thought about the words in advance and managed to cope with the past without danger.

How can Princess be treated with them? Don't think about your identity! It is necessary to know that Liu Xinmei is the daughter-in-law of the Queen's mother-in-law who has chosen thousands of thousands of people. She still remembers that the ten li red makeup and a charming son have been brought in from the main door of the palace of Nan'an. Is this comparable to those who come in by the other side of the door?

These words can not be said to say that she did not think so in her mind, Ma Ma Ma has been serving the queen of the East Palace, in her heart, the wife should have the right to be higher than other concubines. This is the natural and local thing, or why to marry and seek for the virtuous, so pay attention to the door?

Fortunately, the one who found it was even Yinger, who had been fooled by his own words. If the text were not, she didn't know how to explain it. So a mistake, if the text if brought disaster, then how can the shrewd people not see the clue? It's a real muddle. I'm a bad student. It almost made a big mistake. I also really lost the snow kite girl, thanks to her insight, only to find out this impudent woman. But Ma Ma Ma is also very confused in her heart, if the text is when there are adulterers? Why did it be so early or late to expose?

If it wasn't her temporary omission, the Wen side princess was still high in the authority, which was not intended to insert willow into the shade.

The old man took a picture of his chest and remembered his duties. Later, he could not be careless. Fortunately, this soup is really for the princess to replenish blood and Nourish Qi, will not cause her doubt, this is the most important thing.

She did not know that both liuxinmei and Xueyuan had already been suspicious, but Liu Xinmei had put the suspicion in her heart. After all, she is an old man in the palace, and she doesn't know how long she will stay in the palace of an?

Snow kite still there pestered willow heart eyebrows, making a noise to go out. Liu Xinmei is putting her hand at her hand. She is really tired today. Although people in this house are in charge of their duties, she will still patrol for a while. Otherwise, she is not the deaf mother who is the master of the family - set up!

"Another day, you see, the sick people in this house, the leave, many things I have to deal with personally." Liu Xinmei has some headache to say that Murong Yifei is so noisy that she may be far away from the day she left the palace of an.

Seeing the sky, snow kite is not happy. They are going to lunch. Even if she goes out, there is no fun. She doesn't go out only for the sake of roadside stalls. If it comes to eating, there is nothing in the palace, and it is full of color and fragrance. She just likes the feeling of bustle. Only when she stands in the crowd can she suddenly feel that she is alive.

"Well, you are busy first. We will not be able to make a new appointment." Snow kite reached out her fingers and waited to hook her.

Liu Xinmei slapped the past, naive! What a big man, and this one?

Snow kite grievance flat mouth son, oneself request very much, or this time has other alternative method?

"Princess, this house is still peaceful." Liu ye'er doesn't know where Liu Xinmei is going to check. It seems that there is no contradiction in the yard!

"Peace?" Liu Xinmei smiled coldly. Today's peace was at the expense of her once humble life. Some people should still pay back the old account. She picked her lips and smiled, "what, is that little red not able to handle it now?"

If you don't mention this, willow leaves will forget it. She is not suitable for the calculation of these counter ground activities. She suddenly said, "cough, my maid forgot this stubble. The girl came to me a few days ago, saying that Meier's room is not very good to enter. Now Qunfang courtyard has not been busy in the past, the girls are all idle down, it is easy to find. Fortunately, the girl was clever, and she mixed with the women who washed clothes every day. She got her hand and found a silk kerchief of Meier. The maid told her that it was better to get some jewelry, so he put it down. "

"There's not so much time. Bring that piece of parquet!" Liu Xinmei doesn't want to wait indefinitely.

"Oh, my maid, I will take it." Willow promised, and went out.

But it is a white month, but the quality is good, in the hand, very soft silk general smooth. Liu Xinmei smile, a girl, even eat and wear is not much worse than the children, indeed, a person get the way to the sky, is not borrowed Wen ruoru potential? Just don't know when their good days are over?

"There are many people in this PAZI mansion, right? How can I prove this to be May's? " Liu Xinmei is not reassured to ask, it is not good to beat grass and frighten snakes.

"Princess, do you think that this piece of plum is embroidered with red thread? She is the most attractive girl in the mansion. She is not only a pad, but also a dress and shoes, and she has embroidered such patterns! " Liu ye'er said that the servants in the palace of an are all aware of, many people just like plum blossom, and dare not embroider this on their own clothes."It's easy." Liu Xinmei nodded and laughed at the willow leaf: "otherwise, you will also make a unique decoration in the future?"

Willow leaf son but bitter face son: "maidservant pour is to want ah, but the name is not good, this bare leaves embroidered, what's the meaning?"

Liu Xinmei couldn't help laughing. This is the truth. According to Liu ye'er's words, isn't it necessary to embroider an eyebrow or a heart on her veil?

"Take it and soak it in the muddy water. When the color turns lighter, bring it to me." Liu Xinmei's light command.

"Princess, why?" The willow leaf son does not understand to ask, if such clean color is polluted in muddy water, I'm afraid it can't be washed out.

"She's such a stupid girl. I don't think about it. We found the handkerchief on the rockery. Things have been going on for so long. If the handkerchief is still as bright as new, the fool will know that we are planting stolen goods." Liu Xinmei said with a smile that the girl used to look very clever. How could she not turn to the corner when she came to the end? , the fastest update of the webnovel!