Chapter 38: One Planet, Four Gods

Name:A Rattling Monster Author:
Chapter 38: One Planet, Four Gods

(First of all, I am sorry for killing you. It was a mistake.)

Wait, what? Was it not Aria? She literally confessed it.

(She deflect a spell of mine, and that spell killed you)

Oh, thank you for being honest then. But can you stop reading my mind?

(Won't happen, you are and already were my Hero.)

An explanation? Because I don't want to be the guy we send to die and protect the widow and the orphan.

(The numerous gods can only have one representative alive at a time, they could be named Hero, Demon King, Oracle or even Prophet. It is only after this person is dead that the god can choose another one. The problem is the delay between two Hero. A hundred years. That's why you were only born a century after the Portal War but was killed during it.)

So I was killed during the Portal War, but what is that war? I mean, the Agorians talked about it like it was a calamity.

(Let me first explain the different types of gods, first, there is )

A pretty boring speech if I could judge it.

... I can hear you, you know. And finally the gods like Krieg or Salazar, who roamed the universe, looking for a weak world. Infiltrating it, scheming against the ruler and destroying it completely. But even I got to admit, what he did this time was a genius move.)


(Like I implanted the Agorians, he infiltrated the djinns. And after I managed to ruin his plan, both of us were weak. You have to understand; a god is only strong when he has a lot of believers. It is both a virtuous circle and a vicious one. Strong believers make a strong god, and a strong god grant many benefits to those who believe in him. Especially in the world he is in charge. He can modify the weather, to grant permanently good harvest. He can increase the magical potential of the new-born. Even if he can't take a direct action, he can manipulate the world to make his army stronger. But if you begin to lose them, your fall is assured. That's why the two rituals that use our believers as a resource are costly and risky.)

(Of course, otherwise, you wouldn't be here. But she probably kept it quiet. Because I can't see in the memories any mention of the death of Tarrick. It was his name. So now that you have a global vision of the situation, what do you want to do?)

Do I have a choice?

(Yes, either you can accomplish the last wish of the Agorians and killed those sons of b*tches, both the djinns and the ratmen. I will gladly help you, with both my power and your System, we can probably manage that. And with some luck, you will be stronger than a god, that's what you wanted right? Take revenge on Aria.)

Shouldn't that take a huge burden on your already weak power?

(Yes, but I will survive. Probably need another century to recover after that. But if you accept this, you will be affiliated with me. So if you start a rampage, and you grow stronger, I will benefit from it too. It's a win for everybody.)

And the other choice?

(You do whatever you want, BUT! You will hear me nagging at every single second of the rest of your life. I have centuries of histories all more boring than you can possibly imagine.)

Ok the first choice, but first let's make some changes.

(What changes?)

You give me some power right here and right now. To kill the empire of the djinns, it will take a lot of power. They are immune to my disease and only my acid can kill them. And I don't even know how strong they are.

(That's fair, I will prepare it. In the meantime, go search for every piece of the heart. It will be extremely useful when completed. I will tell you how to use it at the same time I will bless you. The only unknown factor is your System. I don't know how it will react.)

Don't worry about it, it will be fine. So we have a deal, I kill every servant of Salazar, and you help me with this.
