Chapter 54

Name:A Noble Marriage Author:水木龙
The next day, Anna had to go to aunt tyrier's with her brother and them.

She didn't like the aunt very much, but she wasn't loved very much.

Like this lady, Anna knows that she praises her only because she has a family name in her blood, not the excellence of her niece.

So when Anna kisses her aunt on the cheek, she suspects that she is kissing a mask, not a human face.

"I'm happy for you, skilvard. The inheritance of the o'bronsky family needs your wife to give you more children." Madame tiriere's calm voice was like a cold wind.

When she saw Tao Li's stomach, she pulled a reserved and noble smile on her face.

But the smile had nothing to do with warmth, and she nodded as if the o'bronsky family would welcome another newcomer, not because her nephew and niece's daughter-in-law would have their first child, just like a furry little thing.

The brother and sister winked at each other and kept snickering, until Madame tiriere looked at them, and then shut up in terror.

"And you, my dear?" Madame tiriere laid her eyes on Anna, then looked down a little, and looked at Anna's stomach.

It's embarrassing.

Anna instinctively wanted to wriggle, but her reason restrained her and answered her aunt's questions with a proper smile and a respectful tone.

"There's no news yet, but I'll remember."

Madame tiriere nodded, and she said something else, but between the lines she conveyed a message to these young people, not to disgrace the o'bronsky family.

Later, after lunch, Anna and they all went to their respective rooms to rest.

Although aunt tyrier was not very close to them, only poor families would not keep rooms for the younger generation.

This big house is really desolate, although luxurious, but lifeless.

Anna missed the afternoon tea time with the cooks, who always had a lot of witticism.

Not long after she sat down, the door was knocked.

Anna opened the door and saw that it was Tao Li, whose face was worried.

"What's the matter? Tao Li. "

She opened her mouth, hesitated, and finally said, "I heard from skyward that Alexei had been dropped out of school and they were not going to pick him up."

Anna knows Alexei, though she hasn't seen a real person.

It was her cousin's illegitimate son, and a maid's child before his cousin married his sister-in-law. Besides, there is another reason why she cares.

Aunt tyrier was very angry, but the child was a boy and of o'bronsky's blood, so she expelled the child's mother. But she could not accept that a foreign inferior gene had polluted the blood of o'bronsky, so she did not pay attention to this child.

After he could go to boarding school, he was sent over, and he was not allowed to come back easily.

"But he is only fourteen years old, and he is still a child." Anna said in some surprise, and then she calmed down.

"What did skyward say?"

"He wants to go, but I'm afraid..." Tao Li didn't go on. Anna knew her concerns. Their cousins are not easy to get along with.

"Where's your aunt?"

"She seems to have forgotten about it." Tao Li sighed.

"Probably not." Anna said, then thought, "let me go."


Anna patted dolly on the arm and said, "I'll go."

Anna cleaned up. She said a few words to skyward, and then went to her cousin, who was also there. What were the twins doing.

She went over and tried to kiss the children with a smile, but she was dodged and made a face at her.

"Children are not sensible and a little afraid of strangers, Anna. Don't mind. " Sister in law said with a smile, a white face expression is really uncomfortable.

"Of course not." Anna decided not to care or to beat around the Bush, then put on a smiling face: "I was just about to tell you something."

"What's the matter?"

The other side is suspicious. A sharp one was raised.

Anna said, "I heard that Alexei was coming back. Although I knew that my cousin would go to pick him up, you must have planned that, but I haven't seen the child for a long time, so I wanted to say, let me pick him up."

The cousin's face was a little ugly.

"Do you still decide to pick up the child yourself?" Anna asked cautiously

"Of course I think so, but I'm always willing to help you, my dear." She said with a smile.

Anna smiles. "I knew you would agree."

After leaving the room, Anna quickened her pace. She knew that, according to her character, she would go to her aunt later, but on the whole, aunt Terrier would not blame her.Unwillingness is one thing, but the obronski family cannot be another Moscow joke.

Anna felt a little heavy at the thought.

As a woman, she would sympathize with each other, but in fact, her prejudice against her cousin made it impossible for her to ignore the child like her aunt and family.

She took a carriage to the Moscow railway station, and made the coachman faster along the way, but arrived a little late.

By this time the crowd was much less, and Anna soon found Alexei, with his servants nearby.

Both the master and the servant were very thin, and the servant was not old enough. They were clearly two and a half year old children.

It was Alexei in the White Gold uniform, and Anna seemed to know why aunt tyrier didn't like the child so much.

Unlike the traditional black hair of the o'bronsky family, the child has pure blonde hair. His pale gray eyes and pale skin make him look very thin.

He can hardly find the shadow of the o'bronsky family in him. Both Anna and skyward belong to the healthy type, and there is not much anger in the child.

The unhealthy look is quite different from Aunt tyrier's efforts to make the o'bronsky family flourish.

Anna pauses for a moment, then comes forward and shouts, "Alexei."

The young man turned his head, and his half long golden hair almost covered his eyes, showing only his thin eyelids.

"Aunt Anna." Alexei whispered, the voice of the child in the transformation period is somewhat astringent.

Anna kisses the child on the cheek and the valet says hello to her.

"Let's go home." Anna said with a smile. She took Alexey's hand, but the latter was stunned. She raised her thin eyelids. Her eyelashes were slightly drooping, and her pupils were clear, but the pale gray pupils seemed to be full of melancholy.

These are the eyes.

Anna gives a soothing smile, and she pinches each other's hands.

The young man's heart vibrated, but in the end she followed Anna back without saying a word.

It was quiet at the long table at night.

Originally, it was quiet, but at the moment, there are more emotions similar to resentment.

Alexei did not eat in the kitchen like a servant. He still had the treatment that a noble young master should have in his family.

But judging from his reticent character and pale face, it was not warm that the family gave him.

Aunt tyrier and his cousins seemed to be trying to ignore the child's existence, and Anna noticed that Alexei's lips would pucker with every sound of a knife and fork.

After dinner, no one left.

Aunt tyrier was in her usual position.

A place of absolute authority.

She looked at her stern eyes.

Finally, she said, "you need to go to school in Germany next month."

Tori took a breath, and skyward couldn't help saying, "that's too far away."

Aunt Terrier looked at count o'bronsky sternly: "his birth did not bring honor to o'bronsky, and now, he still shames our family in such a famous school. Skyer, do you want to say that it is not proper to maintain the honor of our family?"

Obronsky muttered a few words of frustration. Tori approached her husband and put her right hand on his waist to comfort him.

"If he doesn't leave, we will be laughed at as soon as we go to school." Cried the brother of the twins.

"People will say that we have no breeding wild children!" My sister replied, but she was frightened by a cold rebuke from Aunt terrier.

"Dirty words from where!"

She's forced to hold her mouth. She's not satisfied.

No one objected to this decision. Alexei left quietly under the guidance of his servant. He said only one word during the whole process.


Before bedtime came, Tori came to Anna's room again, her eyes full of worry.

"How terrible, Anna." Tao Li said that she now has a mother's feeling of compassion.

"It's too cold for a child."

"Who says not." Anna said, drying the handwriting.

"Are you writing to Alexis alexandrovic?"

"Yes. I'm asking for his advice about Alexei Anna sealed the envelope with fire paint. Her voice was calm, as if she were talking about the weather.

Tao Li was a little surprised: "what's your plan?"

"I don't know, I think if he wants to, ask Alexey to find a school in Petersburg," Anna said

"You're going to take care of it?"

Anna thought for a moment: "I think so. I'll wait for Alexei's reply."Tao Li felt a little moved. She went to Anna and asked gently, "is there any reason? Anna. "

"There's no big reason," Anna said with a smile. "Don't you think Alexey's eyes are like Alexey's?"

Tao Li was stunned for a moment and thought about it seriously, but she didn't think it was very similar.

Anna knows that Tori doesn't feel it, but she doesn't explain.

Because, this is also his secret.

At that time, Karenin told her about the past. Anna thought that if he was not supported by a stubborn soul in his heart, he would not find the right direction and become a good man with a clear goal. Although he doesn't think so.

She had some regrets that she could not meet Karenin earlier. So now, seeing Alexei, the pale gray pupils under her thin eyelids, Anna hopes they will shine in the future.

The next day, at about three o'clock in the afternoon, Anna and aunt Terrier received letters.

In addition to the greetings from the husband to his wife, there were also answers.

The answer was yes, and said he would listen patiently to Anna when she came back.

Anna did not know how Karenin told aunt Terier in the letter, but the other party agreed to leave Alexei's school affairs to him.

After saying goodbye to them, Anna takes Alexei on the train back to Petersburg.

They still have a night's journey.

Anuska takes care of two people.

"Let's play games." Anna said.

"What do you want to play with?" Alexei asked softly, as if playing the game was not for his own relaxation, but for Anna's sudden interest.

Anna took the pen and paper and gave Alexei the simple game of Gobang with a smile. As she expected, Alexei learned very quickly.

The game is not difficult, but Anna observes that Alexei is still very serious and seems to be taking a very serious thing.

His hand holding the pen is very delicate. The knuckles are not thick, but they are more flexible than the girl's, and they have the strength of a young man. The skin is thin, like transparent, and faint blood vessels can be seen.

"Alexei, would you like to tell me the truth about that?" Anna asked casually, her hand still did not stop.

Alexei was stunned for a short time. Seeing that Anna didn't stop, he followed the other side.

"There's no truth, Aunt Anna. I did hit people." He drew the last circle and whispered, "I deliberately attacked his abdomen."

"Well, if you're not ready to tell the truth, go back to the next stop." Anna said in a cold voice.

She drew a new card and took the first step.

For a long time, the boy opposite asked, "will you really believe me?"

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't, but if you don't say it, there will be no result for me." Anna took the second step in a low voice.

Alexei closed his lips a few times and then whispered about the day.

The result is not so surprising. It's just a long-term campus violence.

"I don't know why I hit him. Those words are not much dirtier than before." Alexei said slowly, and he won another set.

Anna blinked at the paper. Maybe Alexei didn't notice, but he was so absorbed in the day's events that he forgot to follow some rules of tolerance that made Anna lose less quickly.

"As an adult, I don't advocate violence with you." Anna put down her pen, folded her hands on her arm, and looked up at her, "but as your aunt, I can't watch you being bullied and make you tolerate it."

"You're smart, Alexei. I'm sure you know what to do."

"So tell me, my dear, do you want to go to Germany or stay in Petersburg and go to the military academy?"

"That's all we can get for you."

Without thinking for too long, Alexei replied, "I never wanted to be a soldier." Indeed, Alexei's pale skin and blonde hair were often ridiculed.

"But if you'd like to give me the chance, I'd like to give it a try."

Anna laughed when she heard the answer.

Sure enough, she was right.

They didn't play the less clever game any more, and each picked up the book. She knew Alexei's pale gray eyes would look at her carefully from time to time, and she pretended not to know.

She was willing to fight for opportunities for this child like Karenin, but as for the future, it was up to him.

In the clanging sound of the train, staggering, dawn rising, the golden sun reflected on the snow, imprinted on the whole world has become as clean as birth.

When she got off the train and Anna was looking around, Karenin's voice came as scheduled, just like the icy cold wind, which was wrapped up with a layer of warmth, and inquiry was like the spring , the fastest update of the webnovel!