"The Yumeng demons are the most evil beings in the world. They have always been aiming to exterminate human beings. As long as they exist, they will be devastated and howl everywhere. So why do human beings have immortal masters? These immortal masters are to cultivate powerful magic, fight against the Yumeng demons and eliminate the Yumeng demons. Therefore, all of you must strive to become the legendary immortal masters, eliminate the Yumeng demons and protect human beings. "

When Muyu was still wearing open crotch pants, the village head always liked to hold a group of children together and explain what they had seen and heard outside. The village head's idea was to instill common sense and start with dolls, so he gathered all the children in the village to tell stories when he had nothing to do.

"Village head, what do you look like Many people and children are not afraid of it. Even if the village head described the Yumeng demons wonderfully, in the eyes of the children, it was just a story.

"Yumeng demons! Yumeng demons are ferocious. They have two hands and two feet, but they are different from human beings. They are disgusting and easy to identify. But don't worry, many years ago! Yumeng demons have been beaten away by our immortal masters. I only saw them once when you were so young.

That Yumeng demon! Some of them are green, like toads that have been pickled for a long time, and some of them are black, like big bear, some are blue. This looks good, and the other is yellow soil, like the poop just pulled by a dog's egg. " Said the village head, pointing to the two-year-old dog's egg.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The innocent children all laughed, only Muyu seriously asked, "what's the power of Youmeng demon clan?"

The village head touched his chin and thought for a while before he said, "Yumeng demons, Yumeng demons with different colors have different abilities. Those red Yumeng demons who have been scalded by boiling water can control the fire and set fire to the house. It's most hateful. Those dark Yumeng demons can control iron, such as those hoes and sickles, which will be taken away by them. As for the blue Yumeng demon, they can control the water, they will coagulate the water into ice to destroy our crops, the yellow one is more excessive, controlling the soil and stones. We have seen many people buried by flying sand and rocks before. As for the green Yumeng demon, they will control the trees and crops, so that we have no food to eat. The Yumeng demons are very powerful. Some Yumeng demons can't even use them. "

"So, can we control the trees, the flames and so on?"

At that time, Xiao Muyu's face was a little strange. He clenched his little hand. The village head thought he was afraid and didn't care.

"We can't control these things. If we can, it's probably the Yumeng demons' disguise. We should be careful." Said the village head solemnly.

"But village head, where are those Yumeng demons? We want to see it. "

Some curious children don't know what the Yumeng demons mean. They just think that the village head's description is very interesting. Even if these things are not friendly, where do children care about them?

The village head waved his hand: "don't have this idea, you Meng demon clan! We don't have any in our village, but there are still some outside. They eat children specially The head of the village made a ferocious face, which scared the curious children.

At that time, only Xiao Muyu buried his head very low and did not dare to see the village head.

But now, Mu Yu also lowered his head and did not dare to see the village head who survived the disaster.

Muyu knew that he had the ability to control trees when he was young, but the story of the village head at that time shocked him. In addition, he was an orphan, so he did not dare to reveal his ability, for fear that he would be beaten by everyone.

It is the dream of many people to become an immortal master, but it is not him, because he is afraid of his own ability, and he is afraid that others will look at him with scorn.

"You Yumeng demon! Too bad

"You are the yumon, and your whole family is the yumon."

When he was a child, children in the village would scold each other when they quarreled with each other. The Yumeng demons became an insulting term. Muyu avoided the word intentionally or unintentionally every time. He had no parents since childhood. He occasionally wondered whether he was really a Yumeng demon?

He would pull his face, but did not pull off any disguise, he is a person, bleeding, skin is not colorful people.

"I'm not a yumon demon."

Muyu said softly that he seldom used this ability. If it was not for the purpose of saving the village head, he would not rashly show his ability in front of the village head. But the use of this ability means that the village head already knows that he can't get rid of the Yumeng demons, but he doesn't know how to explain it.

The village head's face was cloudy and sunny. He wiped a sweat and his heart was constantly rolling. He took a step back and then moved forward. He stopped and tangled. Then he sighed suddenly, went over and patted Muyu's head and said, "silly boy, of course you are not the Yumeng demon. I watched you grow up. If you were the Yumeng demon, we would have been dead, right?"Muyu suddenly raised his head and looked at the village head in disbelief. The old man often told them how bad and hated the Yumeng demons were. The Yumeng demons are the most ferocious species in the world. Meeting the Yumeng demons is the situation of never dying, but But he believed in himself?

"I don't know why I control trees. It seems that It's natural. "

Muyu doesn't know. I'm afraid few people will know that controlling trees is the ability of muyoumeng. How can people have that ability?

The village head did not know that he was afraid of the Yumeng demons, but how could the child in front of him be a Yumeng demon? Muyu ran around the village barefoot when he was a child. If he was a Yumeng demon, could the village be so peaceful?

The village head is not a kind of ignorant person. On the contrary, he is knowledgeable, kind-hearted and understands a lot of truth. His village is an ordinary small village. A Yumeng demon has been lurking in the village for so many years. What is the purpose?

The village head thinks of Mu Yu's mother. Maybe that's why Mu Yu's mother left him. Maybe that woman knew Muyu had this ability, so she chose to leave. Is Muyu's father a Yumeng demon?

The village head denies his idea that the Yumeng demon clan and human beings can not be combined. In the eyes of many people, the Yumeng demons have no feelings. They only know how to kill and live in order to destroy the human world. Their abilities and human beings are mutually exclusive. There is no such absurd thing as the Yumeng demons and the generation of human beings. Muyu has no characteristics of Yumeng demon. He is a normal child in all aspects of his body. The village head can be sure of this.

"Maybe my father is a Yumeng demon..." Muyu has this idea, because it is not normal. Who is his father? Who is the mother? Which parents will be cruel to leave their children?

The village head sat down beside Mu Yu and said kindly, "well, I don't know about this, but I'll teach you the last truth. We can't decide our origin, but we can decide our own life. It's not what you can do, it's how you use it. But "

when the village head said here, he stopped for a moment, and his tone became very serious." no matter what, you can't let other people know this ability. If it wasn't for the old man, I would not have believed you so easily if I had not watched you grow up and understood your character. But other people don't understand. They won't be as talkative as the old man I am. "

Muyu is very warm in his heart. The village head has always been a reasonable old man who knows right and wrong. This is one reason why Muyu respects him. He has been taught how to be a good man since he was a child. Although Muyu dislikes him for being wordy every time, he listens to a lot of words.

Muyu's heart haze swept away, he glimpsed the village head's pants, crotch wet, thought the old man also has such an embarrassing side: "village head grandfather, you, you seem to pee?"

"Nonsense, you go and fight a big bear! Good fellow, if I hadn't suppressed him just now, where could you have solved it so easily? " The village head stood up as if nothing had happened, and then began to look around. It seemed that he was going to find a place to clean up.

"Yes, yes, you are." Muyu chuckled, and then he also struggled to get up. He put his hand on a birch tree nearby. From the forest, feedback from various plants came back. Then he pointed to a direction and said, "there is a stream there, village head, grandfather."

The village head looked at Mu Yu suspiciously, and without asking much, he walked quickly towards the other side.

Muyu can not only control the trees, but also integrate with them. Even the trees can become his eyes and ears. He can use the trees to detect the situation around him. He has never mentioned these things to anyone.

Considering that the village head had trusted him, he felt that his previous worries were unnecessary. If he could, he would rather stay in the small mountain village and listen to the village head tell stories every day.

But mu Yu understood that the village head sent him to learn skills, hoping that he would become an immortal master, and the immortal master was to eliminate the Youmeng demon clan. If he is a human, then he has the obligation to protect human beings and prove that he is not a Yumeng demon.

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