Chapter 111

Name:A Sensualist's Sin Author:Rosemead
Yang Yu ran out of the classroom, Li Ruoshui wanted to catch up, but the bell rang.

Yang Yu took out his mobile phone and went to look for the photo in the mobile phone. He turned it four or five times, but he couldn't find it.

I remember the situation when I took this picture. We were playing the truth adventure. Yang Yu took it by himself. When Yang Yu recalled that night when he met the autumn moon, suddenly many doubts were solved.

When Yang Yu said "you" to Qiuyue, Qiuyue was confused and asked repeatedly, "we?"?

Why didn't the sound of "sex" come from the tent of Qiuyue that night? They came out to shoot guns. Why didn't they have love?

Why does Qiuyue follow her gun friend to go back to her ex boyfriend's way?

Why did Bai Xue say that she was very strange that night, but she didn't find it out at all? That's because Yang Yu used "you" instead of "you" when talking to Qiuyue?

Why didn't Qiuyue's friends talk to other people when they did the truth adventure game?


Because, that night camping, only one person came to Qiuyue, there was no so-called Qiuyue gun friends at all.

In this picture, there is no one sitting beside Qiuyue, but Snow White is sitting beside her.

Yang Yu clearly remembers that when taking this picture that night, Qiuyue's fireman was sitting next to Qiuyue. Yang Yu even gave her fireman a special smile at that time. But these behaviors of Yang Yu's not looking for, giggling at a blank position, in Bai Xue's eyes, of course, have become very strange "behaviors.".

"Fireman?" Yang Yu suddenly laughed, as if suffering from mental illness, and said to himself: "what gun friend? The man I saw was clearly Qiu Yue's ex boyfriend who was in danger there. "

Suddenly, Yang Yu feels creepy. He talks to a "ghost" for a long time. He still talks to him face to face, but he doesn't know his identity. Yang Yu recalled that there were too many strange and abnormal places in Qiuyue's boyfriend that night. Even if his face was pale and bloodless, his walking was different from that of normal people. He was straight and stiff. So it is.

Yang Yu was in a cold sweat all over, and he really gave himself a fright.

Do you want to find Bai Xue or Li ruorong to confirm this? It doesn't matter anymore.

The important thing is that Yang Yu sees things he shouldn't see, dirty things.

“FUCK!” Yang Yu mercilessly scolded: "in the end is my eye is dazzled or?" Yang Yu feels that his head is very confused and painful. He is more and more confused between reality and illusion. He can't tell which is true and which is false.

But these things, Yang Yu is unable to tell others, others will only treat him as a fool, because it is impossible. If that scene in the attic of the school is a dream, it's understandable, but this time, it's really not a dream.

"I'm fuckin 'crazy?" Yang Yu sneered at himself: "I really have to go to the nerve hospital to have a look."

Usually play DOTA, occasionally play bad, still really be called neuropathy, did not expect, they really have a problem? What a stark irony.

It seems that pig teammates really exist.

Yang Yu suddenly thought of a person: Li Ruolan.

Now, Li Ruolan is the only one who can find and talk to. But he just got on with her the night before last. Li Ruoshui sent the photos on her behalf this time. He clearly wants to get rid of Yang Yu.

But if you don't let out that thing in your heart, Yang Yu will really have a problem. You have to find a friend to help. Maybe even the doctor can't solve the problem.

Yang Yu went to Secretary Li's house with the photo.

Secretary Li and Li ruorong both went to work. Li Ruoshui was in class, and there was only Secretary Li's wife at home.

"Aunt Zhang, is Li Ruolan there?" Yang Yu asked politely.

As soon as Aunt Zhang saw that it was Yang Yu, she immediately became polite. She also liked the future son-in-law in her heart: "reading on the roof."

Yang Yu on the roof of the rooftop, Li Ruolan is romantically leaning against a bamboo chair, next to a small table, put a cup of tea, and a plate of nuts, is low head in the sun, holding something in hand to watch.

"Sister LAN?" Yang Yu was embarrassed and said hello sincerely.

Li Ruolan raised his head and aimed at Yang Yu. He didn't want to talk, but he saw that Yang Yu's face was very bad, so he asked, "what are you looking for me for?"

The roof is very large and open. You can see the panoramic view of the whole village from here. The scenery is quite good.

Yang Yu had no way to talk about it. He didn't know how to open his mouth, so he took a stool and sat down beside Li Ruolan: "I'm really sorry about the night before yesterday."

"Did you come to me just to apologize?" Li Ruolan looked up at Yang Yu again and said coldly, "last time, it didn't happen. I don't want to be known by my sister, so as not to affect the feelings of our three sisters. Don't mention it later."

Yang Yu thought it was over.

"I really don't know who to talk to. Recently, no, I saw something I shouldn't have seen since the first night I entered the village." Yang Yu opened his mouth.When Li Ruolan heard this, he seemed to be interested. He turned his head and began to listen.

Yang Yu said three things to Li Ruolan:

the first thing is that he met grandma Lin Yina on the first night when he entered the village. That night was the first seven.

Second, the strange behavior of the attic of the school last time only saved the scene of amorous feelings.

The third one is that there is no picture of Qiu Yue's boyfriend in this picture.

"I know what I said is very funny. Others must think I'm crazy, and I think I'm crazy myself. But recently, it seems that this' illness' is getting more and more serious. I don't know whether I'm infected with evil, or have a special function, or just a pure mental illness. I can't tell reality from illusion."

"I don't believe there are ghosts in the world, and I don't know if what you said is true or false, but I believe you, there are too many things in reality that science can't explain." Li Ruolan pondered.

Yang Yu feels much more comfortable after saying these words. He doesn't expect Li Ruolan to help much or give himself a "reasonable" explanation. He just wants to talk to someone.

"I hope you can keep these secrets for me, although no one believes you when you tell them, ha ha." Yang Yu laughed himself.

"I told you last time that there is a very smart God woman in the next village. Would you like to see her when you have time?" Li Ruolan finally showed a smile.

"Ha ha, OK, no problem. It's good to listen to the opinions of experts. Anyway, going to the mental hospital is just a set of mental retardation problems for you." Yang Yu didn't care. Although he didn't believe in the goddess, he would listen if he had a reason. If he didn't, he would go in his left ear and out his right.

As long as you have the ability to distinguish, and your three outlooks have already been finalized, you really need some skills to deceive him.

"I'm interested in the girl in red you met in the attic." Li Ruolan kept her composure, but her heart was full of passion. She never dreamed that there was a mysterious thing Yang Yu said that she was very interested in.

"I also thought that it would not happen that there was no face, which was very similar to the abnormal behavior of the abnormal maniac, but the murderers were already in trouble, and it could not be the abnormal maniac, so I excluded the relevance." Yang Yu returned.

"Did the girl in red you saw in your dream see a jade hanging around her neck?" Li Ruolan asked casually.

Yang Yu recalled that there was no pendant on Bai Xue's neck. At that time, the girl in red on the stairs turned her back to herself, so she knew that she was just curious. Why did Li Ruolan ask?

"I'll look for a picture of the victim and give it to your cousin for recognition. Isn't that ok?" Li Ruolan suggested.

"Is it necessary? Do you suspect that the sex slavery case 13 years ago has something to do with this case? " I don't think it's too easy for her to get rid of the reality

"Yes, but you'd better look at this first." Li Ruolan handed over what she was looking at just now.

Yang Yu was very surprised: "zongjuan? This is the information of the Public Security Bureau. How can you get it? "

"Have I been a journalist for so many years? I just secretly got a copy from my friend inside. " Li Ruolan took a sip of tea calmly.

Yang Yu quickly opened it and read it. The volume recorded the contents of the case in detail. However, Yang Yu shook his head and laughed: "they just recorded the basic information of the victim, but this is not the point at all."

"What do you mean by that?" Li Ruolan glanced askance at Yang Yu.

Yang Yu snorted, threw back the police file, went to the guardrail and looked at the whole village. After a moment, he turned his head and said:

"first, mask, why do perverts wear human skin mask?

Second, motivation, perverts catch these victims, torture them, and finally kill them. For what? For sex? For spiritual satisfaction?

Third, the goal. Why are these four girls chosen randomly? Or according to a certain rule? Are there any rules to follow among the four victims?

Fourth, the number of people. The perverts are obviously recidivists. There must be more than four victims. Who else? Which cellar are they now dead in, or somewhere, maybe a girl in custody?

Fifth, Christ, why use the cross? What does the mural without Jesus' last supper on the wall mean? Is it the work of a pervert?

Sixth, who will be the next target? Where will it happen? When does it happen?

The pervert certainly can't sit still, will certainly commit a crime, so many questions, the police didn't solve one? All the girls in the village are worried. It seems that the police don't care at all. Ha ha, when will the perverts catch their children? What do they think? "

Yang Yu finished all these things in one breath. He was already out of breath. Li Ruolan was stunned there with her mouth open. She was silly."I didn't expect that your thinking was quite divergent. It's a pity that you should not be a detective. What kind of people's teacher should you be?" Li Ruolan suddenly admired Yang Yu's words. He didn't know whether it was sarcasm or praise. He didn't come here to teach. He didn't have any background. The same group of people said a word and were assigned here.

Every time Yang Yu thinks about it, he wants to scold the Ba Zi.

"Well, go to your house and find your cousin." Li Ruolan said.

"What are you doing at my house? What do you want from my cousin? " Yang Yu looks puzzled.

However, Yang Yu's surprise is still behind. Li Ruolan and Yang Yu return home. Her cousin Yuanxi is cutting pumpkin slices and ready to sun them out. When Yang Yu comes home with a woman, she feels uncomfortable again.

"This cousin is becoming more and more romantic." My cousin Yuanxi muttered.

"Hello, my name is Li Ruolan. I'm Yang Yu's girlfriend's sister. I'd like to ask you to look after me." Li Ruolan politely approached her cousin Yuanxi, then found a picture from a book and handed it to Li Yuanxi, saying, "please, sister Yuanxi, can you help me recognize it? At that time, you saw the human skin mask worn by that pervert, is it this girl?"

Then Li Ruolan pointed to a girl in the group photo.

Yang Yu is a face puzzled, Li Ruolan where to find the photos? It's too efficient.

However, Yang Yu is disdainful and believes in his own judgment. The sex slavery case 13 years ago has absolutely nothing to do with this one.

Absolutely not.

Therefore, Yang Yu felt that Li Ruolan was wasting his time, so he helped to dry the tender pumpkin slices.

Li Yuanxi, her cousin, gave a sound, then took the photo and took a look at it. She just took a look.

Suddenly, pale, fear swept the whole body, motionless, scared to say a word.