"Wuwu... Niang, wake up! Don't leave me alone. I'm so scared. " The child's intermittent crying sounded in her ears.

Liu Xinmei tried to open her eyes, her head hurt. Is there a mistake? When did she have children in her room?

A round face appeared in front of her eyes. Her face was pink and tender, her eyes were dark and her nose was straight. What's more, there was a small pear vortex on her right cheek.

WOW! Whose adult is so irresponsible that he has lost such a beautiful and lovely child?

"What's your name, little friend? Where do you live? How about seeing you home, sister Liu Xinmei asked with a smile.

"Mother, don't you know me? I am your son The little guy grinned and started crying again.

Son? my Liu Xinmei almost didn't choke to death by her own saliva! She doesn't even have a boyfriend. Where did she get such a big son? Vegetable greenhouses can only accelerate the ripening of vegetable seeds. When can we breed human race?

Slowly sat up, but she was really scared. It was a small, dark room, sleeping on a half new bed, against the wall, with a dresser. The windows were wooden, and the screens could not tell the color.

The child in front of her is wearing a long blue shirt with two buns on her head, which looks like the third prince Nezha in the cartoon.

"Is there anyone else here?" Liu Xinmei grabs the child's hand. She is eager to know what happened?

"And Liu Ye Er, she went out to cook medicine for you. How are you, mother There were some surprises in the child's eyes.

Just said, the door "squeak" a ring, a man carrying a steaming bowl of medicine came in.

"Willow leaf son, you come quickly, my mother she wakes up!" Cried the child merrily.

"Is the princess awake? That's great. It's heaven's blessing That woman's voice is very beautiful.

The little girl seems to be only eighteen or nine years old. She has willow eyebrows and apricot eyes. She is very durable.

"Who are you and what is this place?" Liu Xinmei asked in doubt, the bottom of her heart is like the water waves in the center of the lake, constantly rippling.

"Princess, this is Prince an's residence in Western Chu. You are the princess! This is your son. Your servant is a willow leaf The woman quickly put down the medicine bowl and put her hand on her forehead to try the temperature. Didn't the princess feel confused?

It's over! This is clearly through their own.

But the princess should not wear gold and silver, surrounded by servants, live in a beautiful palace and enjoy a comfortable life? Is this western Chu a barren country, or is it that the prince is an ignorant man, even his wife and children are living such a poor life?

After searching in my memory for a while, there was a country called "Western Chu" in history. However, isn't that Xiang Yu's world? She asked weakly, "willow leaf, is western Chu very poor? Is it the result of years of war? "

"Princess, the Western Chu is very rich, and the world has been peaceful recently." Liu ye'er is confused by her master. Today, the questions of the princess are very strange, and they are all inexplicable things.

"Willow, what's wrong with me? Why don't I remember everything? " Liu Xinmei frowned, but she was on the way to investigate a car accident, was hit by the moment, she thought she must be hopeless survival.

"Princess, what's wrong with you?" Liu ye'er was flustered. Their situation was miserable enough. If there was any accident, it would be worse.

"It's just that I can't remember anything. Liu Ye Er, tell me everything you know about me. " She had to know what kind of world she was in.

From the servant girl's mouth, Liu Xinmei knew a story about her life experience.

On this vast land, there are three countries at the same time: Western Chu, East Wen and South Vietnam, which is a bit like the tripartite confrontation of the three countries. The Western Chu she lived in was not dominated by Xiang Yu, whose monarch was murongzhi.

And she is the Royal concubine of the second prince Murong Yifei.

Liu ye'er is her maid, and the beautiful doll is her own son, Murong Chaofan.

The princess? Liu Xinmei looks at her shabby residence and shabby clothes, and draws a big one in her heart number. Are some of the leading servants more respectable than her?

"Willow leaf, our life seems to be very poor?" Liu Xinmei frowned.

The willow leaf son bowed her head, such a life has passed for several years, but the princess never complained.

She's nothing. She's a servant girl. She serves people everywhere. Even if the food and clothing are poor, they can only blame their own lives. But the princess is the son-in-law daughter of marquis. She hasn't suffered this crime in her mother's family. It's really hard to be a young lady.

The Lord is too much. Anyway, there is a little son of a generation. He doesn't care about his former affection.

Liu Xinmei let the servant girl take the bronze mirror and take a picture carefully. The woman inside has a delicate small face.Eyebrow if the mountains with green, eyes if peach with spring, straight and Qiao nose, red toot cherry mouth.

How can such a beautiful woman who cries with pear and rain and smiles two dimples and flowers be so down and down?

"Mother..." the child nestled up again.

"Little prince, Princess Wang is just getting better. Don't quarrel with her." Willow leaf son hastily picked up the child.

Little persimmon? Ha ha, it's a big radish! Liu Xinmei chuckled in a low voice. The child's eyebrows were pretty, but his expression was timid, like a man who had never seen the world.

"Liu ye'er, I want to be a princess who can't be spoiled. But will this little radish head also suffer with me?" This father is cruel enough! She was an orphan in a previous life and knew how important family ties are to a child.

"Princess, the prince doesn't like the little prince very much." The willow leaves curled their lips wrongly.

"Why?" Tiger poison does not eat children. Is Murong Yifei a stone hearted man? Such lovely children have the heart to throw aside and ignore. Are there many sons in their family?

"It's strange to say that only in front of you can you speak a complete word." Liu ye'er is also secretly crying in his heart. It is a pity that such a child who is carved of powder and jade has a look of trembling every time he sees the Lord. In addition, he is not clear about his speech. After a long time, he is just like his own young lady and is not treated well.

Is there such a strange thing in the world? The child should have a psychological problem.

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