Chapter 103: Fourth Evolution

Name:A Rattling Monster Author:
Chapter 103: Fourth Evolution

Ahhhhh, finally, those sweets words that I was waiting for. Hehe, previously, I was only a rat, battling against everything, my environment was a threat. Any animals could threaten my life with ease, from the birds to the predators like cats. Then, a chance, an opportunity, the will of this world letting me live. A better life, a stronger life, a life as a ratman. And I am proud, but now, what is next?

"Congratulation to the user, you have met the requirements to evolve. Please choose the evolution:

1- Harbinger of Plague nove(l)bi(n.)com

2- Manifestation of Death

3- Avatar of Blood"

Oh my bloody lord, what the hell does that means? One thing for sure, my System totally ditch the whole ratman thing, one way or another. I guess that's logical too, like I said at first, I was an animal, a rat. Then I evolved into an intelligent creature, a ratman, capable of walking on its two legs, speak and think, cast some spells. And finally, I will evolve into into something? I mean, all the three options are clearly related to at least one of my spells. But in what will I turn?

(Oh, you evolved, great news, we have to celebrate this by taking the right choice. So what are your options? Because you are clearly perturbed right now.)

Well, let me tell you all my choices, I have the Harbinger of Plague, the Manifestation of Death, and the Avatar of Blood. Since you are older than me by a huge margin, maybe you have heard of one of them, the best case would be the three choices, but I won't hope for that much.

(Hey, there are countless gods, types of representatives, Sorcerer-king, Great Demon King, Hero, Apostle, Prophet, Oracle, Wraith-King, Dark Seer, Sand King, and thousands more words to describe them. They have countless forms, countless spells at their dispositions. Some can form black hole, destroying space around them. Others can turn back in time, to undo their mistakes. There is even on that could steal your mana from you, and blow up your empty reserves, killing you in the process. Just imagine of all that, and it is only the one that I have encounter or talk about.)

I get it, you are still not a greater god, you can't know everything. But please, just answer the question, we don't have the enti ok, actually we have the entire night to do this. Never mind, keep going.

(So, we were talking about the Harbinger of Plague. Quite frankly, that would have been a great name for the Apostle of Salazar. Or his Prophet, him and Krieg really like those two words. I have no idea why.)

Yes, it is puzzling me too. I mean, they should choose something like Great Demon King, or maybe, Sorcerer-King, it would have been so much better.

(Sarcasm, but I still think my names were better. About the plague part, I have no clue. Don't look at the sky with those angry eyes, I know some Harbinger, but none were of Plague. I know a Harbinger of Life, that was a nightmare to deal with apparently. Permanently healing himself, healing everything around him, curing any poisons and plagues nearby. But I heard that he was baited in a fight, and while the god controlling him was busy with the fight, they created a huge ritual, just to destroy everything near him. Of course, that was very costly, they lost people during the ritual and the battle, but the Harbinger was dead in the end. And the enemy Hero was still alive, the god above him that told me this story was bragging about his superior intellect. It is just the other that was stupid.)

So, you are saying that I will turn into the element attached to that title?

(Oh no, that's for everyone. Basically, whatever you choose, you will be turned into an immaterial spirit or form that is composed by that element. Meaning, near invincibility against any physical attack, only harmed because of elements capable of destroying the one you are. For example, like an elemental of ice that is fearing fire. So you have to choose what road you will take. Plaguing everyone in a very wide area, not like you are doing currently. Maybe being reborn, but still will have increased control of your undead, that's for sure. Be able to survive as long as there is blood around you, and maybe being able to use your [Blood Touch] offensively. In the end, whatever you choose, you will be able to destroy Atria, for sure. Without the full force of the Holy Kingdom, they have no chance against you.)

Thank you for all your advice, that was pretty useful. But now, what should I do? The less powerful against my future foes would be the plague one, since I assume a lot of Heroes or even gods are immune to any poisons and diseases. At those words, Oslo is lightly humming, meaning that I am right. After that you have the Death and Blood. One can kill a god, but need blood; the other can potentially grant me immortality. And that's only if the two are the same thing. I keep thinking for a few minutes, thinking how bad could things go. Seeing no bad scenario in sight, I finally decide of my next evolution. System be prepared, and give me the best shot you have. I choose