Chapter 74

Name:A Noble Marriage Author:水木龙
Andre went home. Alexei had already gone to the military academy before. It took about two hours for Karenin to send him there.

In that environment, Karenin's approach would make the child's life a little better. But to be more comfortable, he has to rely on himself.

Anna's own life has to start again. Mr. Mann came to her shop.

There was no change in the shop, and prokhov stood at the small counter as seriously as usual. He laughed when he saw Anna, always plain.

"Have you had a good time?"

"Yes, very happy."

Anna went into the shop and laughed, but soon she noticed something.

"What happened?"

"What?" Prokhov looked a little dull and confused, but soon he laughed, "nothing."

Anna lightened her step and changed the subject: "where's Mr. Gorman?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that Mr. gohmann is not here today. He said you can practice the painting you sent before. He hasn't finished reading it. He will tell you tomorrow." Prokhov said, looking apologetic.

He's not like that. Anna thought.

Prokhov may be aware of his own abnormal, he simply closed the account book, looked up with a smile: "would you like to talk about those days?"

"Of course."

Anna smiles. If Mr. prokhov was not willing to talk about his concerns for the time being, she would not have asked him again and again.

But when wives are in doubt, husbands may find the reason.

"My Lord, isn't it suitable here?" Asked vorobev. He reserved the hotel box for Karenin and the French Foreign Minister, but Karenin stopped.

"No, nothing." Karenin replied, then went on to the box.

After sitting down, he read the menu that vorobev asked him to confirm. When he felt that there was no problem, he asked vorobev to set up the order, while he was waiting for the French diplomat.

During this free time, Karenin took a little mind off to think about what he had just seen.

Mr. Gorman and his daughter, as well as a strange man, and the ring that was seen was placed in the palm of the lady's hand.

Given their posture and expression, as well as the choice, there are two possibilities. A proposal ring is more likely to be small in their partner's style.

Although Karenin did not have much contact with the father and daughter, Anna did not mention them, and Mr. prokhov. Obviously, I have a good feeling for Miss aurea.

Thinking of this, Karenin put his hands on the table and meditated for a while.

He had always known how sentimental his wife was, and that she regarded them as friends.

Friend, yes. There have never been many friends in this circle. Karenin himself had no friends like this. Although he understood what was probably going on, fortunately and unfortunately, he had never felt it himself. But that doesn't mean he doesn't want to understand his wife's feelings and to do a little bit of maintenance for her feelings.

She doesn't need to know these things. He used to think so, but now, he is not sure.

"The so-called husband and wife, in addition to responsibility, there is also trust." This reminds Karenin that there is a little anxiety in the secret corner of his heart, but he finally decides to pacify it.

"You love her, don't you?"

Those who do not want to retreat.

So when Anna learned about all this after dinner, during her regular walk, she was surprised, but not as excited as Karenin thought.

She was really unhappy, with some loss and incomprehension, but still peaceful.

"I don't understand. Although we all think that aurea is only 13 years old, none of us can deny that she has a more mature mind

"But, I thought, no matter how to say, it's still too early to talk about love, but" she couldn't go on. She frowned in confusion, and then turned into a lost expression.

"It was impossible between them at first." Karenin said he slowed down his pace, his voice echoed the early summer evening wind, as if with a trace of heat.

"Identity, and uncertainty."

"Uncertainty?" Anna asked.

"I know you may have suspected that Miss aurea is not in good health, though she has not been confirmed."

Anna sighed, "you're right. I did think about it." She had thought that the mature and elegant gentle movements were due to deliberate learning, but later she found that the girl's sometimes pale face and cold fingers in cold and cloudy days were not just to make herself look more elegant.

She raised her head again and again, looking a little confused: "Mr. Gorman should have had a rich deposit, he can open the store even bigger. He is so proud of people, clearly the most disdain to do clothes for some people, but he did"Can't you help her?" she murmured

"Help?" Karenin repeated, then calmly said, "you should know them better than I do."

Yeah, Anna dropped her head.

If Mr. Gorman is not such a proud man, if aurea is indeed an innocent and romantic girl, if Mr. prodorf does not cherish the child so much.

"We all know that even Mr. prodorf himself is not sure whether it is love or not. After all, it's no ordinary thing. "

"Mr. prokhov's identity and poverty are indeed issues that Mr. Gorman needs to consider, but more importantly, the uncertainty of this admiration."

Karenin pauses for a moment, and then slowly reveals an irrefutable truth:

"Miss aurea needs a rich family, a more reliable guarantee than love."

What Karenin said was not incomprehensible to Anna. She even understood that there was no element of coercion. She knew that the two men would never force her if orea didn't want to, and that they might even wish she wouldn't.

But aurea is such a mature girl, she sees her destiny so calmly, she didn't want to disobey them from the beginning.

She used to arrange the drawings for Mr. Gorman in the backyard, and mend the broken hat for prokhov, with a calm look and movement.

She was like, let fate paint on her pale and fragile body, and willingly accepted them.

"She's still a child," she whispered.

"Not immediately married, just engaged." Karenin said. After that, he collected some information from the channels he had access to. He knew Anna would care.

"Timing." Karenin said somewhat reluctantly, "the timing is not always right. Most things in the world are like this. "

He meant, Mr. Gorman, that they could meet someone suitable for aurea. Sooner or later, it will happen.

Of course, people will pray that they will meet their partners in life at the best opportunity, but opportunities are always available but not available. Ordinary people can't afford to wait. They tend to hold on to the best one they can meet rather than expect the next ear of wheat.

"I understand." Anna said, raising her eyes and giving a sad smile.

"Love is very important to everyone, but in one's life, with the different circumstances, everyone feels that the most important thing is not necessarily love. Especially in this place. "

"Man's misfortune is not because God has given him too little, but because he is not satisfied." Karenin whispered that he was telling Anna a fact.

"That's a lady who knows how to be satisfied."

This evening, Anna understood, or she had understood long ago, that is to say, she is now easy to be satisfied and happy, that is, happiness is not easy for everyone.

So the next day, when she went to see Mr. Gorman in the shop, she did not ask him.

She saw the arrogant man's eyes on Miss aurea occasionally, complicated, but not intolerable, just like the smile of a black haired girl looking at him.

Mr. prokhov is a person who is less able to disguise his emotions.

After Mr. Gorman and miss aurea went out, Anna stood by and made a pot of Ceylon black tea. She also brought snacks.

It was raining outside. The rain was like pearls dripping down the ridge of the eaves, gathering into a pool of water on the ground.


"you know, don't you?" Asked Mr. prokhov, like a little sad dog.

"Yes." Anna nodded.

"I know you'll know, after all your husband," he said, with a smile of failure.

"He came to me before, and to be honest, it was a little scary." He laughed again, this time much better, "of course, I'm not talking about looks or temperaments. It's just that few husbands do this. I mean, in your circle. "

Because of emotional reasons, men speak a little bit confused, but still can understand.

"I understand."

Then, the air fell into a faint silent atmosphere, black tea dense ring, transpiration in the air, fog around, compared to the cold winter, this time is mixed with the summer heat, like helpless.

"As a matter of fact," prokhov confided, reorganizing his mood, "I still wanted to fight for it until I saw your husband."

"It took me three days to decide to give up the idea."

"Why?" Anna asked softly.

Prokhov raised his hand and wiped his nose, making a wrinkled smile of merit.

"Just, hesitated.""Miss aurea is like an angel. I love her. But I don't think I'll ever be like your husband. Understand every thought of another person, whether worldly or not, or, if not, try to understand. "

"I may still lack the courage to fight against the secular world."

"You're not. You don't mind me"

"ah, I appreciate you naturally." Mr. prokhov chuckled briskly. "But if it were my wife, I would not have been able to agree so readily."

"People are always hard on people close to them, aren't they?"

Anna looked at prokhov and tried to say something, but finally she swallowed it back.

They looked out and did not know how long the conversation had passed. Now, the rain had stopped.

"The rain has stopped." Said Mr. prokhov.

"After all, it's just a summer shower." He exclaimed, his voice full of the same cheerful, but also with relief.

Anna's fingers touched the already cold tea cup, and her mind moved slowly.

This week, Karenin's day off.

The servants also noticed that the hostess was in a low mood, so they became more careful.

Anna even got up late. She settled herself on the soft bed, and the light summer was hung on the carpet frivolously. She didn't perform her duty well, exposing the white leg of the hostess to the sunlight.

And those fine dust in the sun is naughty to kiss that touch of white, until, someone stingy to stop them.

Karenin covered Anna's quilt.

He had told all the servants not to disturb Anna, and even anuska was told by him.

Anna's low mood was like a continuous light, even Karenin was infected. Therefore, after breakfast alone, Karenin, who was supposed to go to his study to deal with official documents according to his daily habit, came to his wife's bedroom.

After covering Anna with a thin quilt, he stood on the edge of the bed for about half a minute, then obeyed his will, regardless of whether the shirt would become inappropriate because of the folds, or sat on the edge of the bed.

He raised his hand, some lovingly let his fingers brush his wife's brow, trying to smooth the frown in Shun dream.

It's a boring and completely meaningless thing.

But men look patient.

Time seems to be still at this moment, only warmth and love flow slowly on the fingertips with the movement of fingers.

When Anna wakes up, what she sees is Karenin with a touch of warmth and love.

Focused and emotional.

It was at this moment that the accumulated emotion suddenly seemed to find a vent. She raised her hands and gently held Karenin's neck.

She pressed against his chest, across the shirt, feeling the warm, beating heart for her.

Once again, she felt that she was so close to heaven.

The sound of the thin quilt rubbing against the sheet sounded softly and then fell helplessly on the carpet.

At the moment, the two men in bed have changed their order.

Anna put her hands on Karenin's shoulders, and she leaned up and looked at her husband.

She rarely looks at her husband with such a look down, which is usually her position.

So, she found another difference, fascinating, which is why men like to look down on women from this angle.

Your face will not become more beautiful, even, because of this posture, it will look a little embarrassed, but in any case, the feelings of the eyes will not be covered up.

The sunlight is full of water.

Karenin's eyes opened slowly, and then she opened her eyes slowly.

An open admiration.

This sight is like a silk thread, which entangles the negative emotions in Anna's heart. When her thoughts returned to reality, their positions changed again.

She returned to her familiar position.

When she saw the blue eyes, like deep ice crystals, with a trace of friendship attached to each cutting surface, she looked at her attentively.

She felt the shoulder straps of her pajamas being gently removed by Karenin, and the skin exposed to the air would not feel cold because some warm lips were touching them.

The temperature of the lips is not particularly hot, but the touch left by the place makes people want to shiver, as if, as long as it moves like that, your whole mind will inevitably follow its steps and sink.

She knew that Karenin was gently sucking the skin there, obstinately, after leaving a lot of marks, decided to leave a deeper bruise in a place he was satisfied with.

Before that, Anna thought she would feel shy, but in fact, she just gently raised her left hand, and her slender fingertips stroked the man's hair slowly with her slender fingertips.Good smell, fresh breath in the air to spread.

A trace of summer sunlight leaked from the screen curtain and came out at the end of the bed, making the place warm.

Anna put her feet close to the sunshine. She always preferred warm to cold.

Her thoughts were almost confused until the warm touch left. She opened her eyes and looked at the blue eyes again, but with a slow blink, she asked.

Karenin fiddled with her curly black hair, which was now falling on the sheet.

He didn't say anything, just a kiss on her brow, and then, like some kind of warm vegetation, held Anna in his chest.

In the action just now, Karenin took off his socks.

He might have had other plans, maybe not, Anna didn't know.

She was in a kind of contented predicament, immersed in sleep again. Small hands close to her husband's chest, originally some cool feet are close to each other's feet, together to accept that ray of sunshine.

The author has something to say: the agreement with Andre

Andre: if someone gives you candy and lets you go with him, will you follow him?

Little Bambi: shaking his head won't

Andre: fine, wait for me here

Petit Bambi: good to nod

later, Andre left for a while

stranger: I have candy, would you like to go with me?

Bambi: shake your head and don't

stranger: the cookie?

Little Bambi: don't get tangled up

Andre comes back just in time to see a stranger, he raises his fist, and the stranger runs away in dismay

Andre: does that person say that there is candy to let you go with him?

Bambi: Well, he said there were cookies

Andre: remember to give you cookies when you are scared, and you can't go with strangers!

Bambi: you can't give me more cookies with a soft smile.

Andre: Well, I suddenly feel that Bambi is getting smarter. Why?

Bambi: because I promised to wait for you! Angel smile

Andre covered his nose and thought: why is my cousin so cute? , the fastest update of the webnovel!