Chapter 119

Name:A Sensualist's Sin Author:Rosemead
It's dusk.

Yang Yu had to pick up his mood and go back to the mountains. Fortunately, I caught the last bus.

If people are unlucky, they will choke to death if they drink water. But this time, it was not Yang Yu who choked to death, but the car, which broke down halfway.

I made a list, didn't I. There are few people on the car. There are no streetlights in the broken down area, let alone pedestrians. There are no cars passing by. It's deserted. What's wrong with throwing such a place?

The ambulance driver can't wait to check the engine. Where can Yang Yu afford to wait?

"There are no cars in this area. You can go a little further. There is a small town. There should be a passing car over there. Go and have a try." The driver gave me a suggestion.

What can we do? Let's go.

I've been walking all day today, but I didn't expect that I would have to go back home. After a while, I have to climb five mountains in the night. Yang Yu thinks of it and sweats all over. But it's nothing. The problem is that the dry goods are gone and I haven't sold any money. How can I face my aunt when I go home?

There are no lights, the road is dark, and there are no pedestrians.

All of a sudden.

Yang Yu heard a bang and looked up. A car, will be a person hit fly, bang, fell to the place, motionless.

The car, stopped for a moment, suddenly, a acceleration start, galloping away, even hit and run. Yang Yu and Li Yuanxi could see all this clearly. They were at a loss. They met this kind of thing for the first time in their lives.

"Cousin, what should I do? Do you care? " Li Yuanxi asked eagerly.

"Did you see the license plate number?" Yang Yu first asked this question.

"It's too dark. He drives so fast, and the light is dazzling. I don't see anything." Li Yuanxi replied: "cousin, what about you?"

"I don't see anything either, but it's like a Cadillac." Yang Yu looked at the man, who was lying in the middle of the road, motionless, and didn't know whether he was dead or not: "we can't wait to see the dead. If we are alive, life is more important than anything."

"But we didn't see the license plate. What if it's on us?" Li Yuanxi expressed her worry. There are too many news about this kind of thing. Let alone the traffic accident, there will be an accident when she helps her grandmother cross the road. She may even be killed when she takes the pregnant woman home.

"But life matters. Everything is more important than life." Yang Yu is ambivalent. He is neither a good man nor Lei Feng. Lei Feng does good deeds without leaving a name, but he will keep them in his diary and take a picture as a memento. However, the value of life can not be exchanged for anything else.

Isn't saving people what an ordinary citizen should have? Does this need high quality and Lei Feng's noble Festival?

During the earthquake in Japan, even the underworld organized groups to save people.

It's my business to save people. It's your business to blackmail me. Besides, helping others is helping yourself. Isn't that Yang Yu's motto?

"Go and have a look first. We don't have any money anyway. We can't make mistakes. " Yang Yu said and ran in the past.

It was an old man. His face was very dark. Yang Yu felt his pulse.

"I'm still alive, cousin. Go to take a taxi and see if there's anyone passing by." Yang Yu helped the old man up. He was also puzzled. How could there be old people everywhere in such a place? Did they live nearby?

There are not many cars on the road. There is one occasionally. When I see Li Yuanxi, a beautiful girl, I feel happy. But on the other hand, there is an old man lying on the road, my mother, who runs away like a ghost.

"Cousin, I can't stop the car." Li Yuanxi is also worried. If the old man dies here, he may be counted on both of them. You say this man is so unlucky.

Yang Yu pondered that the old man's body was getting cold. He couldn't wait any longer. Without saying a word, he turned his back and ran forward.

This ran for about ten minutes, a tractor in front of the roaring smoke, shaking the road cackle.

"Master, take a ride to the hospital, first aid!" Yang Yu yelled.

The tractor driver didn't think about anything, so he said, "it's important to save people. What are you doing? Hurry up. I know there's a hospital nearby."

There is really a private hospital. It's cold and quiet, like a haunted house. The red neon light on it is like a guide light on the road of huangquan: give you a ride.

But this time, I didn't give the old man a ride.

Yang Yu had been waiting outside the emergency room for a long time. The doctor came out slowly and gave him something, saying: "internal cavity bleeding, we have to do the operation immediately, otherwise I'm afraid we can't get through it. You can sign here and pay for it."

Yang Yu took it to see that it was a contract, a responsibility contract, and he was worried: "you have to find their family. We are just passing by. It's useless to find me to sign this thing."

"He didn't have any ID on him. He couldn't find his family. It's just you. " The doctor said coldly.

"We don't have anything to do with him. We don't have to wait until we find their family to pay for their signature?" Yang Yu suggested that this fool just signed, I sent him to do my best. If the operation fails, isn't it my responsibility? You think I'm stupid."Yes, but I don't think I'll make it to that time." Doctors don't seem to care.

"No, I remember that the health law stipulates that if there is no responsible person, medical institutions can sign on behalf of them." Yang Yu wondered, that had an accident, in case no one was in, the hospital would not save people? This is definitely not right.

"If you sign, you can sign. If you don't sign, we won't pay for the operation. This is the rule of our hospital." That's what the doctor said.

Day your mother, Yang Yu heart scold, ah, this is the private hospital overlord treaty?

"Cousin, we can't sign it. We have to be responsible for it." Of course, Li Yuanxi also knows this truth.

But you can't do nothing about it, can you?

Yang Yuxin sent the Buddha to the west, but he signed it. He also went to the ATM to get 2000 yuan, and paid part of the service charge in advance. The two thousand yuan is the salary just paid this month.

"You are Lei Feng in the world." Li Yuanxi looks angry, did not expect that this cousin would be so stupid. Actually signed and paid in advance?

Yang Yu only hopes that this time he doesn't meet an old man with a bad father. If he doesn't have money, he won't be able to save people.

Half an hour later, the hospital came out and said, "fortunately, the operation was done in time and the patient was temporarily out of danger." Then he left.

Yang Yu and Li Yuanxi were finally relieved. At least they saved a person and it was worth it.

It's already eight o'clock. When the patient's family members come, they can get the money back. Tomorrow, they still have classes and have to go back. So Yang Yu left the phone number and address of the village and prepared to go back first.

Yang Yu doesn't expect others to thank him. He just hopes to get the medical expenses back. However, it's strange to say that it saved people. I'm in a good mood. My luck is good. I went out of the hospital and met a bus. My God, the car that broke down before was the same driver. Do you think it's a coincidence?

Little aunt, Yunxi is anxiously waiting for Yang Yu to go home, now it's nearly 12 o'clock, can't help but worry. Yang Yu didn't know how to tell her what happened today.

"Cousin, I'll ask you later. Why don't you come?" Yang Yu asked embarrassed.

"What? Now you know how to lose face? " Yuan Xi white he one eye, oneself also don't know how to say, can only truthfully explain, but, two people don't want to see mother and sisters that disappointed appearance.

So, when Yang Yu and Yuanxi returned home, the three people looked excited, like autumn harvest. When they saw that their hands were empty, they naturally thought they had sold out.

"Cousin, where's the money? How much did it cost? " Second sister Yaxi can't help asking first.

Yang Yu touched his head, looked at his cousin and said, "I'm a little hungry. Why don't we have some rice first and talk about it." Yang Yu knew that he would be scolded by the second sister, so he had to fill his stomach first, otherwise, I'm afraid he would not want to eat dinner.

While eating, Li Yuanxi narrated today's experience carefully and completely.

The second younger sister's eyes widened. She couldn't believe that there would be such a wonderful flower in the world?

"Cousin, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? You're going to sell dry goods. What's the result? I didn't sell a kilo of dry goods, but it was confiscated by the city management. It's not only that, but also that I was beaten for nothing. I don't care, but how dare you save people? I'll give you a white man's salary to save you. " The second sister stamped her feet in anger, and she was all over the place.

"I know that chichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichi When he saw the bowl, he went to eat it and ate it with anger

Yang Yu Leng on the table, the mouth of the rice also crammed drum, Leng in there at a loss.

"It's not sold. What about the vegetables in the field? Is it still in the sun? " My aunt had a great hope this time, and she also hoped that she could really earn a few yuan this time, but she didn't expect that it would end like this.

"When the seeds are ripe, they will continue to be picked and sun dried. At least put the new seeds first. I'll think of another way. If it's not enough, I can only sell them at a low price." But this is a big loss. I spent so much energy and didn't earn a few yuan. Ah.

"How's your nose, cousin?" Yun Xi, however, has been suffering from sleepiness. As long as her cousin comes back safely, she will be happy.

Yang Yu touched Yunxi's head and said with a smile, "cousin, it's OK. You go back to sleep first, and you'll be sleepy."

"Can we get back the medical expenses? At least it's two thousand yuan. " My aunt is very distressed about the 2000 yuan, which is quite a lot in the countryside, although in the hospital, it is only a small part of the operation cost.

"I left my phone number and address. I don't think his family is so heartless?" Yang Yu said.

"What? Does cousin expect money from others? I'm afraid we'll be fine if they bring a group of people to our house. Anyway, if they come, I'll say I don't know you. " The second sister sat on the bench on the other side, angry."No, there are bad people everywhere." Yang Yu felt the back of his head, but in fact, he had no bottom in his heart. There were too many such news. He also knew what the society was like, just to comfort himself.

If you really can't help yourself, if the old man dies on a horse like this, won't he be the same as the little girl in Foshan who was hit by a car and 18 passers-by who looked on coldly? Yang Yu can't do such a thing.

Yang Yu is not a good man, but he is not as cold-blooded as that.

"Cousin, I don't believe it. Shall we make a bet?" The second sister shakes her head and is unconvinced.

"Well, how do you bet?" When Yang Yu heard this, he bet that he really didn't believe it. There are bad people in the world. He is so unlucky today. What does God want him to be? I don't believe it.

"If the patient's family comes to pay back the money within two weeks and my cousin wins, I will promise my cousin to do one thing. If I don't come, I will win, and I don't ask much. Then every night before I go to bed, my cousin will go to my room and let me ride the Trojan horse for a week." The second sister is interested in gambling.

"Is that I am learning from the dog, lying on the ground, you ride on my back to spur me?" Yang Yu asked, see two younger sister mercilessly nodded: "good, it's a deal."

Unexpectedly, I bet again.

Yang Yu had a full meal, took a shower, and lay in bed to reflect on why the dry goods had not been sold. He didn't give up and fell asleep.