Chapter 312 Prodigal Daughter

Name:A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO! Author:
Chapter 312 Prodigal Daughter

Leon was inwardly grateful that his mum was willing to help save his marriage. He knew that Ella would really appreciate having both mothers in her life and the baby. So he told Marissa his plans at earning Ella's forgiveness.

He lifted his head from his mother's chest and took her hand into his.

"Mum, Ella would be the happiest lady alive if you and her mum were part of her pregnancy journey," Leon said thoughtfully. "She has currently traveled to Lanwick city to visit her sister who had recently given birth and..."

"Hold on a second!" Marissa's eyes lit with true happiness. "That feisty little sister of Ella has finally given birth?"

"Yes, Mum!" Leon beamed. "She gave birth about a week ago to a baby girl." Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

"Aww! That's great news!" Marissa felt her heart flutter with so much joy. "I'm so happy for your wife and her family."

"Thanks, Mum," Leon glimmered. "So as I was saying, I will be grateful if you and her mum are involved in her life. Her mum ended communication with her ever since she agreed to remain my wife. I'm even worried about the way her mum would treat her when she gets to her sister's place. You, on the other hand, haven't been so nice to her and she feels all alone."

"Don't worry, son, I'm going to correct this," Marissa said with determination. I will even ensure that Yvonne turns a new leaf and starts treating your wife with respect and love."

"That will be highly appreciated, Mum. I would want you to visit Ella on the same day she returns back to Amazon City."

"Consider it done! I'll spend the week with her and return to the countryside. But I'll also be checking on her regularly every day and visiting her three times a month.

"Thanks, Mum."

"Do you want me to go talk to her mother for you? I don't mind traveling to see her mother and try to make peace with her," Marissa said.

"Welcome to Lanwick City, Mrs. Treshvire." The female chauffeur beamed while opening the passenger door for Ella to get in. "My name is Roxanne and I'll be your personal chauffeur throughout your stay."

"Thank you, Roxanne," Ella smiled and gently stepped into the car.

"That's thoughtful of you. Thank you so much but I'll spend the night at my sister's place." Ella replied thoughtfully. But then an image of her mum's scowling face and her previous warning not to call or ever visit her flashed through her mind. So she said, "For the hotel reservation, please keep it for me in case I change my mind."

Roxanne gently shut the door and briskly moved across to the driver's side. She got in, started the engine, and asked in a polite tone.

"Ma'am, we've made a hotel reservation for you in case you don't feel like spending the night at your sister's place. Also, we've informed your sister's husband not to bother himself coming to the airport since we'll be taking you directly to his place."

"That's thoughtful of you. Thank you so much but I'll spend the night at my sister's place." Ella replied thoughtfully. But then an image of her mum's scowling face and her previous warning not to call or ever visit her flashed through her mind. So she said, "For the hotel reservation, please keep it for me in case I change my mind."

"Certainly, ma'am. No one is permitted to take your suite. Mr. Treshvire has already paid for two weeks in case you prolong your stay." Roxanne beamed as she thought of how lucky her new boss was.

"Hmm... Thanks. We can go now." Ella said dismissively.

Inwardly, she felt both thrilled and suffocated by Leon's excessive attention. He was hundred of kilometers away from her but she couldn't stop herself from smiling or sometimes frowning as though he was sitting beside her. The gifts, flowers, and overwhelming attention got her wondering if he wasn't already tired of spoiling her.

At the moment, she secretly wished Leon was seated by her side and holding her hands as the limo finally pulled over at her sister's home driveway. She felt her heartbeat pick up its pace and this made her wonder if she was ready to face her mother's wrath.

"Oh God, please let Maggie not be the first person to come out of the house." Ella prayed inwardly as she stepped out of the car and slowly walked toward the entrance of her sister's moderately luxurious bungalow.

Unfortunately, Maggie was the first person to open the door as she had been waiting on her.

"Hmm... The stubborn and self-centered prodigal daughter decides to show her almighty face." Maggie scoffed.