Chapter 147: Missing one Ingredient

Name:A Rattling Monster Author:
Chapter 147: Missing one Ingredient

The human looks really terrified. He probably didn't expect me to arrive here without any trouble. I mean, I have my spirit scouting everything for me. The spirit that I created on, wait, not on Birdland. That was on Pashkat? Did I create another one after that? Let me think a bit after the three Heroes arrived, I tried all my spells. There I created the spirit and thought of teleporting to this planet. Did I bring him with me? And therefore, the only spell that I used was that one and only orb of acid. So I can't create another spirit, or I need to take a risk. I hate the risk. But I will have to do that anyway since I don't know how they are capable of finding me. While the false prophet is still shaking, I create another spirit that I hide in this place. To act like a beacon. And finally, he is calm enough to speak.

-Why, why do you want to talk to my master? He is the Blood God, Ruler of the Ashen Plan

-Shut up! I know that, can you just say yes or no? You know very well what will happen if you pick the later.

I hear the human swallow, provoking a pretty noisy sound. He is not used at getting threatened by a ghost, apparently. But I can see him think a lot, probably to remember all he needs for that ritual. After a dozen seconds, he nods at me and begins to recite a list of components. I raise my hand instantly since I have no idea of what he is talking about.

-Ok, I don't understand a single word of what you said, just tell me one thing. Is it possible to find it in a city controlled by the pigeons?

-Pi-pigeon? What is this thing?

Oh, I forgot that he probably doesn't understand that word, like me. And I don't know how they are really called, let's just call them birds, I have to try that.

-The birdmen, birdpeople? The thing with wings, a beak and are like you but with feathers.

-Oh, them. They are the Children of the God ruling this planet, their names are

-I don't care; I don't plan on letting them leave long enough to use this. I just need to know if what you told me can be found in one of the cities in the sky.

-JUST WHAT? Kill a dragon and bring his heart? Do you have any idea how am I supposed to do that? Do you know where the dragons are living?

-Actually, I know that.

Oh, that's great. If he told me that he didn't know, I would have really made him suffer a lot. But that was not his fault, so, I am a forgiving god, a merciful one. I will just forget this regrettable incident and go hunt those dragons. But why is he not talking? I look at him, but he keeps his mouth shut. Are you a moron? You just told me that you knew where they are living, so just say it!


-But there is another problem.

There we go. I was wondering why he didn't talk. You truly have 5 seconds, before I kill you. 4, 3, 2.

-The dragons are living far away, in the North; it is a very long travel. And for that, you will have to bypass the capital of the mighty Pigeons. And I am sure that you can do that, but the heart has to be conserved in a fresh state, he can't be allowed to rot. So, after you kill a dragon you have to immediately co

-Yeah, yeah I got it. North, just one last thing, where is the North?

He looks at me with a blank face. I mean, yes I am powerful and all that, but my sense of orientation was never good in the first place. I remember being lost in the desert. Without Oslo to guide me, it is a miracle that I haven't forget the way to come back to this city. After seeing him search for a few seconds, he points at a direction. I wave at him, and after he jumps on the cloud, I order it to go back to the base. As for the fresh heart, it will not be a problem normally. I just have to teleport when I find it and with my beacon, it will be easy.

No, the hardest thing will be to locate one of those dragons. I have my spirit above me telling me everything, but its range is not that far. But first, I have to find the capital of the pigeons. Funny that the prophet told it that way, probably too scared to say anything that would be a contradiction with what I said. Therefore, the unknown race became the pigeons. That's a good name.

I go in the direction that was indicated, and I find that the flow of blessings is very strong. That was the same thing that I felt previously, before finding the group of hunters. And I was right, it does lead to the capital of Birdland. Shame that they will probably expect my visit, even after nearly a week away. I mean, I have no idea how fast those birds are flying and how many kilometers are between the two cities in the clouds. If it is only the local citizens, that will be fine. But if a Hero or two decide to join the fray, I guess I will just need to change my location. Maybe I will end up in Fishland after this? Who knows?