Liu Xinmei doesn't want to let the extraordinary know too much. If a child has too much resentment in her heart since childhood, she will inevitably have more anger in her character. She hopes that the child will have clear gratitude and resentment, but she does not want him to be blinded by hatred.

"Good, go out and play for a while. My mother and willow leaf have repaired the paper kite. Go and see if it still flies as high as before?" Liu Xinmei easily cajoles the extraordinary out. Children, it is the most prosperous to have fun. She connects the spool, and liuyeer also adjusts the skeleton, so the little servant girl accompanies him.

"Let's go to the cold garden. I want to see the rockery." Liu Xinmei gives an order to Liu Ye Er.

"Princess, there are weeds everywhere. You'd better send someone to clean it up before you go." Liu ye'er suggests that the environment of the cold garden is too bad. Now the princess is not what she used to be.

"Silly girl, there are so many people in this house. If you go to the cold garden, you may have already attracted other people's attention. Do we have to wait for someone else to get ahead and eliminate the evidence of crime before we rush to go?" Liu Xinmei, who has been a private detective, naturally knows the important relationship between time and evidence. What you think of, the opponent may not have thought of, at this time, it is natural to start first.

"Does the princess say that there is still evidence in cold garden?" The willow leaf son is surprised to ask.

Liu Xinmei shakes her head. She is not sure about this, but it is the first scene of the crime. As long as you search carefully, you will find clues. Don't underestimate these insignificant traces, along this vine may be able to feel a good big melon!

"Let's go." After hearing this, Liu ye'er was worried. Alas, she was too stupid. How could she not have thought that the princess might have been plotted by someone. After such a long time, what evidence will there be? Maybe she has been cleaned up.

Two people did not disturb anyone, quietly ran to the cold garden, extraordinary is in the courtyard is cheering, a few small servant girls around him, very careful care. Liu Xinmei sighs gently, only when the mother is strong, can the children endure a plain joy. For the sake of this child, she should also be stronger.

Seeing that lengyuan is more dilapidated than a few months ago, Liu Xinmei inevitably feels a little distressed. If the rich really don't have to make more plans for their lives, the courtyard is a good place to be sorted out, although it is a little smaller. She has some affinity with here. She will send someone to clean it up later. Now she is full of people living in smoke Pavilion and can just dial some Come here.

Turning around the rockery, Liu Xinmei found that the rockery would not pose any threat to her at all, because it did not have strange rocks, and its height was ordinary. Ancient women are so delicate that they can kill people.

She picked up the hem of her skirt, tucked it into her waist, and pulled up her wide sleeves. Although these clothes look beautiful, they are far less advantageous than modern clothes. This is the so-called advantages and disadvantages.

Along a narrow path, Liu Xinmei began to climb slowly. Without much effort, she climbed to the top. There was dark brown blood on a rock, which was left by the eldest lady of the Marquis's residence.

Liu's brow is smooth and smooth, but the moss is hard and safe.

The afterglow of the setting sun came, and suddenly a light flashed into her eyes. Could the stone shine? Liu Xinmei widened her eyes.

She was surprised to find that the dust on the stone surface was not evenly distributed, and the place next to the blood was obviously dirtier.

"Willow leaf, bring some water." She called down.

There was no well water in the yard, so Liu ye'er had to turn around and go out. After a long time, she brought in a bucket of water. She looks at Liu Xinmei in embarrassment. It's not easy to carry it up!

Liu Xinmei smiles and points to the room and says, "bring me a teapot. I can't use many of them." Did she think she was cleaning the rockery? With this spare time, she did not do this coolie for Murong Yifei. The more a home is taken care of, the more reluctant to let go. There are painstaking efforts and memories.

Liu Ye Er took out a teapot, poured a pot of water, and carefully held it to Liu Xinmei.

Liu Xinmei took over and sprayed a thin layer of dust on the heavy place, and soon it became colorful. Liu Xinmei's face sank down and hem. She knew that things would not be so simple.

"Princess, this..." Willow leaf's brow also frowned.

"Look, it must have been oiled." Liu Xinmei pointed to the stone and said that the places where the water had been sprinkled now felt sticky and slippery.

Liu Xinmei began to climb down, watering while walking, the whole road more or less reflected the color. Nima, how pitiful it is to spill some oil every once in a while, for fear that she will not die!

"Princess, you've taken the kite for the son of the world. If it's the little prince who climbs up alone, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Liu Ye Er said with fear.

Liu Xinmei was hurt, can only blame her own carelessness, but if the little son of a generation is fallen, the trouble can be big. No matter whether the child is treated by an Wang or not, after all, he is the first grandson of the royal family of Western Chu. At the same time, he holds the dignity of the emperor. If the person who was hurt and unconscious was extraordinary, she and Liu ye'er would not survive. A mother can't take good care of her son, and a maid can't take good care of her master. Is it necessary to stay?Liu Xinmei was also frightened out of a cold sweat, it seems that the child's mother is for the extraordinary block a robbery! It's strange that such a small child is eager to get back his own things, and nothing happens on the road that has been dealt with! This man's heart is so vicious that he will not let go of a little child. The most terrible thing is that it can be called a serial killing scheme. As long as the extraordinary people who climbed the rockery at the beginning, the people living in the cold garden will not go back at the same time. It turns out that their plans are all in one! So it seems that Miss Liu's death is of some value.

"Let's go back." Liu Xinmei didn't want to stay here for a moment. The weather was not cold, but she felt her back was full of sweat. The yard was really desolate.

Liu ye'er was also frightened by the consequences of this imagination. Alas, if the princess had not fallen, they would have lost their future. This prince an's house is a tiger's den. It doesn't spit out people's bones. , the fastest update of the webnovel!