Chapter 63: Night Attack

Name:A Rattling Monster Author:
Chapter 63: Night Attack

Only after the sun has risen did I catch the trail of the refugees. They were as expected very slow. Families with children, farmers with their animals, not enough cart for everyone and the guards pressing them. At least, they have a protection on their way to their new home. Not a lot, but no bandits or wild animals will be able to inflict any damage to the convoy. And now that my prey is in sight, what should I do to gain the maximum out of it. There is a guard every two meters on the flank of the long queue. That means that everyone can help his closest neighbors and even some farther with their crossbows. If I try to throw a spell at them, they will for sure melt but that will provoke a reaction and maybe a troop of cavalry will hunt me. And with the environment being a plain, I have no chance of hiding. New novel chapters are published on

No, the best I can do is wait for the night. Of course, wait means a waste of my mana so I decide to create some skeletons in the meantime. I invoke once again number one and number two to help me. It is completely free for me and it will even potentially help me during the assault of tonight. I just need to keep them out of vision but with the help of Oslo, I can manage to do this. And yes, I see a troop of forty knights riding toward Ronta.

They should be the quickest reinforcements available, signaling the arrival of the true army. And by a knight, I really mean it, they are the definition of the knight. A horse capable of wearing a heavy armor, travel for day and night. Can carry a man wearing a full plate armor, one, two, three spears and a shield and a sword. I can see it clearly, but it looks like all their equipment is polished and without a defect. They are the white knight, shining in their armors and blinding everyone that directly look at them. They keep going in the direction that I just left, not even sparing a single glance to the commoners nearby.

But that appearance is bad for me. That means in the next few days, more will arrive and I will have to flee once again. That's why tonight is really important. As I keep roaming around the convoy of refugees, I notice once in a while a priest or a magician. But they are really not a lot. I guess the mayor has judged that they will be more useful inside Ronta than protecting the populace. And he was right, they totally made my attacks useless. But with such a low number of threat, not every camp will be safe.

Dusk is coming and everyone is tired, I order Oslo to bring the skeletons closer. I will begin my attack one hour after the sun is gone. Because I will need the cover of the night to flee the farther I can. All around me, I can see the families prepare their dinner and even some children playing with the guards. Even if they are still scared, they are beginning to see hope again, they are planning where they will live, what they will do later. I even see some guards playing dice and drinking. Fortunately, the magicians are staying in a remote location and all regrouped in one place. That means it will take some time for them to help when I will attack. On the other hand, the priests are all sleeping with the commoners. They are spread, not more than a single priest in each camp. I guess it is a good occasion for them to preach about the benefits of Aria and how powerful and helpful they are.

I have my back facing the tents of the magicians but Oslo will warn me when they are awake. I launch my first spell, melting three tents and everyone inside. So that gives me the answer I was looking for, the priests don't have a protection like a magician have. I order my skeletons to begin the massacre. Second orb, third orb. Keep casting, keep throwing, some humans are leaving their tents. More orbs, more acid spread.

(The magicians are reacting, but they are still shocked.)

Great, I have already killed all the priests nearby, now I am targeting the higher concentration of humans. Five tents gone, a group of four disappear. I have already launched 22 orbs of acid and I can probably cast 10 more.

(The magicians are singing something; you need to get out.)

But I need to stop now, I quickly escape with the cover of the night. Right before disappearing, I watch one last time the convoy. My skeletons are still attacking; I regroup them and I throw an orb toward them. In the confusion, no one will be sure that it was some skeletons that have attacked them. That trump card of mine needs to be concealed, especially since it is my main hope against the ratmen. I can see far that the magicians are perplexed by the lack of enemies, they can see death surrounding them but not the actual reaper.

Well, that was useful. My acid has improved, my deadly body too. And the skeletons have killed at least twenty people, most were still asleep. That attack has lasted for a little more than thirty seconds. Too short to inflict some real damages, but not too long to have been caught. Unfortunately, that was probably my last chance to do this. Tomorrow or the day after, the reinforcements following the knights will arrive and protect the refugees. Since it is useless to stay here anymore, let's go further West. To the capital or should I say, to the sewers of the capital.