Chapter 82: Mana Problems

Name:A Rattling Monster Author:
Chapter 82: Mana Problems

Yes, I can see them now. Barely visible with their machinegun. I can only see the weapon and the man carrying the ammunition. I wonder what will happen if a fireball touches those deadly monster cores? Well, I can still try to make it happen. Now that I have a clear sight on the target, I order all my skeleton magicians to cast a fireball at the Chosen. Like I said, they are naked skeletons, so, to think that in fact, they are really capable of manipulating mana, it is near impossible. At best, they will think that I will use them to protect myself and use them as a meat shield. Very far from the truth.

The rain of fire that is provoked after my order is truly a beautiful sight. Fireball after fireball, they keep throwing them and quite accurately. Most of them manage to enter the building and only a few hit the wall. The previous confident Chosen, are now fleeing, but it is too late. The spell cast by my magician is fast enough to reach them in a little more than a second. And that time match the slow reaction of the humans, due to their surprise. And finally, the first fireballs hit the cores.


WAOW! That was powerful! Previously, only a few holes were made on the wall, because of my acid orbs. Now, the entire faade is destroyed, and the building is crumbling. A very big hole has appeared and every human near the explosion has vanished, turned into ashes or even disappear completely. The weapon has the same fate. I knew that it was dangerous, but that dangerous? Well, it was apparently a lot of cores, so a chain reaction provoking the release of all their energies is possible. And therefore boom, no more Chosen.

(You don't have to worry about anything outside the underground, everyone is dead, even the two sentries on top of it. Well, they are not exactly dead, but they have at least five different energies in their bodies now. And that is not good for any races, except a few. So, three, two, one, one one?)

What do you mean one?

Pchuit Pshuit

(There you go, they exploded. That was what I was waiting. Even you, actually, no, I have no idea. A normal ratman would die like those humans, but you, with your System, I can't know, just don't try it. You are absolutely fine as you are, don't need to risk everything just for something we don't even know if it is good for you.)

So you are saying that I should now go inside the underground base, any suggestion? Because while I beat their most powerful weapon, Krieg should have granted them something good.

(Well, like I said, watch out for the strange mutation and augmentation that every soldier have. But if you are at a good distance from them, you probably won't risk anything. And that's the problem, you will enter a real maze down there. So, I suggest that you put two skeleton magicians in the front, that way, if there is an ambush, they will face it first. And you, just stay with the main group behind.)

Ok, in the meantime, use spirit number one to check the different rooms where you can't see, you know those rooms where you supposed the Prophet was located. And if you find something dangerous, just a little warning.

The situation remains the same for a few minutes. My side launching fireballs, their side firing bolts. But we have not a single injured, while I can always hear some screams from the other side of the wall. And the rate of fire of those crossbows is slowing down. A lot. After waiting for a minute without seeing anything leaving the darkness, I order my skeletons to stop. I remove the wall of darkness, only seeing an empty hall, filled with burn marks.

Laying on the ground, shields, weapons, and armors, all pretty much melted by the intense heat of the fireball. So we are victorious in this battle. But it was the first wave, with only some hunters, not the real deal. No berserker warriors, no Chosen, no hybrids. But I will stop right now, let's charge my numerous undead.


Yes, number one, what is it? I hope there are no problems?

-I have discussed with number ten and the others, and we are fearing that we are low in mana. We can't fight anymore. Especially battles like that, when we have to constantly use our spells.

So, you don't have infinite mana? Damn. I forget about that part. So ok, we will wait. That makes sense, I mean, I asked you a lot today. And you probably don't have a huge mana pool like me, or maybe you have a bigger. You don't have some numbers to give me right?

-No, master. I am sorry.

That's not a big deal. And for how long do we need to wait?

-Not a lot master, just three days.