Chapter 44: A New Ritual

Name:A Rattling Monster Author:
Chapter 44: A New Ritual

Right after saying this, a huge explosion occurs in the middle of the ritual. Dark light can be seen exiting the gem inside the prince's chest. Those lights seem to target the priests that were chanting. One after the other, they begin to scream horribly, like someone that is being tortured. Even the high priest that was trying to repair the damages that I caused was not spared. He begins to kneel and then slowly disappears. The runes and sigils on the floor were not spared. Multiple shadows could be seen attacking them, tearing them apart. I guess the heart of a sorcerer-king was a lot more powerful than I thought. Well, he was still the representative of a god, when he was still alive. I can see that even without my help, just letting the heart do his job is enough to ruin everything that the djinns have built.

But while he is helping me deal with the priests and the ritual, the nearby guards and the emperor are out of reach apparently. And looking at me like they want to kill me. I wonder the reason.


Better let his hunting dogs do his job. And he runs toward the stairs, like the coward he is. Before his captain even come close to me, I launch on him one of my orb of acid. Seeing the projectile, he has no choice be to retreat. But instead of destroying the ground and melt everything around it, the orb just exploded and create a small hole. That was not planned. What is happening?

(The ritual is currently disturbing any magic nearby, I think. So your spells will be ineffective as long as the battle between my forces and Salazar ritual is not completed. I suggest you run.)

Thank you for the reminder, otherwise, I would have defied in a duel that strong warrior right in front of me. Can something go as I planned it one time? But after seeing my supposed strong spell do nothing, all the guards begin to rush toward me. Do I have to flee inside a closed room, located underground?


Apparently, even the emperor doesn't fear me anymore. He doesn't rush toward me but at least he is not fleeing like before. I bet that if I am caught I will suffer by his hand a miserable fate. I am currently circling around the ritual with a bunch of guards behind me. But the problem is, other guards are coming from the opposite way. So in a few moments, I will be stuck between two groups. What should I do? What should I do?

(I can cancel your fake mark if you want.)

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(A chance, if you enter the ritual with my mark, the sorcerer-king won't attack you. But if just one of those dirty djinns dare to set a foot, you will enjoy a magnificent spectacle.)

"You, you are just a little. And small RAT!"

I am already regretting the soundproof barrier than was previously activated. The sound of his voice is literally horrible to hear. The fact that his mouth is disintegrating is probably the main cause.

"Ke.the. rat... men. KA... SA.LA.ZAR!"

I think he wanted to say more, but unfortunately, he was not as resistant as his son. And as I turned toward the shadow that was holding my hand, I can't help to feel that he really was looking like the second prince. But that's probably just my imagination. Except for the size, the lack of details prevents me from verifying this theory. I just hope that he will still learn that his father got was he deserved. He was a funny lad.

(It's over, we can go now.)

Oh really, no more guard will hunt us?

(I can't say that the guards on the walls will be affected, but everyone in the proximity of the palace is dead. The citizens that you saw happy are probably absorbed too. The desert should have his size reduced to half of its original size.)

So what should we do? Hunt ratmen?

(No, absolutely not. The djinns were never really favored by Salazar, so it is logical that they haven't learned of your existence. But I have seen some assassins looking for you since Ronta. And after they report it, the Clan Masters will know that you exist. You won't be able to fool them. And, they are a lot stronger than the djinns, just remember those memories. It was just an army, not the army.)

So crystal hunting?

(Crystal hunting.)