Chapter 11: Booby trap

Name:A Rattling Monster Author:
Chapter 11: Booby trap

Thanks to that rat meat, I am full HP again. As for my attributes, I see absolutely no changes again. Only the lich allowed me to gain something, that's a little weird. And now my vicious and amazing idea can be achieved. The cats of this city will probably never know what hit them. I have the bait; I need the killing weapon. It is still dark outside, so I have time. Now that I am on the street, where could I find a blacksmith. Search, search, search. Logically, if I were a blacksmith, I would go either near the barracks of the guard or near the guild of the adventurers. With a city that big, there is probably at least 2 to 3 blacksmiths out there. But where is the barrack? Or the guild? I am still not high enough. But there is a church nearby, time to use my eagle vision on top of it. Maybe I will even find a trolley full of straw. The worst thing is, if I tell that joke in this world, no one would understand me.

Ok, I am on top of the church. Most of the building is just on the ground floor, except 3, all unique and not looking like a cathedral. One looks like a castle, a small one. Probably the residence of the mayor and the city hall. Another one look like a tower. Maybe it's the guild. The third is just a really big mansion. It only has one floor. So the tower or the mansion? The mansion is the closest let's check it first. Worst case, I will still explore the city.

While I travel, I notice the lack of shops on the way. I can travel 1km without even finding a stall. That means the residential and the trader are clearly delimited. So if I find it, I will have everything for my future traps. Now the mansion is in sight and there is a lot of shops nearby. It is definitely important but will it have a blacksmith? An inn, a pub, a tailor, another pub, bunch of alcoholics. A general store, I think, another one, a third and yes, a blacksmith. And the building is partly made of woods. I don't find any entries besides the front door and the back one and they are both locked at that time of the night. Time to dig a hole.

Scratch scratch scratch

It's a lot harder than with the forest trees. But what can a wooden wall do against a great small rat? Inside, I find multiple anvils, some furnaces, a lot of weapons, some iron and steel ingots and a trash bin with the failures and the rest. That's what I need. Let's silently take everything out.

(That heavy workload keep the small rat busy for the rest of the night. But the disappearance of the contents of the trash bin made baffled the master blacksmith, and even after asking all his apprentices and fellows, no one could explain where everything was. Because of that, he blamed the poor apprentice that was in charge of the shop last night.)

Now, it is time for the experiment. I need a mouse or rat body and I will see what are the limits of my System. Come on the fellow rat, come to see your cousin by an alliance from your step-father. Found one!


Sliek Sliek

-Marc Cassidy call technical assistance

Had to try. Can't hurt, imagine if it worked. But what works, is me, my trap, and those stupid victims. I should probably go back to work, I really need to stop doing those mental conversations between me and myself. But if I stop, I will be so lonely. Ok, we continue talking but we work at the same time. Deal. Am I schizophrenic?

(While the only intelligent rat of this world kept debating and questioning his own mentality, he really worked hard and managed to kill 4 more rats. Two more traps were activated and the corresponding experience was granted to the hero. But unfortunately, the night was nearing and the chances of finding either a walking lone rat in the sewer or a walking stupid and fool cat in the city were drastically reduced. It was time to sleep).

The night has arrived. Everyone is going to sleep and here I am restless on top of that church. What should I do? Go for blacksmith hunting again? Explore the city under the moonlight? Hunt the remnants of the rat race, besides me, in the sewers?

"Congratulation to the user, you have met the requirements to evolve. Please choose the evolution:

1- Ratman

2- Plague Rat

3- Undead Rat"

One of my trap still worked at that time of the day? Which moronic cat didn't go home but stayed outside? Doesn't really matter, what is more, important is that choice. And not one evolution possible, not two but yes, three. I am blessed by the System, thank you very much. I will unlock you this time. But the time is not right now, I am exposed on a human building. First, I need to go somewhere safe, in my empire from below. Commonly called the sewers.