Chapter 54: Perseverance is Key

Name:A Rattling Monster Author:
Chapter 54: Perseverance is Key

Just as I arrived at my shelter, I could see something leaking from the grid above my head. To describe it, it is sticky, not like water. And his color is red, same as blood. That is supposed to be blessed by the goddess? Is she the goddess of Massacre and Slaughter as a part-time?

(No, you can't do that job partially, you mainly specialize in one direction, like Krieg and his hybrid.)

So you are an expert in what domain? Getting crushed by a young beautiful goddess? Getting easily infiltrated by warmonger gods?


Just no? Nothing else? Not going to say something else? You know it is suspect, I mean I am your Hero so I guess I have the right to know that thing. Not answering? Seriously, just say it, I won't judge. Well, since he is not really enjoyed by the sight of me knowing his secret, let's focus on the blood liquid. I can see inside some weird, brown particles. And periodically, those particles release a gas, that's what Oslo warned me about. Better not breathe it. The good thing is, I am slightly less exposed to it than I thought. First, there is a grid right next to me and my little room where I am currently staying is not filled with gas. I know there are other rooms like that, so I hope the ratman didn't find one of them.


Oh, that was the bones of a rat. They didn't destroy the skeletons of my victims. Maybe they just didn't check, now that I watch my feet, I can see the body was covered with garbage. They probably missed it.

(Playtime is over; they are descending into hell to fight the demon reigning over it.)

You mean they are going in the sewers to kill me? Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience


God of the Theater? God of the Tragedy? No? Too bad. But that news is worse. They are expecting me to be weak and easily kill me. But while I didn't feel a single thing, I am short on mana. If they really are coming here, I will have to fight with my claws. I can't waste my spells on just basic guards. Ok, let's remember all the actions movies I have ever watched. How do I fight efficiently against opponents a lot taller than me? And wore armors, have shields, swords, spears.

(There is at least seven groups coming toward you, take the left, right, right, forward, right.)

Thanks to Oslo, I evade once again my pursuers. But the net is closing on me. I need to find somewhere where I can stay hidden. My small shelter was a good place, but anyone passing near it will immediately search such a place. It is too obvious. With my discretion and lack of light, I can stay unnoticed. I don't see anyone with torches. Even if the light coming from the sun is enough right now to see, there is still some corridors darker than the others. I need to find one of those. Oslo?

(Yeah, what will you do if one day I disappear? Follow my instructions and you will find what you hope for.)

And as expected, a cold, dark and creepy corridor. Now I just need to stay here and I will be safe.

(Ok leave, the assassin is too close. Sorry about that, I only noticed that moments ago.)

Never mind, just tell me where to find another one like that. And, no forget my previous sentence. If he is near, and by miracle he finds this, he will be able to track me again. So I need to run away. Make me avoid every patrol and put some distance between my fellow ratman and me.

(Like you ask. For four hours, no rest.)

During four hours, I keep avoiding patrols and walk away from the assassin. He managed to find my footsteps because Oslo warned me he was behind me. But the good news is, I have the power to create another skeleton. One that is improved compared to before. I really spend too much time trying to upgrade that spell but I really need an army of mine against the ratmen. My plague and acid will do no damage, and they are legion. I saw that even the Tomb Kings failed to really defend against them. The Hero of Aria failed to survive the assault of their assassins.

So I am really betting on that spell. I don't know the cooldown to create another one. Maybe it is even worse than that, just one spell every evolution. And I would have waste a chance with [Nightfall]. No, let's think positively. Now, positively, work better [Raise Undead].

I see in front of me forming another skeleton. But while the previous invocation formed a weak, feeble and small skeleton, this one is a lot thicker. His bones at least. Taller even, taller than me at least. Even his fingers are sturdier. He can probably take a hit from me. He still has no weapons and armor, but who cares. I have an army of guards to supply me those. I ask him to punch the wall with half his strength and he didn't break his hand. Well, I don't know what is half of his strength. I ask him to punch me with the same strength. And OUCH!

"-21 HP"

That hurts. Damn. He is really capable of doing something. He hasn't reach the same level of the skeletons I first saw at the undead cave. But he is near the roaming ones, near the Necropolis. That's very good. Now, I need to give him an armor, a shield, a sword. And more victims to kill.