Chapter 156: GROAR Part 2

Name:A Rattling Monster Author:
Chapter 156: GROAR Part 2

After waiting for a short time, I decided to go right from the original portal. That way, I will see the surroundings of this place. For a while, I see nothing, except one shadow that escaped. I quickly kill it and absorb more energy. I don't know why, but I can't see anything related to my attributes, like strength and agility. Maybe it is broken on that part, I only have this.



Rate: Void Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Class: Devourer of Gods

Level ??/??

HP: ????/????

MD: ?????????"

Nothing more, I guess those stats are irrelevant. Can't really apply to my current condition. I bet that Aria didn't even know what is a Devourer of Gods. It is still a miracle that I managed to keep it, even if it is broken like that. Anyway, I keep going, until I find another octopus. Same strategy, [Death Ray] until he is dead. And if it doesn't give me an intact body, it is still better than trying to leech his life and get in contact with this monster. I don't think I will survive being crushed in one of the tentacles from that giant creature.

Find another group of slugs, let them pass. They don't attack me, I don't attack them and everyone is happy. I keep roaming around, seeking a weak prey. And for weeks, or what I think is weeks, I repair my System. And now, I finally have all my skills ready for action.

Well, I keep searching, but I find nothing. So, two choices, they truly broke the oath instantly or I just can't see it. Well, in both cases, I will have to face them anyway. But how can I do this, while returning back to my universe? In fact, that choice is even more simple, do I really care about Earth? Saying no is potentially the truth. If it was destroyed because of me, I would feel sad, for a very long time. But I don't really care, I will just try to save it if I can.


NO! Jump away. I am not even trying to face this, I instantly jump to my first beacon and see if everything is calm. And it is, nothing in sight, did that thing followed me? I don't know, actually, I truly don't know. Maybe there are more than just one of those, and it is a very frightening thought. Just one is enough to scare thousands of Devourer of Gods, so if he has an entire family with him, I understand why everyone tries to escape. Who wants to stay in the same universe as this monstrous monster.


No, not again? Wait, what is I can see countless creatures running away and toward the white portal. That's not very good, they will try to escape the monster by entering my universe. I see everything and even another creature. It has the same shape as multiple crystals put together to form a weird human. A medium crystal for the head, a big one for the chest, four different to create an arm, a leg. Sometimes, those crystals are detaching themselves and rotating around the main body. At this moment, they are all floating to survive.

I am still closer and can enter the universe before them. But is it the best idea? After all, the Nine Heavens are probably waiting for my arrival and reinforce their defenses. So, the first that will pass this portal will be slain instantly. So, going first is out of the question.

On the other hand, if I wait, I am not sure to enter it. Thousands of creatures are fleeing, and the passage is only 5 meters tall. That's maybe big, but in a few seconds, that monstrous crocodile will arrive and eat everyone and maybe even the portal. I don't think he will be able to, but no one in this side will survive. So, not first, but second or third.

I get into position very close to the exit and seeing the panicked octopi, I decide to use this opportunity. I begin to target them with my [Annihilation] and more and more are dying. My spell can kill three Ancient Ones in a single usage if they are aligned. But I can only use it 4 times before the first monster arrives. It is the crystal shaped human, and soon, the shadows. The octopi that should have arrived are all dead but they are still a little bit faster than the Devourer of Gods. Of course, all those arrivals are separated by not even a second.

Right before the first Ancient One enters the white portal, I do it and escape the incoming doom. The last thing I see is a huge mass floating on the horizon and coming toward us. In front of it, multiple black dots, representing those that were too slow. I came back to my universe earlier than I thought.