Chapter 126: First Step of Cooperation

Name:A Rattling Monster Author:
Chapter 126: First Step of Cooperation

Thank you so much, commandant Bori. I knew you were the man of the , I mean the dwarf of the situation. My inimitable charm worked for the first time, and I managed to convince him that I was not that dangerous. However, even with my newly found ally, the judge is still not in our side, and a death penalty is still an option. But now, even the dwarves behind him are looking at me less as a mortal enemy and more as a normal bystander. I won't expect warm hugs and other things like that, but just managed to not be burned down by the flamethrowers is a good thing. Thongril is still looking at me with those hard eyes, I guess he still wants me dead. So, good enough?

-You managed to convince the commandant Bori of your utility, but you are still a threat like he said. I can't let you roam this kingdom without an escort, so, I will let this decision to one of those four Iron Beards behind me. If one, and I say only one, is convinced and think that you can be useful for us, you will join us in the glorious war that I awaiting every race on Astria. But if none wants you to fight side by side with us, then you will have to leave. We won't kill you, just because you have already dealt a lot of trouble to Salazar. First, the djinns, then the attack on Ronta. Now, let's see what are your fate.

Damn, he is clearly in charge and he is showing his displeasure, how am I supposed to expect one of the Iron Beards to accept me? And he is even saying that I won't be killed, giving me even less chance to be accepted. Seriously, that's unfair, I want another trial. As for the four dwarves, they were clearly not expecting this. Even the flamethrowers are put down because the dwarves carrying them are thinking. That means they are not seeing me as a huge threat. I still have a chance.

Thongril, Bori and I are all watching the four Iron Beards. One quickly reached a conclusion and raised his flamethrower in my direction. I will take it as a no, but for the three others, they are still thinking about it. One warrior raised his axe and shield, in an aggressive posture. Another no, but the two others are mentally debating. I can even see the warriors count on his hands, I have no idea why. It is certain that they are the most informed warriors in the kingdom, so they should be able to make a rational decision. Like, am I really needed? Because in truth, I have no idea.

(You should be needed, otherwise, we wouldn't have all this conversation. This Thongril would have cut your head off the moment he saw you. No, from what I am seeing, I think that you have two additional dwarves on your side. That means, the situation is worse than they originally thought if they have to ask the help from the ghost responsible for the destruction of the Holy Kingdom. Because that can be seen as a treason against the humans that sided with them. And the dwarves hate those kinds of things. Not necessarily the lies, but breaking a treaty or an oath, for them, it is insulting their ancestors. I think they are done with their thinking.)

Yes, I can see the two Iron Beards looking at each other, expecting the other side to make the first move. In the end, Thongril makes a weird sound, that provokes a reaction from the two dwarves. Instead of pointing their weapons toward me, they sheathe their axe, shield, and flamethrower. Oslo was right, I don't have the majority, but at least, I have an equality. Thongril seems neither angry or happy, but he returns to his position.

Well, it's true that my spirits are all looking like a blue ball. Not my fault on that wait, no, that's my fault. And it doesn't make any sense that they can see without eyes. But it's true.

-This is one of my spirits. I have more of them and don't be fooled by his appearance. It is mainly because of them that I noticed the explosives in the tunnel nearby, sleek. They can scout the advance of the ratmen, that's why, for example, I know the composition of your army or the fact that one of the guards behind the door is touching his nose.

After saying this, I see Thongril open the door and look at the surprised Iron Beards. One has still his finger inside his nose. After seeing this and without any explanations, he closes the door once again. I think that I convinced him.

-What is the range of action of your spirits? How many do you have? Can they be detected by the ratmen? How long do you need to create more?

-I can potentially reach your capital and still have my spirits telling me everything. I have right now only ten of them, with one guarding the cave I was before coming here. As you can see, they are nearly invisible and can see beyond stones and rocks, sleek. Meaning, they can hide in a stone wall, and still be able to see the ratmen walking behind it. And I need some hours to create more.

For the first time since he arrived here, I can see Thongril smile. A big, huge smile.